Waterborn's blog


Shared on Sat, 02/12/2011 - 18:24

Xīn Nián Kuài Lè

Happy Chinese New Year! This is the year of the Rabbit. My fiance and I hold an annual Chinese New Year Celebration each February. This year we are having 25 of our closest friends over for food, fun, video games and whatever. Every year I make roasted duck, ribs and Chinese Hot Pot (similar to fondue with meats and veggies cooked in broth). Below are some videos of the food prep. Stay tuned, as I will try to upload more pics and videos from the gathering as the night goes on.


Shared on Sat, 02/12/2011 - 18:24

Xīn Nián Kuài Lè

Happy Chinese New Year! This is the year of the Rabbit. My fiance and I hold an annual Chinese New Year Celebration each February. This year we are having 25 of our closest friends over for food, fun, video games and whatever. Every year I make roasted duck, ribs and Chinese Hot Pot (similar to fondue with meats and veggies cooked in broth). Below are some videos of the food prep. Stay tuned, as I will try to upload more pics and videos from the gathering as the night goes on.


Shared on Wed, 02/09/2011 - 08:01

TRON Cosnole Update - Enter to Win NOW

Unless you have been living under a rock, you should know by now about our upcoming Gamers Gone Wild party that we will be throwing on Friday, March 11th at Market in Boston in conjunction with PAXEast. This is the second year for this event and, just like the PAXEast expo, we are expanding into a larger venue.

Posted Image


Shared on Wed, 02/09/2011 - 08:01

TRON Cosnole Update - Enter to Win NOW

Unless you have been living under a rock, you should know by now about our upcoming Gamers Gone Wild party that we will be throwing on Friday, March 11th at Market in Boston in conjunction with PAXEast. This is the second year for this event and, just like the PAXEast expo, we are expanding into a larger venue.

Posted Image


Shared on Tue, 02/01/2011 - 19:51

Now For Something Completely Different - Bruce Lee Plays Ping Pong with Nunchucku

My fiance received this video from her father today. After watching it, I simply had to post it. Check it out as Bruce Lee, martial arts legend, plays not one, but two players in ping pong using only a pair of nunchucks.



Shared on Tue, 02/01/2011 - 19:51

Now For Something Completely Different - Bruce Lee Plays Ping Pong with Nunchucku

My fiance received this video from her father today. After watching it, I simply had to post it. Check it out as Bruce Lee, martial arts legend, plays not one, but two players in ping pong using only a pair of nunchucks.



Shared on Mon, 01/31/2011 - 22:36

More Gamers Gone Wild SWAG Has Arrived from Sega

I received another box of SWAG in support of our Gamers Gone Wild Party scheduled for Friday, March 11th at Market in Boston in conjunction with PAXEast 2011. This shipment arrived compliments of our good friend Kellie Parker at Sega America. Kelly and her team at Sega have always been great supporters of our efforts here at 2old2play and this year is no exception. Check out the unboxing video of the Sega shipment below. I guess you are wondering "How do I get my hand on some of this cool gaming SWAG?".


Shared on Mon, 01/31/2011 - 22:36

More Gamers Gone Wild SWAG Has Arrived from Sega

I received another box of SWAG in support of our Gamers Gone Wild Party scheduled for Friday, March 11th at Market in Boston in conjunction with PAXEast 2011. This shipment arrived compliments of our good friend Kellie Parker at Sega America. Kelly and her team at Sega have always been great supporters of our efforts here at 2old2play and this year is no exception. Check out the unboxing video of the Sega shipment below. I guess you are wondering "How do I get my hand on some of this cool gaming SWAG?".


Shared on Mon, 01/31/2011 - 10:50

Sunday Video Game Discovery

So Sunday's are my days to hang out with my girl and case the local antiques shops and flea markets for cool junk that we want to call our own. She is on the hunt for neat little nic-naks that we can use in our upcoming wedding and I always have my eyes peeled for video game related memorabilia and gear. We have several spots that we consider regular haunts. Due to the fact that we hit these places up almost weekly, we rarely find much there and can usually blaze through them pretty quickly. Well yesterday, as I was doing a "qucik scan" of one of these places, I found this.


Shared on Mon, 01/31/2011 - 10:50

Sunday Video Game Discovery

So Sunday's are my days to hang out with my girl and case the local antiques shops and flea markets for cool junk that we want to call our own. She is on the hunt for neat little nic-naks that we can use in our upcoming wedding and I always have my eyes peeled for video game related memorabilia and gear. We have several spots that we consider regular haunts. Due to the fact that we hit these places up almost weekly, we rarely find much there and can usually blaze through them pretty quickly. Well yesterday, as I was doing a "qucik scan" of one of these places, I found this.

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