SirPoonga's blog


Shared on Tue, 07/06/2010 - 11:22


I was accepted as a founding member for OnLive. This past holiday weekend I planned on trying out my new floorboards on my motorcycle. The rain put a stop to that plan. So with staying in this weekend I played OnLive quite abit. I didn't purchase any games, just played the 30 minute demo time limit.


Shared on Tue, 07/06/2010 - 11:22


I was accepted as a founding member for OnLive. This past holiday weekend I planned on trying out my new floorboards on my motorcycle. The rain put a stop to that plan. So with staying in this weekend I played OnLive quite abit. I didn't purchase any games, just played the 30 minute demo time limit.


Shared on Fri, 07/02/2010 - 17:03

PC gaming doesn't have to be expensive.

This is a great article on building a gaming PC on the cheap. It is a very good read. They do a great job explaining why they picked certain parts and when moving to the next budget scale why they changed certain parts over others. Of course this article does assume you are going to use your existing monitor, mouse, and keyboard.


Shared on Fri, 07/02/2010 - 17:03

PC gaming doesn't have to be expensive.

This is a great article on building a gaming PC on the cheap. It is a very good read. They do a great job explaining why they picked certain parts and when moving to the next budget scale why they changed certain parts over others. Of course this article does assume you are going to use your existing monitor, mouse, and keyboard.


Shared on Tue, 06/29/2010 - 14:26

Update on the router

After finally setting it up and finding a way to get my 1tb drive on it I have been able to try out most of the features.  First, like most things linux, the instructions aren't very detailed for certain things.  For example, I didn't understand how to setup the web access for the NAS.  I did figure it out after an hour of trial and error.  I didn't figur eout how ot access it using DynDNS which is what I would prefer.  I did figure out how ot access it through


Shared on Wed, 06/23/2010 - 16:20


I'm a founding member, woohoo.  Anyone else get in?  I know Tank did.  I would like to check out how it handles friends lists and suck.  Maybe write a review for the site.


Shared on Wed, 06/23/2010 - 16:20


I'm a founding member, woohoo.  Anyone else get in?  I know Tank did.  I would like to check out how it handles friends lists and suck.  Maybe write a review for the site.


Shared on Tue, 06/15/2010 - 22:41

Buffalo wzr-hp-g300nh router

Awesome router.  Now, this isn't a router for the every day person.  It has a unique feature that is comes with dd-wrt built in from factory.  DD-WRT is a linux based firmware that you can put on routers that has cool features.  However, it starts as a barebones linux server so you need to know linux in order to use it.  This is why I am surprised a company decided to make it the firmware of choice.  However, they put their own web interface on top of it that allows easy access to some really cool features. 


Shared on Tue, 06/15/2010 - 22:41

Buffalo wzr-hp-g300nh router

Awesome router.  Now, this isn't a router for the every day person.  It has a unique feature that is comes with dd-wrt built in from factory.  DD-WRT is a linux based firmware that you can put on routers that has cool features.  However, it starts as a barebones linux server so you need to know linux in order to use it.  This is why I am surprised a company decided to make it the firmware of choice.  However, they put their own web interface on top of it that allows easy access to some really cool features. 


Shared on Thu, 06/03/2010 - 13:03


I just learned some news which makes me second think getting a Victory. Polaris is shutting down their Osceola, WI plant and moving it to Mexico. Senator Dave Obey is making a big stink about how un-American the decision is.

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