SciDad23's blog


Shared on Thu, 08/03/2006 - 22:15

Game 2 NCAA Leage Results

Played Game 2 of the GSN clan NCAA 07 league tonight against Shuttdown.  Kinda weird, playing quiet, but Shut didn't have his headset on.  It's a personal preference, but it's kinda weird talking smack to yourself.  Nobody to whine to about the 2 lousy Roughing the Passer calls against me, and nobody to say "nice ball" when he beat me deep for 2 of his 3 TD's.


Shared on Sun, 07/30/2006 - 22:41

Sweet Deal

I got a fantastic deal on some baby furniture today.  My wife and I are starting to "try" for a second kid, and I was sweating bullets about having to furnish the "office" into a 2nd baby's room.  I'll be relegated to the basement like a troll, but hey, at least it's cool down there. 


Shared on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 22:34

Sweet Revenge

Evened up the series against Pulsaris on NCAA tonight.  28-17 (Ohio State Vs. Louisville)  Got a quick TD off the kickoff return to even the score, then it was a defensive game up until the end of the 4th, where I got lucky on an interception to give me a little breathing room.  Great game for online, football gives you the little "pauses" to talk that you don't get from an FPS. 


Shared on Mon, 07/24/2006 - 22:17

Monday, As Usual

Not that I'm a big fan of his, but Garfield was right.  Mondays blow.  They blow hard.  I just get used to staying up late all weekend gaming and I've gotta be in bed by midnight so I can be at work by 6 AM.  Thankfully I've never really needed more than 5 or 6 hours of sleep during the week.  i usually make it up on the weekends.  My wife rules, she lets me sleep in on Saturdays and she takes care of my 11 month old son.  My idiot employees at the plant, however, definately do NOT rule, as they wake me up at 7 AM on Saturday to ask me questions to which they should already know the answers


Shared on Tue, 07/18/2006 - 22:25

NCAA 2007 For the XBOX 360 Pretty Sweet So Far

Picked this up on my lunch hour today, got to play a game tonight after my wife went to bed.  So far, I like it.  The running game has always been great in the EA NCAA games, and this ones no exception from what I can see.  Lead blocking seems to have been improved as well, you cant just turbo out of a handoff, youll outrun your blocker and get stuffed on the corner.  I like the mini-games as well, Bowling is pretty cool.  Its basically Red Zone practice, but with different scoring.  Tug of war is pretty cool as well, and the Option mini game has some definate on-field benefits as well.  Its a


Shared on Sat, 07/15/2006 - 21:59

I did NOTHING today, and NOTHING rocks

The closest I did to actually doing anything was 1 load of laundry.  Gotta love lazy Saturdays.   Played several rounds of Tiger Woods 06 for the PC.  Also played an hour or so of Half Live 2: Episode One.  Gabe Newell is a genius. 


Shared on Thu, 07/13/2006 - 20:52

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06

Picked this up for the PC the other day, best 20 bucks Ive spent in a long time.  I had the 360 version, which was pretty, but stripped down.  The PC version has the gameplay all over the 360.  Hope the 360 version of 07 is as good as the PC version of 06, because Id rather play golf on my 52" HDTV than on my 17" LCD monitor. 



Shared on Mon, 07/10/2006 - 22:01

Back to the Grind

Well, I enjoyed my Monday off.  My wife suggested that we catch a matinee and drop my 10 1/2 month old son off at my mother-in-laws for the afternoon.  A movie and no child responsibilities for a few hours?  Im sold.  We check the showtimes and find that Pirates of the Carribbean:  Dead Mans Chest is playing at the "fancy" theater in Voorhees.  No kids allowed without parents, they sell coffee and pastries in the lobby instead of candy and the seats are cushy and not right on top of each other.  Nice experience compared to being crammed into a tiny theater with 300 kids watching Superman Re


Shared on Sun, 07/09/2006 - 22:48

Gotta Love Getting Monday Off

Usually Im in bed by midnight on Sunday nights, normally have to be in the office by 6 AM on Mondays.   But since I had to work Saturday, I get Monday off.  My boss apparently wasnt listening when I told him I was taking off Monday, because he simply agreed and asked me to close his office door on my way out.  Gotta love asking questions when the head honcho is distracted. 


Shared on Fri, 07/07/2006 - 21:45

Its Now Official

I officially now have too many games.  I was cleaning out my desk, found a box for the Sims 2, empty mind you, no DVD case, no software.  I distinctly remember playing the Sims 2, but for the life of me I cannot find the actual program.  I cant remember if I sold it, traded it in for something else, or just lost the sucker.  Oh well, itll turn up eventually.  I didnt even really want to play it, but now Im beating my head in trying to figure out what I did with it. 

This is why I asked my wife to handle the bill paying when we got married. 

Wow.  How sad am I?

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