SciDad23's blog


Shared on Sun, 12/17/2006 - 01:34

Wii - Less Fun Alone?

Been a while since I posted, and since I'm waiting for a DVD to finish burning, thought I'd throw out a few thoughts. 


Shared on Sun, 12/17/2006 - 01:34

Wii - Less Fun Alone?

Been a while since I posted, and since I'm waiting for a DVD to finish burning, thought I'd throw out a few thoughts. 


Shared on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 20:51

DS = Travelling Gaming

As I previously stated in some random ramblings, I'm going to Europe for a few weeks for work.  While I usually bring a bunch of DVD's with me to watch on the laptop, I get tired of passive entertainment after a while.  I traded in a barely functioning PS2 (constand DRE's) and a bunch of old games and picked up a DS Lite and a few games (Mario Kart DS, True Swing Golf, Big Brain Academy, Animal Crossing, and Castlevania). 


Shared on Mon, 09/25/2006 - 22:14


I'm really looking forward to the new NBA2k7 for the 360.  I've been playing basketball games in some form or another since the Atari 2600.  Here's my top 3 of all time

Sega Genesis:  Bulls Vs. Celtics ---- as quite possibly one of the biggest MJ fans on the planet, this game was a dream come true.  My brother always played the Celts and tried bombing 3's with Bird, but never could beat me and MJ.  heheh


Shared on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 21:33

Going Back to Europe

I just found out today that I have to go back to Europe for 2 weeks.  I spent a week or so last November in Zurich, Switzerland and Marbach, Germany.  This time I'm going to Marbach again, then to Paris, France......then Louviers, France......then to London, UK.....BACK to Louviers, France, ......back to Paris, France.....then back home to NJ. 


Shared on Sun, 09/17/2006 - 22:40

Starting him out early

Figured I'd "brag a little", and throw out a picture of my little buddy.  This is my son, just turned 1.  He's the reason I go to work every day and get my head kicked in by my boss.  I never knew what "pride and joy" really meant until we had this little bugger.


Shared on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 23:29

Been a while....

It's been a while since I put anything down in this little white box, so what the heck.

The Plantronics headset works great, after having to exchange it due to a faulty mute switch on the first unit.  Otherwise, it's way more comfortable than the standard 360 headset and should hold me over quite nicely until the wireless headset comes out. 


Shared on Sat, 08/19/2006 - 23:17

Friggin 360 Headset

Got this thing with the Premium 360, and it's already crapped out.  I can talk, but can't hear squat through it.  The only way I can hear is to route the sound through my speakers, which is weird because it sounds like people are talking to me from behind my TV.  I opened the headset up and found the problem, solder broke on the speaker connection.  Now I have a choice, solder it or replace it.  I don't have a soldering iron or solder, haven't really had a lot of experience soldering, and I'm not sure which point on the board the wire should be connected.  I can replace it with one of thesef o


Shared on Tue, 08/15/2006 - 21:35

Gotta Love "Bright Ideas"

I had one of these "Bright Ideas" the other day, and now it seems it's going to evolve into a GIANT project.  I made the mistake of talking out loud to my wife about the fact that our house was going to be a little tight if and when we have a second child.  My son is turning 1 at the end of the month and our house is too small to hold the party, so we're using my parents place instead.  Don't get me wrong, my house is nice, it's an older Cape Cod, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, full basement, blah blah blah. 


Shared on Tue, 08/08/2006 - 22:24

Zombie Shopping Mall Fun

Downloaded the demo of "Dead Rising" for the 360. So far it's a blast. I played through the level several times before dinner, my wife said she heard me giggling like a schoolgirl.

I love the open ended feel of the demo, you really just got to experiment and use different weapons/tactics on the zombies. The visuals were great, and the AI is different enough to make it fun. The zombies go from slow "shamblers" to some pretty quick lunging fellas. If you get surrounded, you will get chewed on.

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