chilm's blog


Shared on Wed, 09/20/2006 - 03:39

Today I stopped smoking!

... well, the tobacco anyways *ahem*

On Monday (Sept 18th) I was delivered a book on stopping smoking, by last night I had completed reading it (it is only 150-200 pages, and pretty quick to get through) and stumped out my last cigarette.  That was it.  None of this hardness over giving up, the 'stress' etc.  Just stopped.


Shared on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 08:55

As I near 30 ...

Painted by a British dude I met on Chromehounds, and wiile waiting for a few of the squad to get on, we ended up chatting a while and, as you do, I discovered he was a painter.  He mainly does nudes as they sell better than most others, and I asked to him to send me a link when he next eBay'd them.  He did so, and soon after I bought these two pieces.

Best thing is, he takes commissions, so I'll be sending hima few choice pictures to paint up as soon as I have a lttle spare cash ... and have decided on what exactly I want painted.


Shared on Tue, 09/12/2006 - 04:33

Thank the lordy for my NDS!

My Lady pretty much detest gaming machines - it goes back some time with her and her mothers now husband (we don't use the 'step-father' term) and his general obsession with gaming.  As such, the attitude has impacted somewhat on our relationship over the last 5 or so years.  No real biggie, just the occasional scuffle over it ...


Shared on Mon, 09/11/2006 - 01:36

The Day The World Changed

There is a theory called the 6 (or is it 7?) Degrees of Seperation - a concept that says that everyone in the world is connected to everyone else through 6 (or 7) leaps from person to person.  Even though I did not know anyone directly involved in the Twin Towers destruction, I do have a connection as close as 2 degrees from myself, and that is close enough to appreciate the pain it caused just that little more.


Shared on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 07:35

Oh, and ...

A few initial blog bookmarks for special reasons

MikeJames for inviting me here in the first place - thanks again mate!

DSmooth for helping with my dumb as shit questions on how to get this going in the first place - cheers dude.


Shared on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 07:04

Ok, so after a somewhat dumb start ...

... I'm finally a blogger!

Thanks to Derek for popping my blog cherry! Haha!

Hmmm, the weight of responsibility is now settling on my shoulders, and I feel I need to speak some words of wisdom or some suchness.  Alas, nothing is coming as yet (bugger!)

I can't believe I missed the blog setup page in my area of this great site ... Honestly, althought I do appear so, I'm not always so dumb.

Hopefully I'll get a proper grasp on all this blogging stuff and start updating on a regular basis and with some, at least a little interesting, items.

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