fecknmental's blog


Shared on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 06:09

New Bungie

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This is what i saw when i first checked on the bungie website after he had been upgraded to the so sexy new look :)

I was confronted with my medals how dare they tempt me to play by showing me my rampage lol.

I love the updated Bungie.net it looks so snazzy yet at frist i was lost in it i still oved all the new features etc and just to see Halo 3 stats coming soon droool


Shared on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 06:09

New Bungie

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This is what i saw when i first checked on the bungie website after he had been upgraded to the so sexy new look :)

I was confronted with my medals how dare they tempt me to play by showing me my rampage lol.

I love the updated Bungie.net it looks so snazzy yet at frist i was lost in it i still oved all the new features etc and just to see Halo 3 stats coming soon droool


Shared on Tue, 01/02/2007 - 09:59

Long awaited update

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Ok thought it was time to do a little update now as it has been about 10 weeks or so.

I havent really been keeping up with how many weeks etc lately but my partner has :)

I am not feeling any healthier with yet another chest infection breqing :( but surely in time it will lol.


Shared on Tue, 01/02/2007 - 09:59

Long awaited update

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Ok thought it was time to do a little update now as it has been about 10 weeks or so.

I havent really been keeping up with how many weeks etc lately but my partner has :)

I am not feeling any healthier with yet another chest infection breqing :( but surely in time it will lol.


Shared on Mon, 12/04/2006 - 12:01

My Update

Well i am sorry for not updating in a while but as it stand i have gone 7 weeks tomorrow without a smoke yay. I have no actual cravings just times i want one for the sake of having one :lol:
I keep telling my partner i am just seeing if can do it then strting back up which as you can tell dosent really go down well but hey you cant say i have lost my sense of humour hehehe.

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Shared on Mon, 12/04/2006 - 12:01

My Update

Well i am sorry for not updating in a while but as it stand i have gone 7 weeks tomorrow without a smoke yay. I have no actual cravings just times i want one for the sake of having one :lol:
I keep telling my partner i am just seeing if can do it then strting back up which as you can tell dosent really go down well but hey you cant say i have lost my sense of humour hehehe.

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Shared on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 14:23

Crappy 360

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Not mine but will be soon :lol:

I know it seems like all i do is bitch about how bad the 360 is but is it any wonder?


Shared on Tue, 11/07/2006 - 16:47

Some pics of here

Ok i know i said i would do it a few days ago but i have been working and also just lazy :lol:
Here are a few pics of here and surrounding and will look out some beter ones in the next few days ;)
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Shared on Tue, 11/07/2006 - 16:25

3rd week no smoking

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Well just a wee update on the non smoking but not much to tell.
Still havent had a smoke and now starting to deel like i have so much more energy which is great i am actually going out for walks with my wee boy and even contemplating startng back at my martial arts.


Shared on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 11:33

My wee walk

I know some people dont like double posts on the same day but honestly its just tough luck :lol:

I took my wee boy out for a walk today cause we were bothe really bored as we get when we aint playing the games :lol:
We took some pics which is teh funny part as my wee boy (6yrs old) took one which was the best one and mine were all appauling :lol:
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