fecknmental's blog


Shared on Sun, 10/15/2006 - 19:44

Halo Today

I was playing a game of halo today as you do but i was using my wee boys account as wante to get the level up a bit before i cancel it.
At the start of the game my team immediately started killing themselves and betraying and eventually i was on my own with -9 kills for the team score :(
I thought about quitting as didnt see the point in continuing but thought whats the harm its my boys account so might as well enjoy it.


Shared on Fri, 10/13/2006 - 15:27

Halo 3 curiosity

Well after all this talk on Halo 3 on the main page blog got me thinking about pre orders and stuff.
As i am from the UK i was using the UK stores for some indication on what to expect and i only checked 2 websites.
Already there is a different in price and they have it available for pre order now.

Game are doing it for £44.99

Play ws the next stop and they are pre ordering the game for £39.99


Shared on Fri, 10/13/2006 - 07:28

Game crashes

Ok I for one dont mind the occasional crash in a game it ecepted as much as it can be annoying especially when like me i played my through King Kong not saving it for the game to crash and having to start again (as if it wasnt boring enough the 1st). Then to top it all off i found some cheats for the game so i could go back to where i was.
Great i thought until i completed the level and across the screen in red letters cam up i cheated and it wouldnt stand i wouldnt mind i wasnt cheating to get passed the level i was on just to get to it grrrrrr.


Shared on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 18:36

Lockout, Containment and Coagulation

You guessed it Halo 2 lol.

I have been having a lot of troubles with these maps over the last month or two i cant load any of them?
Me and my clan got together for a clan catch up and it was a total nightmare there was easy 20 minutes between games just with us all trying to find maps that we could all load :(


Shared on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 16:49


Personally I am quite a fussy gamer lol.
I only like one fps and that is Halo and i only like cause of the muiltiplayer but the one thing that dissapoints me mostly is the fighting games.
I am a Tekken freak at heart that has to be my all time favourite game unfortunately there is only one Tekken and thats for the PS :(
I do like driving games I must admit i loved PGR3 however found the online competition a bit too abusive and just plain idiots on it however i loved it when i got up with my friends.


Shared on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 15:44


I like the general idea behind the Karma options however i think that it can be used in the wrong way.

For example i seem to always get into a discussion regarding PS3 vs 360 and yes i admit i get annoyed sometime when some people decide the fate of Sony before the ar has even begun but i try not to show this in the posts.
Here is an example of what i mean.



Shared on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 18:49

Repetitive games

I was sitting at work really bored at 23:00 and started thinking about games that are coming out etc.

I think that we need something totally different but when i was thinking about it i couldnt really decide what? I got thinking that there should be a game that has everything in it e.g. Dead rising so theres pleanty to kill and a bit of halo as you cant beat the controlling system etc.


Shared on Tue, 10/03/2006 - 11:34

XBOX 360 V`s PS3 Looks

Ok i am just looking at my 360 and thought it just looks a computer? Theres no new design its just a bog standard computer. Looking at the PS3 however it looks new it has a refreshing look to it and it looks sweet. How many of you are actually not starting to get curious as to this PS3 that we know so little about I know I am. I hope they dont have any problems at lauch or at least if I get one it lasts longer than 4hrs which would be a better start than the 360.


Shared on Tue, 10/03/2006 - 10:40

Halo 2

Hello every one :) For those of you who have had the misfortune of playing with me on halo know how much i take the game to the extreme lol. I love team sniper and have played over 3000 games now i think on this gamertag alone but do you think i am wrong in using another gamertag so i can play with other people and let them enjoy playing? I used to be a 30 on sniper but had a new GT so encouraged a few people from my clan to play sniper with me. this was not so they would get a boost in there level but just so they could at least get a chance to walk 2 steps without being killed.

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