fecknmental's blog


Shared on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 08:05

My poor tongue

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The rotter with a hole :lol:

Ok now i dont know if its just me but my tongue is so blooming sore since i quit smoking?
I dont know if it maybe has something to do with the 4 packs of Polo mints i am sucking or not but jesus how sore can you get :lol:


Shared on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 18:52

2 Weeks and still quit smoking

Ok well i have really surprised myself with how well i have done. Two weeks on and i still havent had a smoke and i dont even miss them now. I really cant believe how easy it is this time round its probably down to all the bad health i have had but still yay.

I am still eating too much and so much for the excersize and eating healthy that stuffs all broing lmao but still I AM NOT SMOKING :lol:

Just a funny vid i thought i would share as i thought it was funny :)


Shared on Sat, 10/28/2006 - 19:06

HDDVD V`s Bluray

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I was into the differences between the Bluray and the HDDVD as i thought that the size difference between the two disks would make a considerable difference in quality etc. I found this handy little website which i thought was not only the movies they were talking a bout as this explained exactly the whole PS3 V`s 360.


Shared on Tue, 10/24/2006 - 04:41

My quest :)

Resistance: Fall of Man

I am determined to find a game on the PS3 that people cant say the graphics look crap on or how shit does that look etc.
I think i may have finally found a game that no one can knock the graphics are awesome with all the detail you could possibly want and more.
Now i know some of you (codemonkey lol) will say that the images have been tweaked etc etc but you dont really know this and too a point every game is when publisising.
I think Sony have realised the GOW is going to massive and bringing this out to sort of compete with it?


Shared on Mon, 10/23/2006 - 15:57

1 Week YAY

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Well thats me now reached the 1 week without a smoke stage and must say i dont feel that much better yet for it?
I have even been around my friends at work in the smoking area and didnt feel the urge to smoke until i had a run in with my boss who is just being bastard but hey they all are lmao.


Shared on Fri, 10/20/2006 - 13:28

No smoking update :-)

Well i am now on my 4th day and i am still feeling strong yay.
Inpart from tyhe disusting cleaning of the lungs thats going on i am not feeling much different than usual. I was out at a friends house last night which was hard as i would normanlly smoke like a chimney at his but i kept it up and just had an earlier finish than usual.

I am eating a lot more than usual and my partner is laughing at the thought that i may gain 2st at the this rate but at least i will be able to burn that off if it comes to it lmao.


Shared on Fri, 10/20/2006 - 05:57


Ok i have seen a lot of people stating that the graphics for the PS3 (MGS4) are not that good and they are not that impressed?
After watching the videos again and again i couldnt figure out how people can say that the graphics are not that good?
I looked at MGS4 and then GRAW for the 360 as this is probably when of the better graphic games on the 360. When i done this i thought MGS4 is one of the 1sst games for the PS3 and GRAW isnt so it should be a bit unfair on the PS3 but just see.


Shared on Thu, 10/19/2006 - 19:54

Getting fed up

I have been blogging a week now if that and i have noticed that there are some really sad people around.
I have noticed that everytime i put a blog and it dosent matter what its about i have a negative mark. This is within seconds of me clicking the submit button so it has been impossible for the person to read the blogs or watch the videos.
I like the idea of Blog marking as this means the good ones stay on top but for someone to come ina and just automatically mark it down just because they dont like me or whatever is just downright sad.


Shared on Thu, 10/19/2006 - 08:16

Console googled

I was curious as to what the results would be if i typed certain things into Google.
There are a lot of people stating that the PS3 has a lot of bad publicity but when i typed in PS3 to google i found 109,000,000
When i typed in xbox 360 i found 111,000,000 looks like the figures are starting to get closer now.
Funny enough when i typed in 360 faults i got 1,140,000.


Shared on Thu, 10/19/2006 - 06:40

3rd day without a smoke

Ok i am now realising how much i actually enjoy a smoke :(

I still havent broken in yet and feel good about myself knowing i havent but when i was playing Halo lastnight i think it was maybe obvious :lol:

A bit of advice to anyone thinking about quitting stay away from team SWAT if you dont like being spawn killed i found this to be a little too much excitement for me and me being me i had to vocalise the fact that the oponents were so skillful etc killing us on the spawn the whole way through the game.

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