Baine's blog


Shared on Tue, 04/29/2008 - 11:37



Shared on Tue, 04/29/2008 - 11:37



Shared on Thu, 04/24/2008 - 14:31


So there is this aweful Easy listening station I have to play at work so it doesn't offend anyone.

Well, at some point I had entered to win something, and to do so you have to join their "club".

I never thought anything of it until yesterday when I got a call from someone saying they called my name on the radio.


Shared on Thu, 04/24/2008 - 14:31


So there is this aweful Easy listening station I have to play at work so it doesn't offend anyone.

Well, at some point I had entered to win something, and to do so you have to join their "club".

I never thought anything of it until yesterday when I got a call from someone saying they called my name on the radio.


Shared on Thu, 04/24/2008 - 09:11


Weather in NY has been great for about 10 days.  No rain, warm...dry. 

So the pollen and shit is out of CONTROL.

Today, I have allergies.  Sore throat, stuffy head..blah blah.

The good news, the PA where I work had some allergy medicine which she gave me...YAY.


Shared on Thu, 04/24/2008 - 09:11


Weather in NY has been great for about 10 days.  No rain, warm...dry. 

So the pollen and shit is out of CONTROL.

Today, I have allergies.  Sore throat, stuffy head..blah blah.

The good news, the PA where I work had some allergy medicine which she gave me...YAY.


Shared on Mon, 04/14/2008 - 11:43

It returns....

The 2008 Rendition of the Rainbow Six Vegas Bukake Screamfest.

This year in its new home of ClaNarchy with Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 as the game dijour.

Details to follow.

Remember..if its Bukake....its ClaNarchy!


Shared on Mon, 04/14/2008 - 11:43

It returns....

The 2008 Rendition of the Rainbow Six Vegas Bukake Screamfest.

This year in its new home of ClaNarchy with Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 as the game dijour.

Details to follow.

Remember..if its Bukake....its ClaNarchy!


Shared on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 07:53

Its nice to help someone

In my job, we "help" alot of people, everyday. But its like a service, its really nothing special to us as techs/managers. Diagnose a bloodclot, or a lesion in a artery, the patient gets help, gets better and moves on. We do it all day, everyday, somedays more than others. And it doesn't really give you that "feel good moment" that often. The patient gets their test and gets better and they move on and don't think to much about what you did for them, and you don't think of that patient again.


Shared on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 07:53

Its nice to help someone

In my job, we "help" alot of people, everyday. But its like a service, its really nothing special to us as techs/managers. Diagnose a bloodclot, or a lesion in a artery, the patient gets help, gets better and moves on. We do it all day, everyday, somedays more than others. And it doesn't really give you that "feel good moment" that often. The patient gets their test and gets better and they move on and don't think to much about what you did for them, and you don't think of that patient again.

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