SexKitten's blog


Shared on Sat, 10/06/2007 - 12:03

I am Hurt....

I feel like my clanmates hate me because I didn't want to play Halo 3 last night.  I fell in love with Skillz and Drillz, and the Clan on those drunken Friday nights playing Rainbow Six.  Anyone who knows me knows I hate change, and damit I just learned the buttons, and I think I am getting better...MAYBE I SHOULD START A R6V CLAN.


Shared on Sat, 10/06/2007 - 12:03

I am Hurt....

I feel like my clanmates hate me because I didn't want to play Halo 3 last night.  I fell in love with Skillz and Drillz, and the Clan on those drunken Friday nights playing Rainbow Six.  Anyone who knows me knows I hate change, and damit I just learned the buttons, and I think I am getting better...MAYBE I SHOULD START A R6V CLAN.


Shared on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 10:02


hope all had a great weekend!


Shared on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 10:02


hope all had a great weekend!


Shared on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 19:29

15 days 1 hour....

well I am going strong. I have wanted a cigarette, but not really..can't even be around them right now too much.  So Woohooo for me!!!!!!!!!



Shared on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 19:29

15 days 1 hour....

well I am going strong. I have wanted a cigarette, but not really..can't even be around them right now too much.  So Woohooo for me!!!!!!!!!



Shared on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 22:00

Halo 3......WTF???

I worked my ass off again tonight, didn't leave work until 8:15pm.  I was so ready to hop online an shoot some terrorists, that always makes me feel better, and believe it or not usually turns me on!  I love R6V...anyway, I get online and what do I see.......................all of my friends that were online were playing Halo 3...all 29 of them.  Now I am not against Halo at all, please don't take this the wrong way, but dam-age.  With my being sick and off work we just couldn't afford we don't have it yet.


Shared on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 22:00

Halo 3......WTF???

I worked my ass off again tonight, didn't leave work until 8:15pm.  I was so ready to hop online an shoot some terrorists, that always makes me feel better, and believe it or not usually turns me on!  I love R6V...anyway, I get online and what do I see.......................all of my friends that were online were playing Halo 3...all 29 of them.  Now I am not against Halo at all, please don't take this the wrong way, but dam-age.  With my being sick and off work we just couldn't afford we don't have it yet.


Shared on Sun, 09/23/2007 - 13:38

12 days 19 hours.....

I have been so busy this week. I have been working 11-12 hours a day, trying to get caught up on everything that has piled up at my desk. I have really great "promising" news though. Most of you know that I am a contractor, which means I do not get paid for holidays, have benefits, get vacation, insurance and such. I am only allowed no more than 10 hours of ot a week and must be pre-approved. So yes, everything past 7 pm all last week, I did not get paid for. Most days I didn't leave until 830. But it was in my best interest to knock that out.


Shared on Sun, 09/23/2007 - 13:38

12 days 19 hours.....

I have been so busy this week. I have been working 11-12 hours a day, trying to get caught up on everything that has piled up at my desk. I have really great "promising" news though. Most of you know that I am a contractor, which means I do not get paid for holidays, have benefits, get vacation, insurance and such. I am only allowed no more than 10 hours of ot a week and must be pre-approved. So yes, everything past 7 pm all last week, I did not get paid for. Most days I didn't leave until 830. But it was in my best interest to knock that out.

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