SexKitten's blog


Shared on Sun, 09/16/2007 - 17:06

God Bless the American Soldier..

I was digging through my stuff today on my computer and I found this video I DL when it first came out.  I cried the very first time I heard this song.  At the time I had family and friends over in IRAQ.  I am blessed because they returned home safely.  Hearing this song made me remember what they sacraficed for us, and still are.  I just wanted to say thank you for making us rest a little easier at night.  God Bless you all...



Shared on Sun, 09/16/2007 - 17:06

God Bless the American Soldier..

I was digging through my stuff today on my computer and I found this video I DL when it first came out.  I cried the very first time I heard this song.  At the time I had family and friends over in IRAQ.  I am blessed because they returned home safely.  Hearing this song made me remember what they sacraficed for us, and still are.  I just wanted to say thank you for making us rest a little easier at night.  God Bless you all...



Shared on Sun, 09/16/2007 - 11:55

5 days, 11 hours & 46 minutes

*doing the happy dance* On a side note, I actually forgot to change my patch last night. I did it this morning.

On to other things, Well I venture back to work tomorrow....and i am excited about that. I am so far behind I am not sure if I will ever catch up. I have a lot to do is my list:

1. Wash my work clothes and put them up.

2. clean the Kitchen.

3. Mop and vacumn the floors.

4. Clean the bathroom.

6.go to bed at a decent hour..LOL which is getting harder and harder to do....


Shared on Sun, 09/16/2007 - 11:55

5 days, 11 hours & 46 minutes

*doing the happy dance* On a side note, I actually forgot to change my patch last night. I did it this morning.

On to other things, Well I venture back to work tomorrow....and i am excited about that. I am so far behind I am not sure if I will ever catch up. I have a lot to do is my list:

1. Wash my work clothes and put them up.

2. clean the Kitchen.

3. Mop and vacumn the floors.

4. Clean the bathroom.

6.go to bed at a decent hour..LOL which is getting harder and harder to do....


Shared on Sat, 09/15/2007 - 14:46

116 hours & 5 minutes



Well, Last night was S&D..and I guess that their were offically two versions available, the COD4 Beta, and R6V.  I was in the R6V version and had a blast.  YEM finally showed up when he got tired of the BETA, but I missed RABB all together.  Fairy had tried to join them but kept getting a server error or something so the rest of us didn't try.

My neighbor lent me his extra headset, which is the Motorola NFL version..LOL but at least I could was good times had by all. We somewhere between 7-9, not a huge group but big enough!


Shared on Sat, 09/15/2007 - 14:46

116 hours & 5 minutes



Well, Last night was S&D..and I guess that their were offically two versions available, the COD4 Beta, and R6V.  I was in the R6V version and had a blast.  YEM finally showed up when he got tired of the BETA, but I missed RABB all together.  Fairy had tried to join them but kept getting a server error or something so the rest of us didn't try.

My neighbor lent me his extra headset, which is the Motorola NFL version..LOL but at least I could was good times had by all. We somewhere between 7-9, not a huge group but big enough!


Shared on Fri, 09/14/2007 - 12:34

89 hours and 17 minutes!!!


I want to thank JCAT for sending me the link with such helpful information.  I will use it and it makes me feel good to know that there was a proven scientific reason that it was harder for me to quite than my husband. 


Shared on Fri, 09/14/2007 - 12:34

89 hours and 17 minutes!!!


I want to thank JCAT for sending me the link with such helpful information.  I will use it and it makes me feel good to know that there was a proven scientific reason that it was harder for me to quite than my husband. 


Shared on Thu, 09/13/2007 - 17:26

I'll give you fuckers a reason to vote a NEGative..

I was looking for support, and just posting in general how my progress was going.  I did NOT double WTF is you GD problem?  I am so fucking tired of people and their negativity that I could scream..  You want something to post negative about..well here you go.


I don't believe in organized religion.  I think those that are so blind to what appears to be so obvious, are pawns in a game much bigger than they are.  In fact I feel, it's like being lead around by your balls...a slave to your beliefs..In MY opinion.


Shared on Thu, 09/13/2007 - 17:26

I'll give you fuckers a reason to vote a NEGative..

I was looking for support, and just posting in general how my progress was going.  I did NOT double WTF is you GD problem?  I am so fucking tired of people and their negativity that I could scream..  You want something to post negative about..well here you go.


I don't believe in organized religion.  I think those that are so blind to what appears to be so obvious, are pawns in a game much bigger than they are.  In fact I feel, it's like being lead around by your balls...a slave to your beliefs..In MY opinion.

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