SexKitten's blog


Shared on Mon, 04/07/2008 - 05:56

Sunday Night Play Time NOT NSFW

It was amazing! AND I got my laundry done..yea me! Hubby & I played Vegas 2 with Fairy and we had a blast. I don't kiss and tell so I will just say we had a great time killing terrorists, good company & well good times had by all. I had a nightmare and woke up wide awake at 430 this morning. DAM-AGE. So I thought I would blog a bit. It's Monday, but I still look forward to going to work, because I actually love my job, and now my best friend is there, so that is an added bonus! Have a SUPER FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC monday!!!!!!!!!!!!


Shared on Mon, 04/07/2008 - 05:56

Sunday Night Play Time NOT NSFW

It was amazing! AND I got my laundry done..yea me! Hubby & I played Vegas 2 with Fairy and we had a blast. I don't kiss and tell so I will just say we had a great time killing terrorists, good company & well good times had by all. I had a nightmare and woke up wide awake at 430 this morning. DAM-AGE. So I thought I would blog a bit. It's Monday, but I still look forward to going to work, because I actually love my job, and now my best friend is there, so that is an added bonus! Have a SUPER FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC monday!!!!!!!!!!!!


Shared on Sun, 04/06/2008 - 19:05

Fire & Brimstone

well I know this is sparatic, but I have a few minutes in between loads of laundry.  Laundry is the antichrist....itd an abomination!!!!!!!!!  Watch out it is lurking in your home as well...LOL well anyway, things are going good on the home front.  We both have Vegas two..yea for that...


Shared on Sun, 04/06/2008 - 19:05

Fire & Brimstone

well I know this is sparatic, but I have a few minutes in between loads of laundry.  Laundry is the antichrist....itd an abomination!!!!!!!!!  Watch out it is lurking in your home as well...LOL well anyway, things are going good on the home front.  We both have Vegas two..yea for that...


Shared on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 21:06

I am Back!!!!!!

well I didn't really go anywhere, just haven't been online here in what seems like ages.  Work has been stressful but there is finally relief in site.  We are getting more staffing which will bring our over worked team of 15 to a whopping 45!!!!!!  I am so excited about that.  I have been playing a little online just not as much as I would like.  I hope to get back into the swing of things soon.


Shared on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 21:06

I am Back!!!!!!

well I didn't really go anywhere, just haven't been online here in what seems like ages.  Work has been stressful but there is finally relief in site.  We are getting more staffing which will bring our over worked team of 15 to a whopping 45!!!!!!  I am so excited about that.  I have been playing a little online just not as much as I would like.  I hope to get back into the swing of things soon.


Shared on Fri, 02/01/2008 - 07:07

Hello All!!!

Wow, its been a while, so I thought I would give a little update, and blog a few l;ines. LOL.  My job is going great.  I really enjoy the people that I work with.  I have almost been there a Year! Yea!  The word through the grapevine is that there will be permenant positions opening this month, soooo I am ready!  


Shared on Fri, 02/01/2008 - 07:07

Hello All!!!

Wow, its been a while, so I thought I would give a little update, and blog a few l;ines. LOL.  My job is going great.  I really enjoy the people that I work with.  I have almost been there a Year! Yea!  The word through the grapevine is that there will be permenant positions opening this month, soooo I am ready!  


Shared on Tue, 01/08/2008 - 06:21

Happy New Year!!

Things have been so hectic lately.  It has been crazy.  Am I the only one??  LOL Work has been hectic, and with all the changes we are making.  Matt's job is going great.  He seems to be adjusting well to his change in careers.Daughter went back to school, she was excited...Matt's Xbox came back from Microsoft fixed as far as we can tell.


Shared on Tue, 01/08/2008 - 06:21

Happy New Year!!

Things have been so hectic lately.  It has been crazy.  Am I the only one??  LOL Work has been hectic, and with all the changes we are making.  Matt's job is going great.  He seems to be adjusting well to his change in careers.Daughter went back to school, she was excited...Matt's Xbox came back from Microsoft fixed as far as we can tell.

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