racerchaser's blog


Shared on Sun, 03/09/2008 - 13:46

Super Smash Bro's

I went this morning to Best Buy to see if I could get a copy of Super Smash Bro's for the Wii.. Well I couldn't get over the line when I got there must have been 60 people there. I walked up to the line and a Best Buy guy handed me a sheet of paper saying I had scored a Wii... WHAT THE HECK I DON"T WANT A Wii I already have one I thought.. But I held onto it to give to a family.. I didn't want to give it to a someone like myself who didn't really need it I wanted to give it to some 10 year old kid who wanted it more then life it's self..


Shared on Sat, 03/08/2008 - 06:38

Army of 2

I picked up Army of 2 yesterday and it really is a good game. I know lots of members will be renting the game so I made a post in the forums to hit RacerChaser up for some fun Co-op fun.. The Graphics are really nice. I'd give this game a a 8.5 out of 10 also I'm going to do my best to pick up Super Smash Bro's Brawl this weekend. I didn't Pre-order so I need to get in line early to pick up my copy and get so Wii action.. NO JOKES PLEASE...lol


Shared on Sat, 03/08/2008 - 06:38

Army of 2

I picked up Army of 2 yesterday and it really is a good game. I know lots of members will be renting the game so I made a post in the forums to hit RacerChaser up for some fun Co-op fun.. The Graphics are really nice. I'd give this game a a 8.5 out of 10 also I'm going to do my best to pick up Super Smash Bro's Brawl this weekend. I didn't Pre-order so I need to get in line early to pick up my copy and get so Wii action.. NO JOKES PLEASE...lol


Shared on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 07:45


Last night was a great night on COD4.. I've been trying for about 2 1/2 weeks to get to level 55 in COD4. I'm 5 levels away from my goal. I'm still wondering what I will do when I get to 55 do I throw it all away and get the cool medals or do I stay at 55 and never have and goals in the game again? I better figure this stuff out fast because I should be there by the end of the weekend or atleast hope to.. RainBow Six 2 is coming out but I still plan on playing COD4 allot I really enjoy this game.


Shared on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 07:45


Last night was a great night on COD4.. I've been trying for about 2 1/2 weeks to get to level 55 in COD4. I'm 5 levels away from my goal. I'm still wondering what I will do when I get to 55 do I throw it all away and get the cool medals or do I stay at 55 and never have and goals in the game again? I better figure this stuff out fast because I should be there by the end of the weekend or atleast hope to.. RainBow Six 2 is coming out but I still plan on playing COD4 allot I really enjoy this game.


Shared on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 17:57

PS3 is great

Well I've never blogged before so try to work with me here. I guess I need to work on Picture's and add stuff to make my Blog look like some of the really nice blog's I've seen on the 2old2play site. My name is John I own a PS3 and PSP and a Wii and a DS. I had the the 360 but my PS3 has just taken over. The PS3 is the best console out. It does things the other consoles just can't do. FANBOY I guess I have become one. Don't get me wrong I really enjoyed my 360 but the red ring of death just scared me to much. I just talked to a buddy tonight who just got the red ring of death.


Shared on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 17:57

PS3 is great

Well I've never blogged before so try to work with me here. I guess I need to work on Picture's and add stuff to make my Blog look like some of the really nice blog's I've seen on the 2old2play site. My name is John I own a PS3 and PSP and a Wii and a DS. I had the the 360 but my PS3 has just taken over. The PS3 is the best console out. It does things the other consoles just can't do. FANBOY I guess I have become one. Don't get me wrong I really enjoyed my 360 but the red ring of death just scared me to much. I just talked to a buddy tonight who just got the red ring of death.

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