AutumnRocks's blog


Shared on Sun, 04/20/2008 - 22:00

Getting there....

So, I have officially thrown myself into a hole and have researched, typed, printed, cut-out, pasted, taped, stapled, glued, colored, drawn, and painted ALL weekend to finish this project of mine due tomorrow! I can now say that I am ALMOST DONE!!!!! (Wiping the sweat off of my brow.) I have put a lot of effort into this darn thing and am finally getting to the point where I am liking it. I hope all this work pays off....I guess we shall find out tomorrow!


Shared on Sun, 04/20/2008 - 22:00

Getting there....

So, I have officially thrown myself into a hole and have researched, typed, printed, cut-out, pasted, taped, stapled, glued, colored, drawn, and painted ALL weekend to finish this project of mine due tomorrow! I can now say that I am ALMOST DONE!!!!! (Wiping the sweat off of my brow.) I have put a lot of effort into this darn thing and am finally getting to the point where I am liking it. I hope all this work pays off....I guess we shall find out tomorrow!


Shared on Mon, 04/14/2008 - 20:52

After a lovely game of chess...

which was so very refreshing, thank you Mr J., I have had the start to a bad week. I just know this is going to suck. I have LOTS of stuff to do...including a GINORMOUS presentation for monday. But, I have figured out how I will present it, that is always good, now I just have to prepare it all (not good) and, of course, I always have to go that extra mile and make it harder than it has to be...but it will be worth it. My topic is the feminist art movement, so my plan is to do everything within the arts genre, instead of boring ol' power point.


Shared on Mon, 04/14/2008 - 20:52

After a lovely game of chess...

which was so very refreshing, thank you Mr J., I have had the start to a bad week. I just know this is going to suck. I have LOTS of stuff to do...including a GINORMOUS presentation for monday. But, I have figured out how I will present it, that is always good, now I just have to prepare it all (not good) and, of course, I always have to go that extra mile and make it harder than it has to be...but it will be worth it. My topic is the feminist art movement, so my plan is to do everything within the arts genre, instead of boring ol' power point.


Shared on Thu, 04/10/2008 - 15:12

A little something different...

Down the deep red hallway there are sconces dimly lighting the surrounding area of their bases. The light shed gives just enough to encase the stretch of hall with soft basking shadows and clouded images of doors. That is surly where I am going, into one of those doors, behind the divine figure in front of me. Her waste is so small, legs tight, and hands look softer than any feather I have held in my lifetime. With streamline brunette strands pulled behind her ears the flow of hair just wisps across her swaying hips as she walks. So delicate this young woman is.


Shared on Thu, 04/10/2008 - 15:12

A little something different...

Down the deep red hallway there are sconces dimly lighting the surrounding area of their bases. The light shed gives just enough to encase the stretch of hall with soft basking shadows and clouded images of doors. That is surly where I am going, into one of those doors, behind the divine figure in front of me. Her waste is so small, legs tight, and hands look softer than any feather I have held in my lifetime. With streamline brunette strands pulled behind her ears the flow of hair just wisps across her swaying hips as she walks. So delicate this young woman is.


Shared on Wed, 04/09/2008 - 17:54

I have an obsession

With Robert Frost...I do hope you all are enjoying him as much as I do...if not, too bad, I will probably always post poems of his. (But maybe the Frost kick I am on will come to an end soon. You never know.)



Afeild at Dusk

By Robert Frost


Shared on Wed, 04/09/2008 - 17:54

I have an obsession

With Robert Frost...I do hope you all are enjoying him as much as I do...if not, too bad, I will probably always post poems of his. (But maybe the Frost kick I am on will come to an end soon. You never know.)



Afeild at Dusk

By Robert Frost


Shared on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 11:39

Dedicated to a dear friend

You know who you are, sir. Smile for us all.

The Road Not Taken

By Robert Frost


Shared on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 11:39

Dedicated to a dear friend

You know who you are, sir. Smile for us all.

The Road Not Taken

By Robert Frost

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