COULOW's blog


Shared on Tue, 06/10/2008 - 18:43

Since I'll get my ass kicked anyway

I am the recruiter for the Halo Clan DoB. I am a member of the COD4/GRAW/Tom Clancy clan PCP. Hrm. Will there be strife over this? Random thought. I think not since they are dedicated to different games. PCP doesn't play Halo. DoB doesn't play COD4. Some members play both, but the clans are dedicated to certain games on their clan nights. We shall see if a lynch mob arises. That is all. Sing is Mary mo drama....


Shared on Tue, 06/10/2008 - 18:43

Since I'll get my ass kicked anyway

I am the recruiter for the Halo Clan DoB. I am a member of the COD4/GRAW/Tom Clancy clan PCP. Hrm. Will there be strife over this? Random thought. I think not since they are dedicated to different games. PCP doesn't play Halo. DoB doesn't play COD4. Some members play both, but the clans are dedicated to certain games on their clan nights. We shall see if a lynch mob arises. That is all. Sing is Mary mo drama....


Shared on Tue, 06/10/2008 - 18:13


I hate Math. Just sharing. But thanks to working AGAIN with a certain Radiologist who is older than dirt, I know to find the approximate volume of a cyst is the Radius cubed. Pi times R cubed. You can all sleep now. Ah.


Shared on Tue, 06/10/2008 - 18:13


I hate Math. Just sharing. But thanks to working AGAIN with a certain Radiologist who is older than dirt, I know to find the approximate volume of a cyst is the Radius cubed. Pi times R cubed. You can all sleep now. Ah.


Shared on Mon, 06/09/2008 - 19:33


I'm working the early shift this week. 7-3, HOWEVER I just left work. Yay for overtime. Funny stories from work, but I'm too tired to share. Cliff notes: Pelvic Drain that was forced to fart before we could do the procedure, Fallopian Tube check that needed a speculum for a horse (they went thru 5 before they could find one big enough to find the cervix), and I blew thru 2 liter bottles of water. Rode my new bicycle to work, a Kustom Kruiser Roadster. It's bad ass, trust me.


Shared on Mon, 06/09/2008 - 19:33


I'm working the early shift this week. 7-3, HOWEVER I just left work. Yay for overtime. Funny stories from work, but I'm too tired to share. Cliff notes: Pelvic Drain that was forced to fart before we could do the procedure, Fallopian Tube check that needed a speculum for a horse (they went thru 5 before they could find one big enough to find the cervix), and I blew thru 2 liter bottles of water. Rode my new bicycle to work, a Kustom Kruiser Roadster. It's bad ass, trust me.


Shared on Wed, 06/04/2008 - 15:38


Hey there boys and girls! COULOW is out of work early for a Doctor's Appointment! So here's the word of the day to keep you amused!


(craw-toch-ah-graffy) American English

Pictures taken of not so lady like Vah-jay-jays while exiting a vehicle (most common), reaching while in a short skirt, or bending over. Groomed or 70's Bushwacker's league, a pleasure to some, vomituous to others.

Ref: Britney Spears, Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton, your ex-girlfriend, or 4 lemon shots chased with tequila.


Shared on Wed, 06/04/2008 - 15:38


Hey there boys and girls! COULOW is out of work early for a Doctor's Appointment! So here's the word of the day to keep you amused!


(craw-toch-ah-graffy) American English

Pictures taken of not so lady like Vah-jay-jays while exiting a vehicle (most common), reaching while in a short skirt, or bending over. Groomed or 70's Bushwacker's league, a pleasure to some, vomituous to others.

Ref: Britney Spears, Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton, your ex-girlfriend, or 4 lemon shots chased with tequila.


Shared on Wed, 06/04/2008 - 09:28

Calvin Klein

Attention Horny Old Men: Even if you THINK your healthcare provider is the slightest attractive, that does NOT mean they want to see your uniab/stained boxers nor desire cheap pick up lines while you are prostrate and vunerable. It's not attractive. Move on. That is all. This message will self-destruct in your face. P.S. Your boner is radiopaque. We can see a semi-chub at 20 paces. Ew.


Shared on Wed, 06/04/2008 - 09:28

Calvin Klein

Attention Horny Old Men: Even if you THINK your healthcare provider is the slightest attractive, that does NOT mean they want to see your uniab/stained boxers nor desire cheap pick up lines while you are prostrate and vunerable. It's not attractive. Move on. That is all. This message will self-destruct in your face. P.S. Your boner is radiopaque. We can see a semi-chub at 20 paces. Ew.

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