COULOW's blog


Shared on Tue, 06/03/2008 - 10:10

Sigmoid Freud

High today in Phoenix, Arizona... 103 degrees F WELL, I'll be playing indoors tonight. Considering the crotch sweat ratio is 100/1. You think there would be less fat insulated morbid ass waddling down the streets of the Valley, the tube tops and cheek shorts will be out. I will be in. Yes indeedy do. I prefer all nausea and vomiting to be brought on by sickness of the body, not the eyes.


Shared on Tue, 06/03/2008 - 10:10

Sigmoid Freud

High today in Phoenix, Arizona... 103 degrees F WELL, I'll be playing indoors tonight. Considering the crotch sweat ratio is 100/1. You think there would be less fat insulated morbid ass waddling down the streets of the Valley, the tube tops and cheek shorts will be out. I will be in. Yes indeedy do. I prefer all nausea and vomiting to be brought on by sickness of the body, not the eyes.


Shared on Mon, 06/02/2008 - 10:11

What is this birght light? OH! It's outside!

I didn't game much this weekend. Just Sunday really. Made it to 21 on COD4! Shiny gold cross, here I slowly come... Completing challenges helps something wicked with the exp. I also enjoy the fact you see yourself level up during the game, instead of after like Halo. Speaking of which, my Halo addiction is slowly dying. I'm getting more enamoured with COD4. Love to play GTA4, however I'm stuck on 1 mission, and I don't think my controller can take the beating of another attempt.


Shared on Mon, 06/02/2008 - 10:11

What is this birght light? OH! It's outside!

I didn't game much this weekend. Just Sunday really. Made it to 21 on COD4! Shiny gold cross, here I slowly come... Completing challenges helps something wicked with the exp. I also enjoy the fact you see yourself level up during the game, instead of after like Halo. Speaking of which, my Halo addiction is slowly dying. I'm getting more enamoured with COD4. Love to play GTA4, however I'm stuck on 1 mission, and I don't think my controller can take the beating of another attempt.


Shared on Sat, 05/31/2008 - 11:50

Booyahkah bitches

AND.......yee haw. My lovah, has finally set up an account with 2old2play! Yay for me and my addictions! Check out my Halo addict, my baby, duching. Since *cough cough* that's still what he primarily plays. : Today will start the summer, 100 degrees plus until Sept, so I haven't decided to roam outdoors yet or not. Payday isn't till next week, rent is paid, so alas, I am broke. Lackluster is seeming a glorious idea. COULOW OUT. Rocking my 19 in COD4 and props to the Pig ARMY!


Shared on Sat, 05/31/2008 - 11:50

Booyahkah bitches

AND.......yee haw. My lovah, has finally set up an account with 2old2play! Yay for me and my addictions! Check out my Halo addict, my baby, duching. Since *cough cough* that's still what he primarily plays. : Today will start the summer, 100 degrees plus until Sept, so I haven't decided to roam outdoors yet or not. Payday isn't till next week, rent is paid, so alas, I am broke. Lackluster is seeming a glorious idea. COULOW OUT. Rocking my 19 in COD4 and props to the Pig ARMY!


Shared on Thu, 05/29/2008 - 09:51


Is it possible to be getting worse at gaming? Or is there a plateau? Or maybe I just compare myself to all the shiny gold crosses in the distance? Eh. I'm a 17 on COD4 with a lifetime gaming time of 8hrs. I bought the 360 in Feb 2008. Had Halo 3 as the 1st addiction. Now a 40 (cough cough), but really just a 30 (cuz the boyfriend plays on my account now and then), I'm not too shabby.


Shared on Thu, 05/29/2008 - 09:51


Is it possible to be getting worse at gaming? Or is there a plateau? Or maybe I just compare myself to all the shiny gold crosses in the distance? Eh. I'm a 17 on COD4 with a lifetime gaming time of 8hrs. I bought the 360 in Feb 2008. Had Halo 3 as the 1st addiction. Now a 40 (cough cough), but really just a 30 (cuz the boyfriend plays on my account now and then), I'm not too shabby.


Shared on Tue, 05/27/2008 - 20:17

Ireland Lass

Thank you to Donk2o2p for my shiny new Blog title pic. YOU ROCK! THANK YOU! That is all. I must git my game on now!


Shared on Tue, 05/27/2008 - 20:17

Ireland Lass

Thank you to Donk2o2p for my shiny new Blog title pic. YOU ROCK! THANK YOU! That is all. I must git my game on now!

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