Shared on Tue, 08/07/2012 - 08:43I'm trying an experiment for Halo. It doesn't involve Clans. It does involve any 2old2play.com member who wants to play Halo in a specified way and in a specified time slot.
If you check out the Halo Series forum there is a post where I describe what I am trying to do.
If you are interested, just get on somebodies FL that is playing with this group. Alternatively you can send a XBL message to me or another involved person with the the text Inv in it.
I understand some people are going to wonder, "why Clanless"? Well, I have come to the opinion Clans create too much segregation on 2old2play. I no longer see the posting privacy inside a Clan forum as being an asset. Facebook, Twitter and other services should be enough for these personal affairs. I'd like to see Clans at the very least, open up their boundaries completely to other 2old2play members. It'd be better for 2old2play if Clan members posted their gaming stories in game specific forums, joined discussions in Off Topic and other topic specific forums. Perhaps that will help jump start this whole site for the better.
Clans have both good and bad sides to them and I've seen both over the years. I certainly appreciate the good parts.
2old2pwn has been a great association for me. Seven years of Clan nights! Seven years of of saucy bad ass behavior that I just love participating in! But my experiment conflicts with Clan membership and so I have unregistered myself.
If my experiment fails then I'll look to a Clan/Group option again but it will be a completely open one.
I kind of wish XBox Live had better options for handling groups. What a pain in the butt.
Submitted by TANK on Tue, 08/07/2012 - 11:02
Ya the forms are rEALLY dead, i'd love to see a lot more participation in the public areas like we used to have.
Submitted by badmin on Tue, 08/07/2012 - 11:40
It's actually being discussed now between a lot of staff and clan leaders. I don't like what the site has become as of late and action needs to be taken. I think a quarum of the sites clan leaders, posters, and staff is probably in order.
Submitted by CProRacing on Tue, 08/07/2012 - 14:29
A nice big meeting to get everything moving and on the right track sounds like a plan.
Submitted by jcotter13 on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 17:14
dunno why, but my reply went up as the 1st comment, so, I'm reposting ....
Cotter's gonna get his two cents in now. This whole clan/group (call it whatever you like) situation is a double edged sword. I've been here for a little over 5 years now, so I think I can safely speak from experience.
2O4f does have 885 members, but I'd say roughly a little over 100 are actually active. WE have our ups & downs as far as activity goes. But I think certain things are out of our control here. speaking for 2o4f in general, since forza is the primary focus of most of our members, they don't venture outside our forum much. they don't care about the halo forum, otr the bacon thread or whatever. That s nothing personal to those who do. But you have to give those people a reason to want to venture outside the group forum. I wouldn't say that we're being snobby or exclusive because of that wither because I snatch up every single person that I see here who plays forza. So in essence our forum is open to anyone who's interested in forza, I only keep iut private so Joe Schmo doesn't come barging into our forum & start posting about something totally irrelevant or whatever. I personally would love to have the ability to make 2o4f open for public viewing, but only open to posts from members of the group. But making groups/clans public isn't going to solve the issue.
Getting new members invoilved here on the site is the same as getting new group members inviolved in the group. Some people take to it like a duck out of water & thrive on their own 7 become valuable & active members, others want their hands held. With 2o4f, I do as much hand holding as possible, but ultimately, it's up to the individual when it comes to how much they want to get out of this site.
I think one thing we should consider is the number of groups we have. With forza, I'm not competing with other groups here on 2o2p for members, but how many Halo groups are there? How many BF groups etc. Maybe the groups dedicated to the same game should be combined? I dunno, it's just a thought. I just don't see the point of having several groups for the same game.
This part is for doodi, for the reasons stated above, this is why you don't see me posting much on the public forza forum. Anybody who's interested in what I have to say is more than likely already a member of 2o4f. Therefore, I just keep it all there.
Submitted by CProRacing on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 17:39
I started to write a pretty substantial piece about clans etc but got halfway through and realized what's the point?
The way I see it is I ONLY play racing games and that is it. As there is only one racing "clan" here I have no need what-so-ever to post anywhere else.
I do obviously. I enjoy posting in the 2Euro2Play Word Association Revival! topic as its a bit of fun and sometimes the main Forum.
But as Cotter and Knight have said why do you shooting guys care what we are up to? Are you really bothered about what rear tire PSI settings are best for a Nissan 370z at Road America. Properly as much as I care about your K/D ratios.
I do like the idea of having 2O4F open to read but you must be a member to join so everyone can see what awesome shit we get upto.
The first part of my post also address why me and Knight want to start 2O2Race up asap.
At this moment in time we have 2O4Forza (Awesomeness) and that's it. We currently have to visit a different forum / website to talk about PC racing. What we hope 2O2Race will do is be a central location for member's of 2O4F, the public, Everyone on 2O2Play and the other website (as 90% of the members there are 2O4F)
That is why we want 2O2Race to be on the main Forum page so everyone can join in on the fun.
V3 bit.
Mostly I like the new site but the most annoying thing by far is, if I am posting on my phone and when I press submit sometimes all it does is refresh the current view and everything I type has gone and I have to start over again.
Anyway that is all I need to say. I'm sorry if my grammar and spelling are shite but after doing a 13 hour shift at work today I don't really care.
I also like Cats
(Also when you put a smiley in a blog id doesn't seat right)
Submitted by wamam87 on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 17:55
your phone does that because of the slow connection and text editor hasn't finished loading yet. always make sure the "disable rich text" appears below the text box before you start typing.
Submitted by CProRacing on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 18:11
Ok will look for the rich text thing but in regards to the connection I only use WIFI on my phone?
Submitted by KnightofRedemption on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 18:28
This thread is a complete mess LOL I think I will retire until the debate moves to a place where the threads make sense.
Submitted by InstantBuzzkill on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 19:38
Submitted by wamam87 on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 20:33
it doesn't matter if you are on wifi. your phone is slower than your computer in every way.
i'm on wifi right now. i just ran a speed test. my computer(11yrs old mind you) came back with:
ping: 33ms / upload: 12.76Mbps / down: 7.01Mbps
phone (brand new super jumbo delux) on the same wifi:
ping: 38ms / up: 4.48Mbps / down: 0.31Mbps
see what i'm getting at. add to that if someone is using 3g or 4g it will have even slower response times. add to that a slower processor on your phone and everything just takes a lot longer.
Submitted by Walladog on Tue, 08/07/2012 - 14:33
Will there be cookies?
Submitted by badmin on Tue, 08/07/2012 - 14:43
Probably punch. Cookies cost to much.
Submitted by Walladog on Tue, 08/07/2012 - 19:22
Well if we are having it...I will bring tequila and a bundt cake. Fuck punch. :)
Submitted by KnightofRedemption on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 04:56
Ooh Tequila, now your talking my language!
Submitted by itsbillykiller on Tue, 08/07/2012 - 19:13
Clans are not the issue here. They were not the issue on V2 either. As a matter of fact many clan members were very active in the public forums. We at 2old2pwn on occasion (once at admin's request) tried to be VERY active in the general forums but not everyone liked our "style" so we toned it down a little and took a step back so to speak.
The issue from what I have experienced, heard on XBL and on other social sites is V3. Functionality is not the same, things are dramatically different then before and not in a good way. It is difficult to post at times, redundant screens, mobil site is quirky and just not very user friendly.
2old2pwn was one of the most active clans on this site and we used the hell out of it in V2. Granted things slowed down a little prior to the shift but we had ups and downs over the years and things always bounced back, until the switch to V3.
It just does not feel like "home". It's like waking up at some chicks house you met in a bar. I would wager that if V3 had the look, feel and basic functionality of V2 more people would be active.
My 2 cents.
Submitted by Walladog on Tue, 08/07/2012 - 19:50
Don't get worked up Billy...we need you to come back to Battlefield!
Submitted by Lbsutke on Tue, 08/07/2012 - 21:09
That blows my mind and please understand I am not attacking your statement. I just need to understand the difficulty, if we are specifically talking about mobile functionality then yes, I get this statement and it makes sense since the site is NOT designed as a mobile site and neither was V2. But if this statement is in regards to logging in with a mac/pc and you cannot navigate the site baffles the hell out of me.
When V3 launched, yeah it was a giant cluster, but now I don't know in what regards it is difficult to navigate the site. Are there buttons you cannot click on or just crash your browser? I know of the groups button bugs that are a little funky sure, but nothing that prevents me from posting, blogging, embedding vids or pics.
I think if specific instances were listed, for example I click on this link, in this forum, on this day, using this browsers, this is what happened [insert screen pic]. Just saying V3 functionality is not the same is too generic of a statement and I think with more detailed instances, then those things that prevent your enjoyment of the site could be addressed and fixed.
Submitted by wamam87 on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 07:41
you'll never get your specifics. they don't exist. it's just a fucking crutch because people wnat to whine becuase it's not the same as it used to be.
fuckin' cry babies! get over it.
Submitted by Walladog on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 08:23
Here's some specifics:
-for no apparent reason I am required to resupply my username and password. Sometimes several times in the same day
-Notifications of new posts sometimes come, sometimes don't come, sometimes come in triplicate (or more), and sometimes come 15 to 20 minutes late
-Notifications contain some of the actual text from the post in the message body
-Previously, when notifications arrived you clicked on the link and it took you to the last post (actually I think it took you specifically to the post that generated the notification.) Now when I click on the notifcation link...it takes me to the first page of the post.
This is actually a big issue. Previously...someone responded to a post...I would get a notification within about 30 seconds to a minute. I could click the link and be taken right to what they posted...then I could quickly reply. You could have a conversation among 20 people chugging along in the posts.
Now, I click the link...go to the first page...there is no page forward at the top of the page where it takes you...so I have to scroll to the very last post on the page (30-35 posts down), so THEN I can click page forward...wait for the last page to load....THEN scroll down 10-15 posts...JUST TO READ what got posted.
I can browse to the site, sometimes be prompted for my password again, click on community, click on forums, click on my clan forum, click on the thread, and THEN enter the whole process I just outlined above.
As you can see, just posting is a 3-5 minute process. It use to be 30 seconds of typing and 10 seconds of time to get in and get out.
-for no explicable reason double posts seem to occur for multiple users...daily
-many clan members of commented that regardless of which PC they use, the time between pressing the button to submit a post...and the time it refreshes...is upwards of 25-45 seconds
-pasting text into a post is glitchy. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't...sometimes it blows the formatting up
-Clan management is a mess, between the "Groups", Group forums, group members, group messages...I could list at least 7 items that are either broken or glitchy with the clan management functions
-Several times in the last month private clan forums (I know...sorry I keep saying "clan" Knight...just bear with me) are accessible to any user not logged in (and nicely archived by Google)
-My "short list" of clan forums includes 4 or 5 I am not supposed to have access to
-I can no longer make posts "announcements" so they stay at the top of the forum
-Instead of being able to just click "sticky" on a post...I need to actually post it...then go back and edit it....so then the option to sticky is available
You know...just a crutch.
Submitted by wamam87 on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 08:53
i knew that would stir someone to give some specifics.
Submitted by Walladog on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 09:28
Now...just in the interest of fairness...can you give me a list of specific ways in which V3 is better than V2? Share your thoughts....
Submitted by wamam87 on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 09:33
i have never made any claims to the better or worse. if there isn't support for billy's argument, then he's just wasting his time.
all that i've hear until your post was it sucks. not exactly why it sucks.
i'm an easy person to please. i was happy in v2 and i'm happy with v3.
Submitted by Walladog on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 09:41
So you had absolutely no opinion one way or the other...and no experience to the contrary...and called me a "fuckin crybaby" for what reason then?
Submitted by wamam87 on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 09:59
Submitted by Walladog on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 10:21
Check the bug forum...I posted plenty. The issue with notifications I posted about repeatedly the weeks following V3. I just assumed after awhile that it couldn't be fixed.
It still doesn't change the fact the if you can't come up with one improvement over the last version...why are we "fixing" the current one. I'm not crying...I'm voicing a valid opinion...that may be the experience of many others...as evidenced by the unprecedented dropoff in site activity. Or you could stick your head in the sand and wallow in denial.
You ever watch the show Kitchen Nightmares? I love that show. It's not about cooking...it's more about business. Almost every other episode Gordon Ramsay is in a failing restaurant having a screaming contest with the owner and/or chef. They insist their food is good! They all say the same thing "I hear every day how people love our food." "We got great customer comment cards in just last week."
They vehemently insist that their food and their service is not the problem....while sitting in an empty restaurant. Ramsay usually ends the argument with that. If your food and service are great....where are all the fucking customers?
There will always be a cross section of people who will eat a steaming pile of crap with a smile on their face. There will always be a cross section that will find fault and complain at even the most perfect dish.
What most people should be concerned with are the people in the middle. And the people in the middle...appear to have gone someplace else! Yes there are still active people here at 2old2play. They are people that love this site so much (and I include myself in this category) that they will stay even if you have to submit to rectal ID scan for every post. They may post less...but they aren't going anywhere.
I love 2old2play. Part of the reason I get so worked up about this is that I think this may be worst thing to ever happen to the sites chances for growing...or at least surviving in perpetuity.
If the interface and content is so great....where are all the customers? At some point, you have to accept the reality of the situation and start addressing the problems.
I understand that Doodi and Dsmooth (and anyone else who may have contributed) don't get paid to code and fix this site. That means that either the site should start developing a revenue model that allows for paid part or full time maintenance...or...it shouldn't attempt such broad and robust upgrades or projects.
I think the previous model was a whole shit ton of baby steps that led to a pretty effective product. Not perfect...but very effective. Instead of baby steps, the site took two huge leaps forward and fell flat on its face...and has been rolling around in its own urine ever since.
It either needs fixed, streamlined, and remarketed with a concerted effort...or it needs rolled back to a level that can be maintained with the current resources.
If left to just stagnate and have all its members piss on each other....it will eventually cease to be.
Submitted by wamam87 on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 11:18
Submitted by Walladog on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 11:22
HA! WIN! :)
You see of course....why sometimes its better to keep people like me locked in private forums.
Submitted by Lbsutke on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 13:38
not sure if you guys saw doodi's response but he replied to your list of problems. He also posted possible reasons that cause them. The thing is if he cannot reproduce the problem how can he fix it. It is like calling a company and telling them your tv sometimes shuts off randomly and they send out a repair guy and he sits there for 45 minutes for you tv to turn off and it never does. Then he leaves and 12 minutes later your tv shuts off.
The log in thing (my guess here and from what I have seen others posts) is if you are logged into the site from multiple devices at the same time (tablet, phone, pc, etc) when you go back to previous device to post/view/etc and the page refreshes, it will be logged out. I think you can be logged into 2 things simultaniously, more then that and one of the previous devices(or more) gets logged out. I only have a pc and smartphone so I cannot test my more then 2 devices theory. If people are getting logged out of only one device (that means you do not log in at work and do not turn off your comp when you leave) and NEVER log in on other devices, then something is fubared. I can only guess if that is the case if might be a cookie issue or something. I am not a web developer or coding guy so it is only a guess. I am having someone try to log into 3 devices (pc, ipad, windows phone) right now and see if he stays connected on all of them and asked them to stay logged in for a couple of hours. Even if he does not get disconnected this does not mean other people are not having an issue, but it is the only way we can test it or try to reproduce the issue.
Submitted by itsbillykiller on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 11:43
Oh the irony......
Submitted by wamam87 on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 11:15
Submitted by KnightofRedemption on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 09:06
Heh well Clan is the accepted term...Funny I don't get many of the problems you describe, never use the notification thing anyway, hate it with a vengeance. Navigation can be a little quirky but I seem to have managed nearly 1400 posts here without too much difficulty...But it is a complex site and many corners for bad code to hide in. Funny, my biggest bugbear are the adverts for stunningly attractive buxom women living only four mile from me just aching to meet me...I live in the middle of nowhere so unless they are all living up trees I suspect it to be prime bull manure. Fortunately I have my own buxom stunner so it's all good :)
Submitted by Walladog on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 09:25
Wait...the ad said she was four miles from ME! Do you think its twins???
Submitted by KnightofRedemption on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 09:34
Only possible explanation mate...or the unthinkable...it's a lie
Submitted by itsbillykiller on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 10:40
Thanks Walla for posting my crutches. You saved me from explaining what I am pretty sure everyone knows is wrong with V3. It's good to know now everyone is so hooked on the koolaid that they refuse to consider there is actually a problem that keeps long time members from the site. Sorry to wamam for "fucking crying" but not everyone has their head so far up doodi's ass they blindly defend something they are ignorant of. :)
Submitted by wamam87 on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 12:17
Submitted by Lala Calamari on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 12:57
LMAO, that's win right there.
Submitted by chupacabra1loco on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 14:40
Submitted by CrayzeeKanOOk on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 09:58
There is something wrong with the Kool-Aid, it's got a funny taste. I think I will put it down now.
Submitted by badmin on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 11:44
I'd like to go down this seeming long list of issues and respond to them if you'll allow. I know you love when I get to shit and tell you it's pudding, so get out the spoon!
-for no apparent reason I am required to resupply my username and password. Sometimes several times in the same days
I have to assume this is true, because I've heard this from multiple people in the 2old2pwn clan specifically, but sadly it's not something I've seen on the bug forums or for myself. If this is the case its a shit bug and really needs to be fixed. However, the only way to fix it is to see how we can replicate it. For that to happen I'd need data and no one seems to want to tell me about the bug, just talk about how it sucks. For example: What browser you were on when it happened, how often, were you log in on another platform, another PC, did you clear you cookies, clear you cache, etc. I %100 agree if this is happening its shit and needs to be address, I just wish you guys would helped me fix it as I've seen only a handful (about 3-4 people) talk about it. Oddly it comes mostly from the 2o2pwn forums as well, which could mean there is something specific going on there, however unlikely.
-Notifications of new posts sometimes come, sometimes don't come, sometimes come in triplicate (or more), and sometimes come 15 to 20 minutes late
This used to happen (was a bug in submissions), but I honestly don't think I've seen one instance of this since then. I can and do track all emails sent from 2o2p. They are time stamped and sent 60 seconds after submission. I'm not saying it's impossible that this would happen, but if it did I would see it. Just as an example I recently sent out 27,000 emails for our newsletter and each set goes out in groups of 200 per hour. Any email that doesn't reach it's destination I get back in form of an error log and bounce back. I'm up to 10,324 without a single loss outside of the obvious, "this email doesn't exist." The server can't just misplace an email nor does it hold the email in a longer queue unless there is some sort of back up. Being that I'm sending out 27,000 email simultaneously with notifications, there is obviously no back up. Thing is, it should be easy enough to track. If you have an email that was 20min+ late, you can cross check the header and compare it to the post time. Forward me off some of those examples to doodi@2old2play.com and I can cross check the times to make sure things are working as intended. As for triples, that would be easy enough to track too. All three would have different time signatures and I could look them up to see why the site fired off more then one. Again, I haven't seen this happen in ages but I suppose it's possible. Easy enough to verify though.
-Notifications contain some of the actual text from the post in the message body
I'm not sure how this one fits in as an issue? This was done completely on purpose as a feature and is done as a way to preview a topic before you go to the site. The use case is simple; not every forum post made will be something you need to load up the site for to read or respond to. Putting a snipet of text lets you quickly check the post, read it, and decide to either go to 2o2p or just delete the email. It actually takes out unneccary steps which I thought was something users would enjoy. In fact, can anyone tell me why this is a bad thing? I'm really stumped with this one.
-for no explicable reason double posts seem to occur for multiple users...daily
This one is actually quite easy to explain and happens on any web forum on the net. It also directly relates to our biggest current issue with V3 which I'll get to later. If a user at any point hits submit more then once before the page is loaded or sent to the server, it will be recorded in the database. That is to say, if you write a post, hit sumbit, and then while the page is loading keep hitting sumbit, you will be left with multiple posts. You can try this yourself to see how it works, and it will generally only happen during lag time between submission and post. In the mean time the fix is simple. Hit submit once. In the long term we need to reduce the time to submit which is a current bottleneck I'm aware of.
-many clan members of commented that regardless of which PC they use, the time between pressing the button to submit a post...and the time it refreshes...is upwards of 25-45 seconds
Ok, this relates to the previous post about double posting and highlights the largest flaw currently in V3. Just so we understand each other I'm saying I agree with you here. However your times are a tab bit off. Like I said before, I can see all these things. Emails, times to execute code, load times, etc. Part of what makes V3 great for me is that I can see the entire site running in multiple ways. To give you a peak into that lets look at some hard facts.
The link above is the system that watches 2old2play (and everything else on this server). It has a ton of other screens which I'll put up later as well if need be, but for now lets focus on this one. What you're seeing here is the average load time for every user on 2o2p. At it's highest point we reach 8 seconds to load. Not great I know, but well within acceptable time limits considering it takes into account the time to load facebook and twitter as well. You can see below the entire globe and where the slow load times come from. USA is all green as to be expected, however Canada (damn you bacon) creates the high average that brings us to 8sec.
Now to your original point, the highest single submission time can be seen just below within the 2old4forza group forum at 15.2 seconds. This is ridiculous and directly leads to the double posting issue we talked about before, but it's not anything near 40sec. Again, I want to repeat that this is unacceptable and not something I'm ok with. I'm still working on why this happens and trust me as soon as we find the problem I'll fix it. If you look at the graph on your top right you can see just how tricky this has been to solve. Apdex score is basically how well your site is running. You don't want to see peaks and valleys. Instead you want one giant peak (100 being a perfect score) but for some reason the site is jerky when it comes to post submission.
-pasting text into a post is glitchy. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't...sometimes it blows the formatting up
Yet another feature set that's probably missunderstood. The formatting on the page is taken directly from the source. That is to say, anything you copy from another site or file is copied %100 from it's source. As an example head on over to http://www.giantbomb.com/ and copy some text from their site over to here. You will notice that 2o2p maintains the color, font, size, and background of what you see on giantbomb. While this isn't idea in all scenarios, its also not a bug. I will however add the ability to wipe all formatting to combat this issue.
-Clan management is a mess, between the "Groups", Group forums, group members, group messages...I could list at least 7 items that are either broken or glitchy with the clan management functions
I need specifics on this and don't do well with Hyperbole
-Several times in the last month private clan forums (I know...sorry I keep saying "clan" Knight...just bear with me) are accessible to any user not logged in (and nicely archived by Google)
%100 true, however you know yourself this was a bug and had I known about it sooner from you guys it would have been fixed. It took all of 3 seconds to rectify and if any other group forum has the issue it will also be correct for them. In fact, if you list the groups you say are still affected I can clean it up in about 3min. I can't really take this as a problem if we already have an easy solution. Point me to the affected area, I fix it, move on. Again, letting me know is all it takes...
-I can no longer make posts "announcements" so they stay at the top of the forum
True, however announcements were completely redundant and only served to act as yet another sticky. I saw no reason to have a sticky on top of a sticky. You can still sticky any topic that is important to you. I'm sure you have a use case for announcements, but for the sake of a more organized and clean looking forums, I didn't feel the need to have multiple forms of sticky. Has the lack of this feature crippled communication in anyway?
-Instead of being able to just click "sticky" on a post...I need to actually post it...then go back and edit it....so then the option to sticky is available
I can only assume this is a bug for you as posts can be "stuck" before the post is made. So either you just don't see it, or there is a bug on your account. Either way, the statement isn't accurate as you CAN sticky a post before submission. Check the screen shot below.
So, are there issues with V3? Absolutely. However much of what you said is mostly hyperbole or just simply missinformed. Out of your entire list, I'd say the only issues think needs to really be looked into is the login problem and the obvious time to sumbit issue. These are both not acceptible, and if provided more info I'll continue to track and fix. The bottom line is that I think most people function on 2o2p just fine, and if they didn't I'd have to considering going back to V2 or just closing up shop. However I also think the ones who hate V3 tend to wear a nice thick pair of rose colored glasses. Even using your own clan as an example your average thread count in the weeks leading up to V3 is 2-4 with the highest being 5 the day before we launched. I'm not saying you haven't slowed down in posting as of late, but even with the deep hatred for V3 you were hardly a bee hive of conversation leading up to it in V2.
Also, just for fun lets talk a bit more about V2. For some reason people have this memory of it being insanely fast and responsive. Even when there was NO mobile version of V2 and evidence proves otherwise. The truth is, the average load time in V2 was 12 seconds which is 3 seconds longer then V3. To this date the highest load on the database remains the V2 forums. Lies you say? Lets check the screen below.
What you're seeing here is the adv load times for accessing the database in both V3 and V2. The highlighted area labeled nuke (we were using nuke BB forums) is V2. What is even more telling as that this times are what they are currently at a time when no one is using V2 anymore. Again, I'm not saying you're wrong. In fact I've confirmed at least some of what you state, however I feel that this idea of the past is no longer accurate enough to support some of the claims. In any case I'll continue to support V3 and make it better I just hope you guys understand that most if it can't be done without your feedback and help. Thanks
Submitted by DEEP_NNN on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 12:20
Seems like replying to Blogs is working well. ;)
Submitted by Walladog on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 13:55
+1 for that. The cascade is getting hard to follow...I may have to start stapling notes to my monitor....
Submitted by FadeIntoBlack on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 19:10
Lol true...if I hadn't started reason it when there 3 posts I wouldn't be able to follow the context of people's posts since if you read it in order now it's disjointed. :)
Submitted by FadeIntoBlack on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 12:34
Doodi, I can't speak to most of those as they don't happen for me, but the one that does is the having to log in all the time. This takes place for me whenever I switch from my iPad/iPhone to my PC or back again. I use FF on my PC and Safari on my apple devices. When I only log on on just one of those devices, my information is always retained but if I switch than I have to log in again. I don't care really so never brought it up because it only takes a couple of seconds, but if like Walla you flip over to the forums when you get a notification and have to log in 30 times a day, I could see that getting pretty annoying. I only check in once a day or so though so I only have to enter my information once or twice a week. Hope that helps.
Submitted by badmin on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 13:08
Good to know, might be a mobile issue. I'll look into it.
Submitted by KnightofRedemption on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 13:57
It seems to be mobile users on 2O4F that have the most incidences of double posts...just to back that up.
Submitted by badmin on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 14:30
Makes sense since I would assume a cell connection makes things rather slow. They probably spam the button as well.
Submitted by Walladog on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 13:53
All I hear is that the food is great. If all of my issues are imagined Doodi...what happened to all the users??
I understand you are saying I am insane, imagining, or lying. I have been checked...while antisocial and disturbed...I'm not insane.
I have no reason to lie. I don't care how many extra buttons you put on it...what color the banner is...or what you call it. If I can get in..get out...and manage my clan....I am happy. I will go further out on a limb and say that if you can get V3 to work as well as V2...I will wear a "I LOVE V3" t-shirt around....and you can choose the color!
I'm not imagining it either...I will start taking some video with my phone and posting it up on youtube. I can post links in the bug forum for you.
As usual my biggest complaint isn't that stuff doesn't work...it's that whenever I say it doesn't and its fucked up...everyone tells me its fine.
Look around.... this isn't what dinner rush used to look like!
On the point about including the post info on the email. It's a downside because I don't want what is being posted in the forum to show up in the email text. If you are using notifications...its because you want to know right away and be able to respond. If however KidMach posts an anecdote about making sweet hot chicken love to a construction worker....I may not want the text of that showing up in my email....triggering a filter....or otherwise being overseen by my wife or kids as I'm checking my email.
Lastly...and I mean this with absolute sincerity....
I think we can fix the site activity program.
Doodi and Walla show!! FTW!!! I mean seriously....can we draw in the crowds or what? I could even wear a costume.
Submitted by KnightofRedemption on Wed, 08/08/2012 - 17:28
Sooner rather than later Doodie, I would like to be able to get on with 2O2Race and not be sitting around waiting for the wider world to sort itself out...easier said than done I know, but I am not a great thumb twiddler ;-)
Submitted by wamam87 on Tue, 08/07/2012 - 11:25
i think this is a great idea and appreciate what you are doing to help make this site better all the time.
i'm interested in this. Thursdays are tough for me, but i will be there when my coaching job does not interfere. i love meeting new members and catching up with members i don't get to see all the time.
i respect your decision to step away from your clan, but i just can't do the same. i'm an active member of my clan AND an active member of the main site. most don't do both, but i try to make an appearance in both private and public forums on a day to day basis.
see ya online soon!
Submitted by KnightofRedemption on Tue, 08/07/2012 - 19:28