Last night Joel 'doodirock' Albert and I launched the newest 2old2play podcast, Still Got Game.
If anyone would like to try your hand at creating an intro, please feel free. There aren't a lot of requirements, except at some point it should say "2old2play presents Still Got Game".
packing a whole house for moving just takes time. taping boxes, putting stuff in boxes, moving boxes to garage to get ready for the time when i'll put them on the truck. wrapping things in shrink wrap. in bubble wrap. taking things apart, making sure screws, bolts and fasteners are tagged and stored in a box that you won't forget about when you unpack and have to put it all back together... sigh...
Hey, I just got back from Gamestop with my 12th replacement headset for my 360. For those of you who are not aware, my cat, Stella, is apparently on a strict headset wire diet, forcing me to buy headsets in bulk. They don't look or smell like cat food, but are somehow irresistible to felines. On a side note, I have a cat that needs a new home, I will even throw in the first headset at no charge.
Beware, all cats are inherently's in their nature.
I officially moved to Colorado in January, but hadn't actually moved all my stuff. That changes next week - loading up the truck and moving everthing out to Colorado Springs.