darththorn's blog


Shared on Wed, 10/17/2007 - 16:53

Back from vacation... well sort of.

I received a package from UPS yesterday, it was my 360 back from it's vacation in Texas. After opening the box I looked through the various papers that were included and found a letter. The letter stated that in order to get me back to playing games in a timely manner they were sending me this new 360, upon looking at the manufacture date it was confirmed, 9-30-2007. The letter also stated that the serial number would be different (well, duh). It also said that they would handle the console registration and transfer of my extended warranty.


Shared on Wed, 10/17/2007 - 16:53

Back from vacation... well sort of.

I received a package from UPS yesterday, it was my 360 back from it's vacation in Texas. After opening the box I looked through the various papers that were included and found a letter. The letter stated that in order to get me back to playing games in a timely manner they were sending me this new 360, upon looking at the manufacture date it was confirmed, 9-30-2007. The letter also stated that the serial number would be different (well, duh). It also said that they would handle the console registration and transfer of my extended warranty.


Shared on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 15:29

Have a Good Vacation

Well, my coffin arrived yesterday. So, this morning I packed up my 360 and sent it off on vacation to Texas. I hope it comes back refreshed and ready to work.

On another note the replacement 360 and myself are really enjoying Halo 3. I know alot of people are griping that it's nothing really different other than a few new weapons and updated graphics, but I didn't enjoy Halo 2 the way I am enjoying this game, everything seems more balanced which is making me a much better player.


Shared on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 15:29

Have a Good Vacation

Well, my coffin arrived yesterday. So, this morning I packed up my 360 and sent it off on vacation to Texas. I hope it comes back refreshed and ready to work.

On another note the replacement 360 and myself are really enjoying Halo 3. I know alot of people are griping that it's nothing really different other than a few new weapons and updated graphics, but I didn't enjoy Halo 2 the way I am enjoying this game, everything seems more balanced which is making me a much better player.


Shared on Thu, 09/20/2007 - 23:47

Farewell old friend

Well not too old, not even a year old. I though it only happened to other people, those who didn't treat their box with the utmost respect. Well I was WRONG. I treated it better then any of the others. I regret to inform you that our beloved white box died today after a console update, she went belly up with the dreaded Red Ring of Death.










Shared on Thu, 09/20/2007 - 23:47

Farewell old friend

Well not too old, not even a year old. I though it only happened to other people, those who didn't treat their box with the utmost respect. Well I was WRONG. I treated it better then any of the others. I regret to inform you that our beloved white box died today after a console update, she went belly up with the dreaded Red Ring of Death.










Shared on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 17:03

Band of the Week #1

I don't really have much going on in my life right now that is worthy of blogging about. Yes, the wife and kids are fine, I am fine, the job is going well, and I obviously still love playing video games, in fact I am very passionate about it. But I have another passion besides family and video games, and that is music. Most people like music, if you ask someone who their favorite artist is, they can usually tell you pretty quickly. Most everyone purchases music, whether it be a hard copy, such as CD, tape or vinyl, or soft copy such as mp3's.


Shared on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 17:03

Band of the Week #1

I don't really have much going on in my life right now that is worthy of blogging about. Yes, the wife and kids are fine, I am fine, the job is going well, and I obviously still love playing video games, in fact I am very passionate about it. But I have another passion besides family and video games, and that is music. Most people like music, if you ask someone who their favorite artist is, they can usually tell you pretty quickly. Most everyone purchases music, whether it be a hard copy, such as CD, tape or vinyl, or soft copy such as mp3's.


Shared on Wed, 03/07/2007 - 17:19

Fantastic Day

Man days like this just don't come by often enough, but if they did you wouldn't appreciate them. 


Shared on Wed, 03/07/2007 - 17:19

Fantastic Day

Man days like this just don't come by often enough, but if they did you wouldn't appreciate them. 

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