So I've been away from my gaming due to my summer class which is now finished. My class is Advanced Modeling, which is building things in 3D space. Just about everything uses this kind of stuff nowdays. I'm really hoping I can get good enough to land a job doing this. So what we did in class was build a human from scratch by building parts of the face then piecing them together to make the head and then build the body and attach the 2. Then we had to build a 4 legged animal, a buddy pair ( 2 characters that relate visually ).
So I've been away from my gaming due to my summer class which is now finished. My class is Advanced Modeling, which is building things in 3D space. Just about everything uses this kind of stuff nowdays. I'm really hoping I can get good enough to land a job doing this. So what we did in class was build a human from scratch by building parts of the face then piecing them together to make the head and then build the body and attach the 2. Then we had to build a 4 legged animal, a buddy pair ( 2 characters that relate visually ).
I dont normally get into poliitcs but I'm really getting behind Ron Paul this time around. I really hate the way the media just ignores the name all the way around. He makes the most sense out of everyone and never changes the way he speaks. Hes not into pandering to all different peoples. I love John Stewert and its nice to see that he brought this up on his show.
I dont normally get into poliitcs but I'm really getting behind Ron Paul this time around. I really hate the way the media just ignores the name all the way around. He makes the most sense out of everyone and never changes the way he speaks. Hes not into pandering to all different peoples. I love John Stewert and its nice to see that he brought this up on his show.
Something I decieded to revisit after years have passed. I had a friend tell me about the VHEM a long time ago. I looked them up and really liked what I read about them so I decieded to "join". There is no official membership its more of "a state of mind" as the website says. Basically you take an oath to not reproduce so that the earth can heal itself.
Something I decieded to revisit after years have passed. I had a friend tell me about the VHEM a long time ago. I looked them up and really liked what I read about them so I decieded to "join". There is no official membership its more of "a state of mind" as the website says. Basically you take an oath to not reproduce so that the earth can heal itself.
So I bought a terracotta pot to ash my cigars in while I sit outside on the front porch. I didnt like it but didnt want to buy and ashtray for outdoor use so I spruced up my pot. I hate cleaning out sand so I decided to go with rocks instead. The thinking being instead of combing the sand I can just rinse the rocks off and have the ash go out the hole in the bottom. So I painted the inside black but wanted something more to give it some flair. So I did a CI Nation smiley face on the outside, then took the dremel and ground it out to raise up the design and then painted it. After tha
After watching this I remembered the story I heard about some moon rock given to another country that turned out to be fake. They decided to test it after so many years and it turned out to be petrified wood.