Gatsu's blog


Shared on Mon, 12/08/2008 - 21:58

Joystick #3 WIP 2

Here's some WIP picks of the latest stick order for MancoTheGr8. This stick has had a very unique set of challenges, but even though I've hit a few snags its coming together nicely.

Just need some final sanding, filler, sanding, then I can paint, wire and assemble the stick and ship it. (after testing of course). Enjoy.


Shared on Wed, 11/26/2008 - 10:28

Joystick #3 WIP.

Here's a few photos of the new joystick Im working on. Its WIP, but you can kinda see how its shaping up. The back and side panels are double thick and will have a couple of neat angles on them once I get them sanded and uniform. I sanded some last night, but decided to do some router experimentation instead.


Shared on Wed, 11/26/2008 - 10:28

Joystick #3 WIP.

Here's a few photos of the new joystick Im working on. Its WIP, but you can kinda see how its shaping up. The back and side panels are double thick and will have a couple of neat angles on them once I get them sanded and uniform. I sanded some last night, but decided to do some router experimentation instead.


Shared on Tue, 11/25/2008 - 11:14

Its been a week or so.

Haven't blogged in a week or two. Figured it was time for an update.

Been playing a lot of Left 4 Dead & Gears 2....with a little Fable 2 tossed in. Good stuff. Though I think I am starting to get burned out a little. Games aren't holding my interest like they had been for the past few months.


Shared on Tue, 11/25/2008 - 11:14

Its been a week or so.

Haven't blogged in a week or two. Figured it was time for an update.

Been playing a lot of Left 4 Dead & Gears 2....with a little Fable 2 tossed in. Good stuff. Though I think I am starting to get burned out a little. Games aren't holding my interest like they had been for the past few months.


Shared on Sat, 11/15/2008 - 11:10

Vacations almost over.....bummer.

Well it's Saturday. Just one more full day left of my vacation before I have to go back to the job. And I can honestly say that I really don't miss that place at all. I could quit if I wanted and it wouldn't bring a tear to my eye. But the way the job market much as I hate it, I don't know if I could get another job quickly. So I need to hold onto what I've got and try to live off of that. And with X-mas around the corner....I need money.


Shared on Sat, 11/15/2008 - 11:10

Vacations almost over.....bummer.

Well it's Saturday. Just one more full day left of my vacation before I have to go back to the job. And I can honestly say that I really don't miss that place at all. I could quit if I wanted and it wouldn't bring a tear to my eye. But the way the job market much as I hate it, I don't know if I could get another job quickly. So I need to hold onto what I've got and try to live off of that. And with X-mas around the corner....I need money.


Shared on Sun, 11/09/2008 - 21:13


Im kicking off my week-long vacation tomorrow. After being at the print shop for 3 years, and with all the new stresses of one of my friends losing his job there, and the economy and all that crap...I needed a break.

So this week I'm gonna kick back, game during the first few hours of the day, work on another arcade joystick for Manco here on 2old2play, and then jump in Gears 2 with my clan homies.

Its gonna be a good week.


- Gat




Shared on Sun, 11/09/2008 - 21:13


Im kicking off my week-long vacation tomorrow. After being at the print shop for 3 years, and with all the new stresses of one of my friends losing his job there, and the economy and all that crap...I needed a break.

So this week I'm gonna kick back, game during the first few hours of the day, work on another arcade joystick for Manco here on 2old2play, and then jump in Gears 2 with my clan homies.

Its gonna be a good week.


- Gat




Shared on Sat, 11/08/2008 - 17:06

Just beat Gears of War 2.

And damn was it good. Definitely leaves it open for Gears 3. I'll start writing up a review and will hopefully have it done by tomorrow.



- Gat

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