Gatsu's blog


Shared on Sun, 12/02/2007 - 14:34


This made my damn day.


Hilarious. NSFW for language.


Shared on Sat, 12/01/2007 - 18:15

HD Televisions and ghosting.

A few months ago I made the jump into High-def and purchased a 27" Olevia brand LCD Television. Goes up to 1080i. Its a pretty sweet little set and displays games and HD movies like a frigging champ.

There are 1 or 2 problems I have with the television that I wouldn't have known from looking at it in the store.

1.)The remote sucks. The channels change about a full second after I press the button. Same with changing inputs.

2.)Ghosting while viewing regular DVDs.


Shared on Sat, 12/01/2007 - 18:15

HD Televisions and ghosting.

A few months ago I made the jump into High-def and purchased a 27" Olevia brand LCD Television. Goes up to 1080i. Its a pretty sweet little set and displays games and HD movies like a frigging champ.

There are 1 or 2 problems I have with the television that I wouldn't have known from looking at it in the store.

1.)The remote sucks. The channels change about a full second after I press the button. Same with changing inputs.

2.)Ghosting while viewing regular DVDs.


Shared on Fri, 11/30/2007 - 15:08

The surgery was a success.

Well I'm alive and kicking and in very little pain. So all is well I would assume.

On some good pain meds and an antibiotic just incase of infection. Been eating nothing but scrambled eggs and fruit smoothies. although thats alot healthier than I normally eat. lol.

the surgery went without a hitch...although the needle part did not go smoothly at all.

it took them 6 of 7 sticks before they finally got a vein. And they vein they did get was in the top of my hand. so I hate needles even more thanks to this experience.


Shared on Fri, 11/30/2007 - 15:08

The surgery was a success.

Well I'm alive and kicking and in very little pain. So all is well I would assume.

On some good pain meds and an antibiotic just incase of infection. Been eating nothing but scrambled eggs and fruit smoothies. although thats alot healthier than I normally eat. lol.

the surgery went without a hitch...although the needle part did not go smoothly at all.

it took them 6 of 7 sticks before they finally got a vein. And they vein they did get was in the top of my hand. so I hate needles even more thanks to this experience.


Shared on Wed, 11/28/2007 - 12:07

Oral Surgery tomorrow.

Hooray for getting cut on! no...wait....

Getting my wisdom teeth cut out tomorrow. Thats gonna be fun. I despise needles with a passion....but I have to have an IV in order for them to knock me out.
I just hope I get some good stuff for after the IV wears off. ;)

So wish me luck and no complications. I want it to be a quick trip with no issues.

-Gatsu OUT!


Shared on Wed, 11/28/2007 - 12:07

Oral Surgery tomorrow.

Hooray for getting cut on! no...wait....

Getting my wisdom teeth cut out tomorrow. Thats gonna be fun. I despise needles with a passion....but I have to have an IV in order for them to knock me out.
I just hope I get some good stuff for after the IV wears off. ;)

So wish me luck and no complications. I want it to be a quick trip with no issues.

-Gatsu OUT!


Shared on Tue, 11/27/2007 - 12:19

a new blog design. w00t!

yeah...I am very bored at work. lol.

so what do you think? I know the avatar is kinda dark....but I still like it. Makes you wonder what scene played out before that to make him put the gun to his head.

The banner is a quick photoshop thing I threw together. I like putting the 300 guys head on stuff. It makes pictures 100% funnier most of the time. And never saw him on Master Chief till now.

hows it look?

Gatsu OUT!


Shared on Tue, 11/27/2007 - 12:19

a new blog design. w00t!

yeah...I am very bored at work. lol.

so what do you think? I know the avatar is kinda dark....but I still like it. Makes you wonder what scene played out before that to make him put the gun to his head.

The banner is a quick photoshop thing I threw together. I like putting the 300 guys head on stuff. It makes pictures 100% funnier most of the time. And never saw him on Master Chief till now.

hows it look?

Gatsu OUT!


Shared on Mon, 11/26/2007 - 13:43

What is your perfect game?

By perfect...I mean perfect for you. What elements combined make the most awesomely amazing game that you would never stop playing until #2 of that game came out?

I ask, because today while at work I started thinking about what makes a game great. Well sales right? higher sales the better the game? right? Nope.
I hate madden....but alot of people buy the new one every year and love it.
Same with COD4. Alot of people love it, but its just not doing it for me. And I'm sure its selling really well.

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