HackUberGeek's blog


Shared on Wed, 11/29/2006 - 21:35

Texas Hold'em Update

So frankly I didn't like the update instead of an arcade game, but thats just because I am a spoilled little brat. I did try out the update a little, and the changes seem nice. Go to a real news site ifyou really care what they are. One thing that I noticed was that there are new standard game types. Now I got bored and bet everything I had a while ago, so I had almost no money which meant that the single player really stunk. Now there is a$400 sponsered by in with no limit. This means that idiots like me can start the game bet everytime and if I double up (or better) I cash out.


Shared on Wed, 11/29/2006 - 16:51


Well, I finally put some effort into the blog header and background. This is what I will go with for the near future. If you like any of the bits and care to get them just let me know adn I will send them over. The acheivemnt pop up needed a bit of tweaking, but I think it worked out.

I have also decided to post in smaller chunks. I am fairly certain that no one wants a long read. Of course I was fairly certain that no one would read this crap, but sure as hell, I am almost at a 1000 views. And only half of them are mine.

See you online tonight in Chromehounds.


Shared on Wed, 11/29/2006 - 11:15

Maybe Socks on my X-mas list...

So I have Rainbow 6 Vegas sitting on my desk. It’s been loaned to me by a co-worker. The problem is that I am at work, and even when I get home, I want to finish GoW on Insane, but I also don’t want to keep the game too long.


Shared on Wed, 11/29/2006 - 11:15

Maybe Socks on my X-mas list...

So I have Rainbow 6 Vegas sitting on my desk. It’s been loaned to me by a co-worker. The problem is that I am at work, and even when I get home, I want to finish GoW on Insane, but I also don’t want to keep the game too long.


Shared on Tue, 11/28/2006 - 20:39

Too Lazy for a Title.

So… I made progress in GoW Act 4 on Insane. In fact I am at the start of Act 5. I found a decent random guy to go Co-op with and it worked out well. If I wasn’t so hungry I would have played longer with him. I still love the end of Act 4 when you run out the back of the house to find a surprise. Now for the final act, and if I finish that next, I also break the 10K gamerscore barrier. So close now… just 42 (damn you GRAW and your weird points) away.


Shared on Tue, 11/28/2006 - 20:39

Too Lazy for a Title.

So… I made progress in GoW Act 4 on Insane. In fact I am at the start of Act 5. I found a decent random guy to go Co-op with and it worked out well. If I wasn’t so hungry I would have played longer with him. I still love the end of Act 4 when you run out the back of the house to find a surprise. Now for the final act, and if I finish that next, I also break the 10K gamerscore barrier. So close now… just 42 (damn you GRAW and your weird points) away.


Shared on Tue, 11/28/2006 - 11:27

Who the hell is hardcore?

I am not sure I even know what “hardcore gamer” means. Am I the mythological hardcore gamer? I keep reading the reviews/comparisons of the three consoles, and they say things that hardcore gamers care about and what they don’t.  Did I get the 360 as early as I could? Yup. Do I spend more time than the average person playing and spend more on games? You betcha.


Shared on Mon, 11/27/2006 - 14:39

I survived Turkey Day ‘06

I like my in-laws. I do. But I think I have had my fill. Tuesday night we had dinner there and spent the evening. Thursday we were with them at my wife’s aunt’s house. Saturday was at their house for more food. Sunday was church(which never puts me in a good mood), lunch, and I just barely avoided dinner. I have decided that even though they are only a few minutes away, that we don’t need to see them until Christmas.


Shared on Mon, 11/27/2006 - 14:39

I survived Turkey Day ‘06

I like my in-laws. I do. But I think I have had my fill. Tuesday night we had dinner there and spent the evening. Thursday we were with them at my wife’s aunt’s house. Saturday was at their house for more food. Sunday was church(which never puts me in a good mood), lunch, and I just barely avoided dinner. I have decided that even though they are only a few minutes away, that we don’t need to see them until Christmas.


Shared on Thu, 11/16/2006 - 20:03

Viva Piñata!

First off, due to… ah I guess “Posting” issues, I have had to write this three times. Turns out I have written something different each time. But here we go.


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