jasontroyhimself's blog


Shared on Wed, 07/02/2008 - 19:59

A Humpday Birthday

Turned 28 today! :D

Also, I found out that Xbox Live didn't like the name CocRocket.   

So being one year older & becoming tired of the fight to keep Jay CocRocket,
I finally merged both my site name & my xbox live name.

Welcome JasonTroyHimslf.
and to recognize the change, DJ Kraze E updated my signature..  the sweetness:

I'm back btw.
Game on. -Jay


Shared on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 15:15

Just when I thought it was going downhill...

As the non-gaming depression sunk in, I thought to myself, "I need a beer."

And lo' n behold, I've found a new purpose for this cast:


It shaped into the perfect beer holder!
I love it!

Beer, a cast & a white t-shirt..  West Virginia here I come!  :D



Shared on Thu, 02/07/2008 - 16:43

Gameless Prison

   I have been out gaming for about 3 weeks now due to an injury to my left thumb that until this morning, the f**king idiot doctor has told me was a severe sprain.

   I go back to the docs on Monday & ask to get referral to an Orthopedic Doc..  He takes more x-rays & this morning I get a call to come to the hospital as soon as I can get there.  From that point, the new Doc tells me I have a torn tendon between my thumb & palm & I'll need to be in a cast for 4 weeks.


Shared on Thu, 02/07/2008 - 16:43

Gameless Prison

   I have been out gaming for about 3 weeks now due to an injury to my left thumb that until this morning, the f**king idiot doctor has told me was a severe sprain.

   I go back to the docs on Monday & ask to get referral to an Orthopedic Doc..  He takes more x-rays & this morning I get a call to come to the hospital as soon as I can get there.  From that point, the new Doc tells me I have a torn tendon between my thumb & palm & I'll need to be in a cast for 4 weeks.


Shared on Thu, 01/17/2008 - 07:15

Chief Petty Officer

This morning will be my first time taking the E-7 exam (Military Advancement Exam) & I can't wait.
It's a little past 5am here & I'm eating some cereal, relaxing & trying to not stress.  =)


Shared on Thu, 01/17/2008 - 07:15

Chief Petty Officer

This morning will be my first time taking the E-7 exam (Military Advancement Exam) & I can't wait.
It's a little past 5am here & I'm eating some cereal, relaxing & trying to not stress.  =)


Shared on Fri, 01/11/2008 - 14:39


Apparently I am still sick;


For today at work,
I sharted.


Shared on Fri, 01/11/2008 - 14:39


Apparently I am still sick;


For today at work,
I sharted.


Shared on Thu, 01/10/2008 - 15:14

And I'm Back

After a week & a half of feeling totally helpless & crappy,
the meds have done their work & I'm ready to live again.

I'll see all of you quite soon.  =)



Shared on Thu, 01/10/2008 - 15:14

And I'm Back

After a week & a half of feeling totally helpless & crappy,
the meds have done their work & I'm ready to live again.

I'll see all of you quite soon.  =)


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