JollyRoger's blog


Shared on Tue, 10/23/2007 - 08:49

Megan's First Day With The Nurse

It's a long post, so bear with me...


Shared on Fri, 10/19/2007 - 09:24

New web page for Megan

Just wanted to post and let everyone know that we now have a new web page for Megan. This new blog site, will allow us to post more pictures, add links and even post videos. We love our care page, but unfortunately, there is so much more we want to share, and were just not able to. Yes, unfortunately, you have to register again, but we think you all will enjoy the new site. We even posted a video of our first year with Megan. Please take the time to head over to the new site. We are truly blessed by you all and those who have endured the trial along side us. Thanks again.


Shared on Fri, 10/19/2007 - 09:24

New web page for Megan

Just wanted to post and let everyone know that we now have a new web page for Megan. This new blog site, will allow us to post more pictures, add links and even post videos. We love our care page, but unfortunately, there is so much more we want to share, and were just not able to. Yes, unfortunately, you have to register again, but we think you all will enjoy the new site. We even posted a video of our first year with Megan. Please take the time to head over to the new site. We are truly blessed by you all and those who have endured the trial along side us. Thanks again.


Shared on Tue, 10/16/2007 - 15:58

Two things...

First, Megan's nurse caught a cold, and we let her know that she can start next week instead. Stacy already has a cold, and Ian-Thomas is getting over his, so we don't need the germs right now. So, the new nurse will be starting next week.

Second, Megan got her new ride today. As excited as we are to get this, there is a bit of sadness stored in the back of our minds. Nonetheless, it's here and it looks fantastic. And yes, it's pink. :)



Shared on Tue, 10/16/2007 - 15:58

Two things...

First, Megan's nurse caught a cold, and we let her know that she can start next week instead. Stacy already has a cold, and Ian-Thomas is getting over his, so we don't need the germs right now. So, the new nurse will be starting next week.

Second, Megan got her new ride today. As excited as we are to get this, there is a bit of sadness stored in the back of our minds. Nonetheless, it's here and it looks fantastic. And yes, it's pink. :)



Shared on Fri, 10/12/2007 - 14:08

Ground-poundingly excited!!!!!

Not sure of that's a word but, oh well:


Shared on Fri, 10/12/2007 - 14:08

Ground-poundingly excited!!!!!

Not sure of that's a word but, oh well:


Shared on Fri, 10/12/2007 - 08:53


Reading Balek's blog and thinking on JRo's blog, I am thankful for being alive today. It's beautiful outside, and though there are trouble here and there, nothing is to big for my God. I am thankful for a lot of things, too many to number or list here. Which reminds me of a song on my iPod. I'll play it frequently when the world tries to get in my head and create despair and hopelessness. The video is decent, but the meaning is greater. Take care and I pray that you all have a wonderful weekend.

Alive: P.O.D.


Shared on Fri, 10/12/2007 - 08:53


Reading Balek's blog and thinking on JRo's blog, I am thankful for being alive today. It's beautiful outside, and though there are trouble here and there, nothing is to big for my God. I am thankful for a lot of things, too many to number or list here. Which reminds me of a song on my iPod. I'll play it frequently when the world tries to get in my head and create despair and hopelessness. The video is decent, but the meaning is greater. Take care and I pray that you all have a wonderful weekend.

Alive: P.O.D.


Shared on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 08:47

Back home and a blog for Ben

Hi guys, thank you so much for your prayers, emails, and calls about my dad. Thankfully we were able to bring him home tonight. After a lot of blood work, x-ray, and CT scan, they determined a couple of things. One is that he has a lot of arthritis setting in his back, which comes with his age. The other is his brain. Basically his brain is shrinking and his alzheimers has progressed significantly. There really is nothing they can do for him. He will continue on his meds and they will just have to watch him and see how fast it keeps progressing.

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