pearly_54's blog


Shared on Thu, 07/02/2009 - 06:06

The Day After

Well, he came, he went, and he left his calling card at my front door.  This pushes me closer to making it legal.  I know, it takes me a long time to decide to do things.  That is my way.  What did he leave me?  Champagne and a mushy card.  I threw the card away, but the champagne?  In the fridge, of course.  A big thank you to all of you that sent the virtual hugs.  The one from the boys was especially nice, Meemoos.  I know I can always count on my online family to support me when I need it.


Shared on Wed, 07/01/2009 - 06:28


Today is my anniversary, and, since I am still married, I guess it is a valid day.  I have been a bit down in the dumps anticipating this day and wondering what would happen.  So far, not a thing.  That's good, I guess.  Maybe he finally got the message.  But, the day isn't over, yet.  I realize this is a Canadian holiday.  I know that cuz we honeymooned in Canada and the whole country was shut down.  Bad start, bad ending. 


Shared on Wed, 07/01/2009 - 06:28


Today is my anniversary, and, since I am still married, I guess it is a valid day.  I have been a bit down in the dumps anticipating this day and wondering what would happen.  So far, not a thing.  That's good, I guess.  Maybe he finally got the message.  But, the day isn't over, yet.  I realize this is a Canadian holiday.  I know that cuz we honeymooned in Canada and the whole country was shut down.  Bad start, bad ending. 


Shared on Sun, 06/28/2009 - 09:17

Sunday morning thoughts

The novelty of learning how to be independent and self sufficient is starting to wear off.  I would much rather be a slug and sit in front of my computer or xbox all day.  Now I have to worry about my job.  Yes, the state stole some of our money, just because.  I have to do the household chores.  Oh, the washer just turned off.  brb.  Where was I?  Oh yeh.  There's laundry, grocery shopping, altho i have virtually stopped eating cuz I also have to cook.  I have to pay the bills.  I have most of them on automatic bill pay, tho.  lol  And the litter box!  Yikes!  Cats poop sooooo much!  What


Shared on Sun, 06/28/2009 - 09:17

Sunday morning thoughts

The novelty of learning how to be independent and self sufficient is starting to wear off.  I would much rather be a slug and sit in front of my computer or xbox all day.  Now I have to worry about my job.  Yes, the state stole some of our money, just because.  I have to do the household chores.  Oh, the washer just turned off.  brb.  Where was I?  Oh yeh.  There's laundry, grocery shopping, altho i have virtually stopped eating cuz I also have to cook.  I have to pay the bills.  I have most of them on automatic bill pay, tho.  lol  And the litter box!  Yikes!  Cats poop sooooo much!  What


Shared on Sat, 06/27/2009 - 12:24

This Year's Lan

There is a lot of discussion going on in the P&W group.  Some say we have failed to draw enuf people to the lan to pay expenses, let alone have a great time!  There is worry that we have not done a good enuf job promoting the lan.  What else can we do?  Ticket sales are low, yes.  But is saying over and over how wonderful and fun the lan is going to make people decide to go?  Prolly not.  I know it is an expensive weekend for some.  The room cost, food, airfare, etc.  Oh, yeh, booze!  Gotta have it!  It all adds up.  I have heard "how can I justify spending that much money when [insert


Shared on Sat, 06/27/2009 - 12:24

This Year's Lan

There is a lot of discussion going on in the P&W group.  Some say we have failed to draw enuf people to the lan to pay expenses, let alone have a great time!  There is worry that we have not done a good enuf job promoting the lan.  What else can we do?  Ticket sales are low, yes.  But is saying over and over how wonderful and fun the lan is going to make people decide to go?  Prolly not.  I know it is an expensive weekend for some.  The room cost, food, airfare, etc.  Oh, yeh, booze!  Gotta have it!  It all adds up.  I have heard "how can I justify spending that much money when [insert


Shared on Fri, 06/26/2009 - 06:24

Just stuff

Ahem!  About my blog yesterday?  It was effective.  Sorta.  I was hoping that more people would "know who you are", but, oh well.  It was fun to see who responded.  I really do hate being ignored.  Attention whore, that's me!


Shared on Fri, 06/26/2009 - 06:24

Just stuff

Ahem!  About my blog yesterday?  It was effective.  Sorta.  I was hoping that more people would "know who you are", but, oh well.  It was fun to see who responded.  I really do hate being ignored.  Attention whore, that's me!


Shared on Thu, 06/25/2009 - 06:20

Being Ignored

I like to send emails, B-Cards, blog (as you know) and other varieties of communication.  Now that I am alone, just me and my kitty, I am reaching out a little more than I used to.  I am on xbl hanging with some of my buds quite often.  I use ventrilo with my clannies in magic.  I have neglected blogging a bit cuz my life is sooooo predictable and routine now, that I can't figure out what to write about.  But, aha!  I want to express my opinion about being ignored.

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