pearly_54's blog


Shared on Thu, 11/20/2008 - 06:10

just a short thought

I actually made it home by 7:30 last night!  Nice.  And the reason prolly was cuz I drove instead of taking the bus.  It doesn't come very often after the college students all head out.  The bus is ok.  It's free.  Parking is free.  And, entertainment is free.




True that!


Shared on Wed, 11/19/2008 - 06:05


So, today is the day.  This is the very reason, well, one of them, that I didn't want to go to permanent full time.  It's called "late nurse".  The late nurse is the last nurse standing, when everyone else, including patients, have gone home.  This could be anywhere from 6:00 to 9:00.  I am already late every night!  But, I will be later tonite.


Shared on Wed, 11/19/2008 - 06:05


So, today is the day.  This is the very reason, well, one of them, that I didn't want to go to permanent full time.  It's called "late nurse".  The late nurse is the last nurse standing, when everyone else, including patients, have gone home.  This could be anywhere from 6:00 to 9:00.  I am already late every night!  But, I will be later tonite.


Shared on Tue, 11/18/2008 - 06:34

nuttin hunny

I have been a bit unhappy with this work stuff, but am starting to get used to not having a life and no time for anything. This is my "alone time", merely 30 minutes, and it's almost gone. Booooo. I had time to play 45 minutes of Fable before bed last night. No Magic. Sorry guys, but I had to decide.

So, a little email humor to start the day.....



Shared on Tue, 11/18/2008 - 06:34

nuttin hunny

I have been a bit unhappy with this work stuff, but am starting to get used to not having a life and no time for anything. This is my "alone time", merely 30 minutes, and it's almost gone. Booooo. I had time to play 45 minutes of Fable before bed last night. No Magic. Sorry guys, but I had to decide.

So, a little email humor to start the day.....



Shared on Mon, 11/17/2008 - 06:29

Alone time

This is my "alone time", 7:00-7:30 in the morning.  It's quiet.  Sometimes I catch some friends online and chat for a while.  I also can sit here and wonder why????  Why did I go back to work full time???  I am adjusting.  But, the weekends are now incredibly short as well as my evenings.  Will it work out in the end?  Hope so.  Money, my own insurance, my own credit card (and credit, period), and no debt....yes, house and cars are totally mine.  This all = independence, imo.  I keep getting warned by hubby that he won't be around much longer.  Sorta like "it's the big one...arghhhh".  Some


Shared on Sat, 11/15/2008 - 06:11


There's a dead bird in my fridge!  Eek!  Oh, wait, I think it's a turkey.  Hmmmmm.  Moving right along..

I chatted with my friend in Australia yesterday morning.  Ohhhh, was that nice.  I hadn't heard from him in a long time.  Luv u Andrew!!!


Shared on Sat, 11/15/2008 - 06:11


There's a dead bird in my fridge!  Eek!  Oh, wait, I think it's a turkey.  Hmmmmm.  Moving right along..

I chatted with my friend in Australia yesterday morning.  Ohhhh, was that nice.  I hadn't heard from him in a long time.  Luv u Andrew!!!


Shared on Thu, 11/13/2008 - 20:10

Fable II

I'm not sure about this....  I picked up Fable II today and just messed around with it for, prolly, less than an hour.  It starts out very much like it is rated "E", but it is rated "M".  I suspect as my character "grows", she will also mature.  It is extremely easy at the start, so it just might be a good game for me.....      I like that you can play coop, too.  that will be fun once a few of us are playing it.  So far the graphics are very nice, but I think I may still be in that beginning video part.  Hard to tell, s


Shared on Thu, 11/13/2008 - 20:10

Fable II

I'm not sure about this....  I picked up Fable II today and just messed around with it for, prolly, less than an hour.  It starts out very much like it is rated "E", but it is rated "M".  I suspect as my character "grows", she will also mature.  It is extremely easy at the start, so it just might be a good game for me.....      I like that you can play coop, too.  that will be fun once a few of us are playing it.  So far the graphics are very nice, but I think I may still be in that beginning video part.  Hard to tell, s

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