pearly_54's blog


Shared on Wed, 11/12/2008 - 06:24


I woke up this morning thinking something was amiss.  Oh, right, hubby was........where?  My imagination took over and I started wondering where the insurance policies were.  Who do I contact?  How will I tell the rest of the family?  Now, which funeral home did he say he wanted to use?  If he is laid out on the ground, will he be cold?  I'll call 911 and do CPR even tho I told him I never would.  Well, I would, of course.  Did he have a stroke?  Ah, me, that would be the worst.....  Pass out and fall in the fire?  Yeh, he's still hauling logs and burning them.  Ahh!  Now, that's a hint.  W


Shared on Wed, 11/12/2008 - 06:24


I woke up this morning thinking something was amiss.  Oh, right, hubby was........where?  My imagination took over and I started wondering where the insurance policies were.  Who do I contact?  How will I tell the rest of the family?  Now, which funeral home did he say he wanted to use?  If he is laid out on the ground, will he be cold?  I'll call 911 and do CPR even tho I told him I never would.  Well, I would, of course.  Did he have a stroke?  Ah, me, that would be the worst.....  Pass out and fall in the fire?  Yeh, he's still hauling logs and burning them.  Ahh!  Now, that's a hint.  W


Shared on Mon, 11/10/2008 - 19:37

long day

Today was soooo long.  I was out of the house at 6:30, got the the park-n-ride, took the bus to work, and sat thru a staff meeting.  Blah!  Oncology something or other has a new director.  Young!  I was surprised.  And, cute!  I'd say he's in his mid-late 30's.  Wow.  Anyways, after the eye candy, we got to work.  It was a slow start, but we got slammed around 10:00 and it never seemed to end.  I was supposed to go to "skills fair", a required documentation that you learned something and are competent.  But, it was too busy and I couldn't go during work hours.  I got out of work around 6:00


Shared on Mon, 11/10/2008 - 19:37

long day

Today was soooo long.  I was out of the house at 6:30, got the the park-n-ride, took the bus to work, and sat thru a staff meeting.  Blah!  Oncology something or other has a new director.  Young!  I was surprised.  And, cute!  I'd say he's in his mid-late 30's.  Wow.  Anyways, after the eye candy, we got to work.  It was a slow start, but we got slammed around 10:00 and it never seemed to end.  I was supposed to go to "skills fair", a required documentation that you learned something and are competent.  But, it was too busy and I couldn't go during work hours.  I got out of work around 6:00


Shared on Sun, 11/09/2008 - 06:20

Dizzies and plugs

For quite a while now I have been waking up in the morning with a headache.  Not bad, but there.  And now, for the last few nights, I have had that topsy turvy thing I call "the dizzies" if I wake up and, um, gotta go pee.  My balance is bad, and I don't even really notice until I realize I am leaning to the right, more, and more, and, oops, grab the wall.  Yeh, I always lean to the right.  I have vertigo.  It can be a huge PITA.  But, usually it starts with an "attack", where I am nauseated, can't get out of bed, and the world is swinging back and forth out of control.  Then I sleep for a


Shared on Sun, 11/09/2008 - 06:20

Dizzies and plugs

For quite a while now I have been waking up in the morning with a headache.  Not bad, but there.  And now, for the last few nights, I have had that topsy turvy thing I call "the dizzies" if I wake up and, um, gotta go pee.  My balance is bad, and I don't even really notice until I realize I am leaning to the right, more, and more, and, oops, grab the wall.  Yeh, I always lean to the right.  I have vertigo.  It can be a huge PITA.  But, usually it starts with an "attack", where I am nauseated, can't get out of bed, and the world is swinging back and forth out of control.  Then I sleep for a


Shared on Sat, 11/08/2008 - 07:04

I just know.....

It is sooooo cool to see articles I have helped with on the front page of this website!  Myself, I would not begin to think I could write about games, how good, or bad, they are, or anything even remotely related to gaming.  It's just not within my ability to think those things thru and make it come out right.  But, I can edit those that do!  And, it is fun to do, especially since I get to see it first, tweak it, correct grammar and spelling , and whatever else.  And I have a lot of respect for those that do write.  Go


Shared on Sat, 11/08/2008 - 07:04

I just know.....

It is sooooo cool to see articles I have helped with on the front page of this website!  Myself, I would not begin to think I could write about games, how good, or bad, they are, or anything even remotely related to gaming.  It's just not within my ability to think those things thru and make it come out right.  But, I can edit those that do!  And, it is fun to do, especially since I get to see it first, tweak it, correct grammar and spelling , and whatever else.  And I have a lot of respect for those that do write.  Go


Shared on Thu, 11/06/2008 - 06:41

Good Morning, 2old2play!

I need volunteers!  And ideas!  The upcoming fundraiser for 2o2p v3 needs to see more action.  I have received very interesting offers of donations for, perhaps, auction?  Prizes?  We don't really know for sure yet.  Everything is still in the planning stages.  But, we need every one of you!  You enjoy this site.  You read my blog!  That's so special.......  So, help me help this site by PMing me with your ideas, donations, whatever.  I would luv to hear from you.  Also, you can have my email address if you do!   And who knows what else you might get in return....might depend on how good yo


Shared on Thu, 11/06/2008 - 06:41

Good Morning, 2old2play!

I need volunteers!  And ideas!  The upcoming fundraiser for 2o2p v3 needs to see more action.  I have received very interesting offers of donations for, perhaps, auction?  Prizes?  We don't really know for sure yet.  Everything is still in the planning stages.  But, we need every one of you!  You enjoy this site.  You read my blog!  That's so special.......  So, help me help this site by PMing me with your ideas, donations, whatever.  I would luv to hear from you.  Also, you can have my email address if you do!   And who knows what else you might get in return....might depend on how good yo

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