pp2's blog


Shared on Sun, 02/08/2009 - 01:03

Musician's clan

JCotter and I have been exchanging PMs about pods and so forth (he's helped me a ton with my new toy) and got to discussing a clan for musicians.  Not the Rock Band/Guitar Heroes of the site, but for people who actually play instruments of any type at any level.

I know there are a lot of musicians on this site, and many folks far more talented than I.  Would you guys be interested in a clan like this, maybe use riffworks or some other recording tools to pass along and compose songs amongst ourselves?  Share tips on sites, equipment, or playing in general?


Shared on Sat, 02/07/2009 - 11:49

What almost happened

As I'm sitting here installing new drivers for my pod I figured I'd share this little story.  When I was at GC last night I went right to the Rumble Room (not realizing the pods were elsewhere) and came upon a used 5-string Warwick fpr $800.  When I bought my Ibanez back in September I had messed around with a similar 5 string model and couldn't really get used to the size of the neck, so I passed.  This time?  The neck size was no problem.  In fact, it felt pretty good.  So I sat there for about 20 minutes messing with it and debating on whether or not I should get the Warwick instead of t


Shared on Sat, 02/07/2009 - 11:49

What almost happened

As I'm sitting here installing new drivers for my pod I figured I'd share this little story.  When I was at GC last night I went right to the Rumble Room (not realizing the pods were elsewhere) and came upon a used 5-string Warwick fpr $800.  When I bought my Ibanez back in September I had messed around with a similar 5 string model and couldn't really get used to the size of the neck, so I passed.  This time?  The neck size was no problem.  In fact, it felt pretty good.  So I sat there for about 20 minutes messing with it and debating on whether or not I should get the Warwick instead of t


Shared on Fri, 02/06/2009 - 21:58

New toy

I just got back from Guitar Center with my newest toy.  I had been wanting to get a pod of some kind for several months now, mainly for the amp modelling and the ability to plug directly into a PA or board rather than lugging around my amp.  The other aspects of them are fun too, like the different effects and recording ability.  So anyway, after many months of deliberation (and waiting for my bonus check) I had decided on the following:



Shared on Fri, 02/06/2009 - 21:58

New toy

I just got back from Guitar Center with my newest toy.  I had been wanting to get a pod of some kind for several months now, mainly for the amp modelling and the ability to plug directly into a PA or board rather than lugging around my amp.  The other aspects of them are fun too, like the different effects and recording ability.  So anyway, after many months of deliberation (and waiting for my bonus check) I had decided on the following:



Shared on Thu, 02/05/2009 - 21:06


So I'm sitting here tonight in between loads of laundry trying to get some time in on the bass.  Btw, I washed my wallet in the first load I did, so wtg me!


Shared on Thu, 02/05/2009 - 21:06


So I'm sitting here tonight in between loads of laundry trying to get some time in on the bass.  Btw, I washed my wallet in the first load I did, so wtg me!


Shared on Thu, 01/29/2009 - 22:11

Have bass, will travel

So today I officially resigned as the bassist of the band I was in.

I liked the music we played.  It was all original and had some fun bits to it, and lots of energy.  The problem was it wasn't going anywhere, and wasn't going to go anywhere.


Shared on Thu, 01/29/2009 - 22:11

Have bass, will travel

So today I officially resigned as the bassist of the band I was in.

I liked the music we played.  It was all original and had some fun bits to it, and lots of energy.  The problem was it wasn't going anywhere, and wasn't going to go anywhere.


Shared on Tue, 01/27/2009 - 21:24

This one's for you, Freyn!

This is a little old but its still really good.  A few years back Iron Maiden were on a tv show called Live From Abbey Road and performed a song from their most recent album at the time and then a classic from back in the day.  These are high quality versions of both songs, plus a fun little interview with the band beforehand.




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