sjam613's blog


Shared on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 13:26

Damn Freeze Ups

Something that I'm sure all of us have experienced before.


Shared on Tue, 08/29/2006 - 12:14

Coffee anyone??

Ever feel like you are always the one making coffee in the office? 

Our office generally has two pots (1 regular, 1 flavored) going throughout the morning.  Now that I type that, it's pretty scary to think of an office full of people high on caffine!!  Generally I come in during the morning and a pot of regular is ready to go, and I am happy enough to fire up a pot of flavored.


Shared on Mon, 08/28/2006 - 12:00

Your Friends List Can Be Your Enemy

After finding this website and then having people generously fill my friends list, I have found how it can also be damaging.  Generally during my lunch time, I catch myself logging into the Xbox website and seeing what's up.  The killer comes when you see some of your friends playing a game!

The torture begins knowing that I am sitting here rotting away at work while some people are getting their gaming fix in.  While I know the wise thing to do would be to stay away at lunch, the temptation is just too big to resist.


Shared on Sun, 08/27/2006 - 17:26

Lying Weatherman

Hate to do a short blurb but it barely got to 60 degrees at my house today.  That 10 degree lie by the weatherman is making me realize even more that summer is almost gone!  Who knew my blog this morning would be even more relevant by the end of the day?? lol.


Shared on Sun, 08/27/2006 - 07:35


As I sit here looking out my bay window, the rain is coming down and it's cool for August with highs possibly only getting into the upper 60s.  With vacation coming next week, I was hoping to get out and cut the grass since I won't be home for the next few weekends.  Now thanks to the weekend washout, I'll have to bust my ass home from work and do it some time this week.


Shared on Sat, 08/26/2006 - 05:46

6:30 AM = Way Too Early

I'm sure many of us have this same story.

Another weekend has arrived and another day of my 3 year old waking up way too early in the morning for my tastes.  Now I'm not the sleep in real late person, so I'm generally awake by 8 on the weekends but I'm not prepared to wake up like I would on any normal work day.  I will admit that it is my own fault that I stayed up past 12:30 last night to play some Burnout with Codemunkee but it's just so much damn fun.


Shared on Fri, 08/25/2006 - 12:07


Well, 7 Days 3 Hours and 6 Minutes from now I'll be heading off with the family on vacation.  But who's counting???

With a little girl not in school yet, we always plan a week at the beach in South Jersey after Labor Day weekend.  The weather is still nice while everyone is gone since "summer is over".  It's also a time of the year for me to recharge before business picks up significantly over the next four months.


Shared on Thu, 08/24/2006 - 14:05

To blog or not to blog?

So I've been a member of this site for almost a month and keep going back and forth on blogging. 

Some questions that run through my mind are:

Will I continue to keep it up to date from time to time?

Will anybody read it?

Will anybody care what I have to say?

So after tossing the coin back and forth, I finally decided "what the hell" type something in!

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