BTCC Season #1 Proposal
BTCC Season #1 Proposal
So heres my proposal for a race 07 series....Since alot of us are in agreeance that the BTCC mod is pretty awesome I thought it would be fitting to use it a seasonal event for Race 07!
Ive tested the mod and found that in the 2011 BTCC mod there were a few glitches in it like only seeing the wheels of a car in the distantance, and weird shadows in front of a few cars so I have decided to use the 2007 edition which seems bug free.
Iam bumping up my internet package and have a tech coming tthis weekend so I should be able t host and connect with everyone......100mb download and 5mb upload!
So here are the details! i just need a little feedback from you guys for ingame settings and will be good to go
Time: Saturdays @ 11am CMT (canada) 7pm UK 12pm Texas 1pm EST for 1hr 10min
Starting on Nov.3rd following every other week
MOD: Living. Sim-Racing BTCC MOD 2007 edition
with the officia BTCCl 2011 season calender ( i had to replace snertton with pozan because it was a bad file)
Vauxhaul - VXR and VXR hatchback
Seat - Toledo and Cupra
Lexus - i3
Honda - Integra and type R
BMW - 320 and 320si
Alfa - Romero
Nov. tba Brands Hatch indy Simbin
Nov.tba Donnigton Nat.
Nov. tba Thruxton
Nov. tba Oulton
Dec. tba Croft
Dec. tba Pozan hi res
Dec. tba Knockhill
Jan. tba Rockingham
Jan. tba Silverstone GP
Jan. tba Brands Hatch GP Simbin
Ill open a room for practice 30 mins prior to start est. 10:30 am
1 10 min qualifiying round
followed by 2 30 min races
Black Flag
Damage 50%
Tire wear x2
Fuel x2
I am pretty sure the comp. adds ballast after the first race accordingly
Points are awarded to the top 15 finishers in each race thus: 1st – 20 points; 2nd – 17; 3rd – 15; 4th – 13; 5th – 11; 6th – 10; 7th – 9; 8th – 8; 9th – 7; 10th – 6; 11th – 5; 12th – 4; 13th – 3; 14th – 2; 15th – 1.
If we can get get at least 5 guys to start ill carry through with it, if not oh well!
let me know what u guys think of the rules or if you think we should change things....lets make this happen!
I'm in 100% and bags the Seat with the Coffee Drops logo, same one as I ran in Snappy's event. You might consider dropping the damage to 50% as it is BTCC and therefore a little paint exchange is likely, and indeed part of the fun. But as the field is likely to be small at the start it would be a shame to have people dropped early on because of damage. If the field expands into double figures (wishful thinking) then 100% to encourage at least a modicum of care.
Great selection of tracks, well in keeping with the series and some I have never raced, always fun getting to grips with unknown tracks.
Communication...GBR's TS server will be unused that day and time so I'm sure they would let us use that.
If your mates come in, and Church and Never...something or other (sorry mate LOL) can make it we should be good to go.gif)
Now to fire up the mod, haven't played with it since the day I downloaded because of the other series that needed some serious practice.
Heh wrong season for Coffee Drops livery
I would sticky this if I could.
Spreadsheets is Church's thing and I'm sure he will knock one up in no time..I'll go with Jason Plato's Seat
Good man
Probably going to be either the Seat Toledo or BMW for me.
Posted at GBR forums.
Cheers Sherb
Thanks Sherb!
Paradox has brought it to my attention that I botched the dates lol Iam apparently 1 day ahead in my world and the dates I posted are actually sundays, so ill switch them back a day and run this event on saturdays. Paradox works every other weekend and is gonna let me know what weekends he has off, would you guys be alright if we ran the BTCC mod every other week id like for him to partake as much as possible and it will make for some good competition with more humans!
I was thinking on the off weeks we could hold the same time and ill wip up another series if guys are interested.....i got a few other mods that would be fun and i am open to suggestions as well!
Sounds good on the week on week off.
Right to sort a sheet out for this.
Start of sheet:
Sign Up
It's kinda fun watching Church mess w/ the sheet real-time..gif)
Don't forget to change the title.
Ah, it will be good to sign up on a Church made sign up sheet again. Question...are we going to go the usual Sim racing route and use our real names, or stick with our more familiar forum nomenclatures?
I would say stick with our usernames?
As you can tell I dont really have my real name anywhere online. Not even FB
Sheet is open to Sign up now
As long as it's not being run on a R2P server. Real names are the requirement there (R2P). If it's a private hosting, it doesn't matter. We use GTs at GBR.
Signed I just need to figure out what the hell I'd like to drive..gif)
I'll give your server a go in a bit, you should chat up FI, he will be able to talk hosting and may be able to work out what is happeneing. No bother on the name thing, happy to continue the tradition most of us are used to.
Edit...No sign of server.
Its not looking like there is much interest in this series......i came across a BTCC/STCC 93-00 mod for rfactor if that would draw more interest?
Not as good as the 07 mod but good non the less, has an excellent amount of cars from tons of manufactures....ive tested a few and most of them will need some retuning.
If anyone wants to test these out let me know
For some strange reason this form isnt allowing me access to any new threads i post and its also not updating any new postings.....i contacted doodi but havent gotten a response yet?
Ass...well I cannot download anything until the seventeeth but it could be the time more than the mod, too many yanks and Canuks and not enough eurozone drivers here at the moment...
Stick with least for now. Maybe look at adjusting the time if need be. When GBR started out a little over a year ago, we would only have 6 guys show up on a good night. Large fields wasn't what mattered. It was all about a bunch of friends getting together to drive cars we loved. It didn't matter where we finished, or how fast we were, it was all about the love of the cars (V8 Supercars in this particular case). It was that enthusiasm and commroderie that has gone on to see GBR grow by leaps and bounds over the past few months (really since January).
Your not likely going to have 20 car fields off the get go. If people have fun w/ the events, they tell people they know & race with. Things will start to expand slowly.