Your thoughts so far?
Your thoughts so far?
So far so good for me.
The game feels balanced and I could honestly care less about levels and loadouts. I think the grenades have too little splash damage especially since the tragectory seems to have changed as well, and also the plasma nades seem too bouncy for me.
I also think there aren't enough defenses for vehicles especially in btb, either that or one plasma nade should be able to disable a vehicle.
I'm hopefull about this release and think that with a little tweaking or me just getting used to the game it is gonna be a classic. Or maybe I just need to change along with the games and time will only tell... who knows.
That said I also might be a little swayed by the fact that I got to game with a lot of peope that haven't been on in a while and that is rad. Good job 343!
I think I am liking it a lot.
I've got a list of small things I do not like but nothing bad yet.
Up to Mission 4 on the campaign, and haven't tried multiplayer yet, but the controls feel tight and responsive. Visuals are really crisp as well. Really enjoying it so far. The new enemies are fun (to kill)..gif)
Agreed. Campaign was damn good. Spartan Ops seems cool so far. I need some more time with multiplayer, but so far I'm loving it. Honestly, I was worried about this whole Bungie - 343 thing, but damn 343 delivered. I'm really kinda blown away. The cutscenes and ending were just awesome.
I was not a fan of Reach or ODST. Between those two variants and Bungie exiting the picture my expectations were pretty damn low. But so far, so good. The new weapon choices and customization options will be nice once I figure them all out and get used to playing Halo again after a 2-year break and I am pretty pleased with the visuals. And the campaign seems interesting; I am definitely curious as to how it plays out.
Multiplayer does play faster, which takes some getting used to. It also suffers from a bit of the map design issues seen in MW3, where you constantly have to worry about getting shot in the back either due to odd spawns or because the flow is too chaotic. These are just minor complaints (for now) and may go away as I become more familiar with the game. My only real complaint as of today is the over complicated, over caffeinated interface. Okay, it looks cool and hi-tech, but it is hardly intuitive.
Even though I have been playing CoD the last two years I am really looking forward to falling in love with Halo all over again. And although I miss the simplicity, I can see where they are going with the changes as well as why. Unless Blops 2 falls flat on its face Halo 4 may be my main obsession for the next 6 months.
If you really enojoy playing Halo you should really try out this Clan called HaloTards. Bunch of great and loyal peeps.
I don't like nades in H4. The stickies aren't magnetic anymore, so unless you directly hit someone, dead on with force, it's never going to stick. This is a measured changed. Also too much splash damage - you can rarely walk away from one without dropping your entire shield or dying instantly. I assume this adjusts for sprint, but I don't want to have to sprint in order to play.
Ghosts take two stickies to kill, and with how hard it is to stick things now this makes you have almost no defense against a ghost on foot. Same with other vehicles, though Warthogs always took two.
Really impressed with H4 so far. I have never been much of a CoD fan, mostly because I never could invest the time it took to get the weapons in order to compete with the 40+ levels I would invariable get matched with. But, H4 seems to give me my Halo fix with the CoD "path". I enjoy how everything ties together; controls are smooth; gameplay is much more responsive. If I had to quibble, it would be the lack of FFA gameplay options, but I am hoping they will adjust this over time. Regicide is OK, but I miss my headhunter and rumble pit.
Looking forward to getting more involved with the community in the months to come. Have been a long time member but not very active on the boards.
This game is refreshingly different in a good way. I really like what 343 has done. It's like Halo reborn. The maps look great - interesting layouts. I'm very pleased so far.
I like the maps. Most seem too large for 4 v 4 though
Really enjoying the game love the campaign ,spartan ops is great only played a few games of MP but enjoyed that
I'm reserving judgement because I'm honestly not sure yet, but I have to admit that I'm thinking it probably won't last for me. However, so far I've mostly played Social (Infinity) Slayer, and I never really liked Social in any Halo game because the game play is too chaotic, and that hasn't changed so there's that. I've enjoyed the few games of Slayer Pro that I played. My thoughts:
-- I somewhat miss the opening rushes for rockets etc. Those were pretty exciting and fun.
-- I like the diversity of weapons and the genuine tradeoffs between them.
-- The armor abilities are WAY better than Reach because they are less powerful and therefore don't constantly dominate play.
-- I'm not sold on the maps. They mostly encourage chaos over teamwork, which isn't my thing, and like Reach it doesn't seem to me that jumping skill will matter much so that waters things down a bit too which I don't like.
-- Not sure I like the changes to flag and ball games. Flag was my favorite game type and I feel like again it's been watered down a bit (and ball too).
Agreed about timed solid weapon spawns. That actually made it strategic.
Don't really like how many weapons there are - too many one shot power weapons on the map. I hate the stupid disintegrator.
Agreed on the AA.
I think those that are still talking about "jumps" are living in 2004. That was an H2 thing and hasn't really mattered since then.
jumps, jumps. jumps!!!
cool, now i'm only 32 yrs old.gif)
I am thinking there is far too much aim assist. This game is 10x easier to get kills than any other halo game.
I have not played Multiplayer yet but so far my only complaint is the sound effects. I doesn't feel like anything has a crunching power to it. Everything feel soft and squishy. lol. Anyone else feel the same?
Pretty good so far. Then again I had low expectations anyway. I have to agree with DoubleT on the aim assist. Sniping is WAY too easy. Needs to be reduced by a third to half of what it is. I haven't finished the Campaign yet as I get spammed with inv's for MM. As for the "Prestige" or whatever it's called after hitting 50, unless there's some actual gameplay benefit to it, I'll pass. Didn't do it in COD titles either.
It's nothing like COD. You don't lose your gear or reset anything. You pick a specialization and earn 10 levels to get new armor and weapon skins as well as the specialization.
So it's basically cosmetic stuff?
The specializations are the perks and such, like re-rolling your ordinance package. Those are the main thing you get when you take the specialization, then you just get a new set of armor as well.
It's growing on me, I had a hard time at first adapting to it.
Personally I struggle to hit sprint when I want/need to consistently using the joystick. I'm not sure I like any of the 4v4 maps, and that's the game type I've liked and played most over the other halos. On the other hand, btb has been more fun for me than it was in the past. The ordnance drops are fun, but seems like they would help players who are better by getting them more often? Warthog and Banshee are much better as far as driving, warthog sounds like shit though and annoys the crap out of me when driving. I can't throw the grenades for shit yet.
Hate the matchmaking lobby still.
it's based on points which come from kills, assists, and other medals. you led your team in medals three times this afternoon when we were playing.
The only negative I can think of is Spartan Ops. I was really excited for it, and all we got is 5 missions that are nothing more than run from point A to point B and kill the orange and purple monsters in between. Oh, and there's a video that has nothing to do with anything. Maybe I wouldn't mind the mission structure as much if each game wasn't so laggy. I'm hoping tomorrow the new missions are actually more interesting. Other than that, loving the game.
@ Pontiff I totally agree. Especially blowing up a hog! You get a double, vehicle destroy, and usually a few others like avenger or revenge, protector, etc. Oh and it you do it with a sticky, you get a medal for that too lol