Teir 1 WvWvW

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Thu, 12/13/2012 - 07:33
Lala Calamari's picture
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I think War Machine either quit or is taking a break and that's killing our coverage.  Last night we started with nothing on JQ borderlands.  We managed to takd over half the map.  Then JQ brought in a ton and we were out manned once again.


You just don't stand a chance without covereage.  I think they need to really work on making WvW as rewardable as running dungeons and farming Orr.

Thu, 12/13/2012 - 12:01 (Reply to #32)
beefynutcase's picture
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I think WvW will see more activity as soon as they add the ability to acquire Ascended gear there, which has been the plan all along.  Why they thought it was a good idea to introduce the new gear and only make it available through running FotM is beyond me...   WvW, dungeons and most zones have been ghost towns since Lost Shores. 

New content would be nice too, the new stuff coming with Wintersday really isn't anything to get excited over.

Thu, 12/13/2012 - 12:48
Lala Calamari's picture
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On the plus side, we're not always showing full.  It's a good time to transfer over if you want to be in Teir 1.


A guy on the Stormbluff Server forums (Yes, our server has thier own website and we have a server wide Teamspeak server).  I think they need to do something like this to get people out of FOTM and back to WvW.


Until WvW offers some progression that is at least comparable to any other aspect of the game, it will continue to become a lesser and more irrelevant part of the game.

If I were ANet, the quick fix I would put in is simple.

Make badges useful and rewarding.

Bring in Badge merchants that sell Crafting Materials...T1 thru T6.

Allow badges to be exchanged for crafting recipes with unique skins.

Allow badges to be exchanged for Dungeon tokens on a 5 to 1 basis.

Make loot bags in WvW drop T5 and T6 mats fairly often...including Orichalcum and Orbs.

Basically, make a player's time in WvW just as rewarding as their time in PVE.

But..none of this is in place, and WvW remains a completely unrewarding, least productive part of GW2.

I, personally am fine just for the fights....but if you want the population to participate in WvW...you will need to make WvW a rewarding experience like any other.

Right now, all it gets you is XP and Karma that you can get doing anything, a little less gold than you get doing other things, and virtually none of the commodities you want or need to get anything.

I mean, I am not about to get the Onyx Lodestones I would like to get in WvW. I literally HAVE to do something else.

I am not going to get any Legends at all doing WvW. I get fewer drops and less money than anything else.

People who play GW2 for it's WvW content are second class citizens. "Here it is if you want it, but don't expect us to reward you for it."

Thu, 12/13/2012 - 13:03
beefynutcase's picture
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That's a great post with some awesome suggestions I'd love to see implemented.  All I do in this game in WvW, give me something to show for my time.  I have over 600 badges, which is kinda shitty as I have over 4k kills (fucking terrible drop rate...), but currently there is nothing to spend them on.  Unique skins available for purchase with WvW badges would be awesome as I have never nor will likely ever set foot in a dungeon to grind for those skins, as cool as some of them are.

Thu, 12/13/2012 - 16:53
Lala Calamari's picture
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WvW is my favorite part as well.  Last night I gained 3+ levels with my Ranger, I may just use WvW to get to 80.  I would have gained more but I switched to my Warrior to keep the Havoc squad moving fast.  (Warhorn Speed).

Sun, 12/16/2012 - 10:41
Lala Calamari's picture
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I played a little last night.  Not many people were on and most bailed by the time I signed in.  So I followed a War Machine Commander (Jang Ma??).  We took over JQQ's Borderland.  SoS held NOTHING.  They went to SBI's BL but that got immediately full.  So I stayed up to 3 am leveling my low level thief with a few guildies.   We did the Sylvari's starting area.  That place was beautiful.  Very nicely done and a nice change from Queensdale (all my toons are human).

Wed, 12/19/2012 - 11:18
DasBoba's picture
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I still love this game.  I'd gotta get back into some more WVW now that I've hit 80 on my 2nd character.  This game has me more addicted than I was when I got it.  I think they have a very large WVW patch slated for February.  Hopefully, it won't be too late by then.

Wed, 12/19/2012 - 13:02
beefynutcase's picture
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Same here, I'm glad I stuck with it.  I'm about to hit 80 with a fourth toon, a Mesmer, and I'm having more fun with this one in WvW than all my others.  Leveled almost exclusively through WvW with him from 40-80. 

Wed, 12/19/2012 - 19:47
Lala Calamari's picture
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I'm working on 80 with the Ranger.  WvW has given him several levels already.  I need to just finish my crafting and what not to finish it out.  I'd rather be in WvW than leveling at this point.  Plus the thought of returning to Orr makes me shiver.  That's the most frustrating place ever.  Can't take 2 steps without agroing something.


I also like having the 2 different toons for WvW.  I'll run with my Warrior if I'm doing a Havoc squad.  With the War horn I can keep swiftness up 100% for me and my party.  If I'm zerging, I'll break out the Ranger.  He has both Long bow and Short bow so I can AOE or hit things at a distance.


I have a very low level thief I might work on but I think I want to level a mesmer.  We're a bit short in that department and we could use more portal bombs.

Wed, 12/19/2012 - 22:16
beefynutcase's picture
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Man, Mesmers are so much fun.  Even at low levels with bad gear you rarely die and own people.  They have a lot of fun tricks, pulling off a portal bomb and turning the tide of a battle is awesome.  Dropping Feedback on a choke point and watching the other zerg light up with damage as half of them kill themselves.  I run a high crit/damage shatter build and now that I just hit 80 and have almost full exotics the burst you can pull off is crazy.

Leveling in PvE as a Mesmer though is horrible, takes a really long time and traveling is slow as they have almost no access to swiftness.  I shelved my Mesmer for a long time after getting him to 40, then just decided to level purely by WvWing, got to the upper 60's really fast, then did cooking from 1-400 to level up to 77, then the last 3 levels went super fast through a couple Orr events and WvW.

At this point I might just retire my Warrior and Thief and just play Mesmer as my Main and then my Ranger when I feel like a challenge.

Fri, 12/21/2012 - 06:15
Lala Calamari's picture
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We did some of the free tPvP last night.  As much as I like WvW, I just can't get into sPvP or tPvP.  I like that everyone is on an even field with equipment.  I just have a couple issues with game play.  One is my fault.  I just don't understand other classes as much.  Went against some Elementalists that I just could never do any damage on.  I hit the shit out of him for a long time too.  Mesmers continue to confuse me.  I also think the maps and gametypes are not that much fun. 


We did run some tPvP and that went better than expected.  We lost every round but it wasn't a blow out.  The games were close.  All in all, I think it's the weakest part of GW2.  WoW did pvp well, my only issue was I was on a lopsided server and we got roflstomped every match.  I think SWTOR really did PvP (warzones) right, they just seemed like so much more fun and understandable. 

Sat, 12/22/2012 - 08:49
Lala Calamari's picture
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Crafted my Ranger to 80.  I mainly want to use him in WvW.  I may go back and finish out the zones, but that's doubtful. 


Does anyone have a good WvW build for Rangers?  I really would love to keep him fully ranged and not have to worry about being in melee range.  It's easy enough to kite with both the LB and SB.

Sat, 12/22/2012 - 12:08
beefynutcase's picture
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I run my Ranger as pure glass cannon.  Full Berserkers gear, traited 20/30/20/0/0.  I would probably go 30/30/5/0/5 but I prefer to use a greatsword (and sometimes sword/dagger).  My utilities are Healing Spring, QZ, Lightining Reflexes, SotH, and RAO.

I swap weapons a bit but since the last patch I've been using LB and GS mainly.  I used to always run with Shortbow in one of my slots but with the arrow speed buff Longbow finally puts out some nice damage.  QZ + Rapid Fire can burn someone down fast.  The reason I like greatsword in WvW is for the defense and mobility.  With SotH and Swoop keeping up with thte zerg is not a problem, I'm usually ahead of everyone else, plus Swoop is an awesome way to escape melee attackers.  Being able to block all ranged attacks for 3 seconds with Counterattack is great as well, saved my ass quite a few times.  And while i try not to get into melee in WvW when I do greatsword does fantastic burst, sure the autoattack sucks at damage, but the other abilites hit really hard, maybe the hardest hitting abilites we have.  My Maul crits for anywhere between 3-4k.  Sword/Dagger is alos a good alternative for melee with it's burst and evades but I have trouble adjusting to the self-root of Sword 1.

For pets I almost always run dual birds for the high burst damage, always Raven and usually Owl.  I will sometimes swap out Owl for a Wolf or Drakehound for the knockdown and Aoe Fear/Immobilize.  Pets are still really bad in WvW though.  While they may hit your target more they still die almost instantly in a zerg.

This build does great damage but is obviously very squishy.  The key to my survival is my mobility, 50% increased endurance regen and Lightning Reflexes are mandatory and are usually enough to keep me alive during big fights, that and the defense of the greatsword.  I just have to be constantly moving and being ready to evade or I'll go down really fast.  That's why I like this build so much though, it requires a lot awareness and reaction.

I've tried other specs and while some offer more survivability they lack in damage output, relying more on pets and condition damage (which I dislike).  One really successful build for small scale combat that I've tried was a Vit/Healing/Condiiton build.  Can 1v2 pretty easily with that build, being really hard to kill with all the regen and burnig people down with DoTs.


Sun, 12/23/2012 - 00:26
Lala Calamari's picture
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I'll have to check what I have now.  It's similiar.  I went full Berserkers gear, all Exotics.  LB/SB.  I'm digging the class and am not really having problems dropping people.  I'm not super squishy and really only die if I make a mistake or run into a full zerg.  I can usually get away though by just paying attention to my surroundings.  My only issue is I'm slow and have to rely on otheres for speed buffs.  My warrior has spoiled me with speed.

We kicked some JQQ and SoS ass tonight on the JQ borderlands, didn't we.  Njord is a good guy and I like Jedbacca from (SF).  We definitely did some work tonight.  Now if I can just understand how to throw siege.  I'm so much fail there.  I think I'm just going to buy it or do the jumping puzzle and just give it to the commander.  Let them fuck it up.

Sun, 12/23/2012 - 00:28
Lala Calamari's picture
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I wanted to stay on and see how far we could close that gap in score but my GW2 sound got screwed up and I had to relaunch it.  The BL was full so i just shut it down for the night.

Sun, 12/23/2012 - 00:57
beefynutcase's picture
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Yeah, that was a great night of WvW.  I wanted to keep going but had to log off a bit early as I have an 8 hour drive ahead of me tomorrow.  Gonna be offline for about a week.

I'm really liking my Ranger more these days.  Definitely feels a lot better after the last patch.  I was hitting some crazy numbers tonight for some reason.  Had a couple QZ+ Rapid Fires hit for over 13k, Maul was critting for up to 4600.

Try carrying a greatsword just for traveling, I don't even need swiftness to outpace the zerg, just Signet of the Hunt and Swoop every 9 seconds.  There's always Axe/Warhorn or Sword/Warhorn, but I've never really liked using Warhorn.  Or Axe, though it can hit pretty hard with the 10% bonus crit damage trait.  You don't know slow until you play a Mesmer, though.  Goddamn it can be frustrating moving around the map with that profession.  You basically have to use a Focus just for a measly 10 seconds of swiftness every 25 seconds.  That and use Blink every time it's up but you still won't keep pace with other players.  It's lucky that they are so much fun to play when the fighting starts...

Mon, 12/24/2012 - 13:27
Lala Calamari's picture
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Was bored last night so I rolled with Jedbacca and his crew last night.  I'm not sure he was too interested in taking shit.  We mainly focused on hunting down JQQ and SoS's zergs and just owning them.  SBI has some serious WvW'ers and we really just run through the enemy's team when we meet them on open battlefield.  Even if we're out manned.  I don't think we lost 1 open fight all night long.  We just lack coverage.


And I really dig the LB/SB in WvW.  I know I'm not going to melt people down by myself.  I am able to hang back and pick my targets.  I'll start with the SB and cripple them, followed with a consussion shot.  By them one of my team mates will be on them.  I then switch to LB and put vulenrability on them followed with Rapid shot.  The fight's usually over with them trying to run away.  Also, Barrage is so key to holding choke points.  So many times I can hold back a zerg with just that.  These other servers flinch as soon as they get hit.


Witht that said, FUCK THIEVES!  Perma-Stealth can suck it.  From my understanding, it's a bug in the game.  I ran into a few of these guys last night and can't even begin to figure out how to counter it.  The stealth up, hit, stealth, rinse repeat.  It's just silly.  So now I'm working on my thief on my downtime.

Mon, 12/24/2012 - 14:12
Tourni6's picture
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Your last statement is why i stopped playing in wvw...


I've tried heavy mobility build to keep them snared, trapped and such but they stealth and heal then kick your ass whilst your on cd.. 


Still, i'll get back playing soon ish :)

Mon, 12/24/2012 - 15:14
Lala Calamari's picture
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Honestly, they are such a minor inconvenience.  In 4 hours of WvW, I had 2 encounters.  The main problem is the game is bugged with thieves and their stealth.  1 time the guy caught me, the other I was able to get help.  For the most part, I hardly die in WvW.  It took some time to learn my way around but now it's not that bad.  That's if I roll with one of the zergs on the map or with a havoc squad.  Never WvW alone.  Get at least a party going.  Or join a zerg.  I really like Jedbacca and will follow him if I'm solo.  Jang Ma (from War Machine) is another one and probably SBI's best commander.  I am not sure of the EB commanders as I usually stay in a borderland.


Also, SBI has a server site and an open Teamspeak server.  Make sure to use them.

Fri, 12/28/2012 - 10:15
badmin's picture
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What server you guys on now?  I"m thinking of checking things out after a long break.

Fri, 12/28/2012 - 10:52 (Reply to #51)
beefynutcase's picture
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admin wrote:

What server you guys on now?  I"m thinking of checking things out after a long break.

Stormbluff Isle.  Might have to try at different times of the day to transfer if the server shows up as Full, but you should be able to do it.

You should really dig your Thief now, they are crazy OP in WvW.  Check the GW2 Thief forums for a good build, you can either go D/D backstab build and 2-3 shot people before they ever see you or go P/D condition build and take on small groups without dying.

Fri, 12/28/2012 - 11:32 (Reply to #52)
badmin's picture
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beefynutcase wrote:

admin wrote:

What server you guys on now?  I"m thinking of checking things out after a long break.

Stormbluff Isle.  Might have to try at different times of the day to transfer if the server shows up as Full, but you should be able to do it.

You should really dig your Thief now, they are crazy OP in WvW.  Check the GW2 Thief forums for a good build, you can either go D/D backstab build and 2-3 shot people before they ever see you or go P/D condition build and take on small groups without dying.


Sweet I'll check it out

Fri, 12/28/2012 - 10:45
Sherb's picture
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I believe most of us are still on Storm Bluff Isle.

Fri, 12/28/2012 - 12:10
Lala Calamari's picture
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SBI is having a tough time.  We lost our big Korean Guild, War Machine.  They were true ninjas and kicked some serious ass.  Right now we're having major coverage problems but holidays could be really messing that up.  With that said, we have a decent community and hopefully can turn shit around.  If not, teir 2 here we come. 


I also hope they update WvW soon.  Find a way to intice people to play.  Get Ascended gear or some shit like that.

Fri, 12/28/2012 - 17:48
beefynutcase's picture
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I think it's just the holidays, server populations are lower than I've ever seen.  Right now nothing is listed as Full, so it's a good time to transfer.  I've been offline for a week, got on today and was surpirised to see SBI ranking third.  Wasn't expecting to be beating SoS but shocking to see JQ ahead of us again, they've been pure shit for the last few weeks.

They really need to add the Ascended gear to WvW already, like they planned on doing from the start.  They've admitted it was a mistake to release the gear only through FotM so why let 2 months go by without adding it to WvW? 

Fri, 12/28/2012 - 18:05
badmin's picture
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Just moved over.  Is there a new guild or something?

Fri, 12/28/2012 - 19:00 (Reply to #57)
beefynutcase's picture
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Those of us on SBI joined up with a guild called [sF] Select Few.  Mostly older gamers and they do guild WvW a couple nights a week.  If you see me or Lala on we can get you an invite.

Sat, 12/29/2012 - 09:57
BigFish's picture
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After not being on for a little bit, I jumped on yesterday to mess around. Played with my necro at 42, but after reading this thread, I may switch back over to my ranger. I think he's around 40 as well. 

Sat, 12/29/2012 - 14:44
Lala Calamari's picture
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Ninja, make up your mind.

Sat, 12/29/2012 - 23:03
Lala Calamari's picture
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The lack of people in WvW is staggering.  We can have 2 solid maps but that's it.  JQQ and SoS just have way too many people.  I know there's a big push to recruit people.  Jedbacca is really reaching out.  I'm hoping we pull in some new guilds.  I'd say it's guilds transferring but I think it's mostly people moving on from the game.  That and the Fractuals and holiday event just killed our WvW pressence. 


What's worse is I don't even think we'll drop to tier 2 yet.  I think the point difference between 3 and 4 is still too large.  JQQ and SoS are like sharks and they smell the blood.  It's been rough.  The thing that gets me the most is we totatlly thump them in open combat.  Even while outnumbered.  We push straight through them.  Our problem is just coverage.

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