Fanatec Wheels and Headsets.
Fanatec Wheels and Headsets.
It's fairly well known that Fanatec users have problems with third party headsets so I thought I would share the fact that the TurtleBeach X11's I have just moved from my PC rig over to the Xbox work fine, a fairly inexpensive emulated 7:1 surround sound system that wont break the bank.
The downside is they are not wireless, and the mic is for some reason, over sensative on the Xbox. Never a problem on the PC, maybe because there is more control over sound sources and I may have turned down the mic and forgotten I had done that.
Anyway just thought I would share, maybe other fanatec users have found other setups that work and as we are getting a lot of new and old members thinking of investing in Fanatec wheels you might share what works for you.
The x-11's are sensitive when used through the controller too, just ask my regular Friday night group!
Beats me why there is no setting for mic sensitivity on the Xbox or PTT in Forza, either one of those would be handy in this situation.
What's a PTT? It'd be great to have an adjustment, same as the game and voice audio for the mic itself. All we get is an on/off switch....
PTT is Push To Talk, you assign a button to activate the mic as long as the button is pressed, damn handy if you have a short fuse when racing.
Well my Headset TT's are the same over sensitive to sound around me but no-one can hear it except for me.. Maybe someone could make a USB sound card that allows for us to change certain settings.
Mircosoft have a strangle hold over their consoles, and that is unlikely...Why it has not been done via the OS is beyond me.
Sounds like a job for...Basherman!
Don't know what he could do to be honest, there is no way he can alter the 360's OS to add PTT, or alter the wheel when it is attached to the 360, maybe if he had the headset he could work out a way to put a VR on the mic output...
LOL yeah there were some funny moments, but it will be a pain while racing. I guess I'll just have to mute it during a race or folk will just mute me.
on the xbox the only headset that works without any problems is the Tritton Warehead 7.1.
they have no problems with the fanatec wheels due to the fact that they do not connect through the wheel as they are totally wireless ( no chat cable ).
they connect wireless as secondary game controller on the same quadrant as the wheel.
the sound is on par with the best headsets i have ever tryed.
Agreed, I use the Tritton Warhead headset. It works fine, whether or not I use my CSR Elite wheel. Just FYI, I have noticed that the Warhead headset is coming down in price. I have seen it discounted to $250. Its regularly priced at $299.
And so they should at the price LOL, the X11's are a deal cheaper and work fine...just a bit too well when it comes to the mic LOL
yeah i know . they are expensive but no more than many high quality sets.
in my case i think i must have been a good boy this year as my wife ordered them for me for christmas
I use the Tritton Axpro which work ok, they also are a little sensitve in chat mode and once in while even though the mic symbol is next to my name when I talk the sound does not go through . I have to disconnect the wire and reconnect during game play and I'm back to normal..I use the old xbox360 headset foam that covered the chat mic, that seems to reduce the echo affect some. I also viewed a you tube video where any headset that a digital inline control box with the headset will not work properly . It also suggested that the Tritton warheads worked the best because of it being wireless and not having to connect to the wheel directly.
Yes I've seen that digital thing mentioned on a forum somewhere, the X11's have analog controls which was why I gave them a shot. They already have a foam cover but I was thinking of doubling it up.
Ah another lucky fellow, mine is always getting me cool stuff for my racing, an Elite for Xmas...we must be doing something right
i guess that makes us exceptional
I've got an old pair of turtle beaches, Ear Force X1's IIRC, that I picked up in 2009 when I bought my 360. They were the previous model headsets to the X11's. I'll find out soon enough if they work with the Elite. Crossing my fingers.
As long as they have the same analog dials for Chat and Game volumes you should be okay.
I was really waiting for the Warheads for a long time. But while waiting for them to be available, I discovered PC racing over at GBR. Now I just got into iRacing. I rarely race on the Xbox anymore. Can't even remember the last time I played Forza 4. I have Forza Horizon and finished it including the Rally pack. For the limited amount of time I race on the Xbox, I use the official Microsoft wireless headset and turn my tv down.
I have found out along with everyone else that any headset/headphones that you have to plug into a Fanatec wheel is going to give you problems. Even if it works, it will amplify the mic so everyone can hear everything going on in your house.
Either that or they know that getting us racing stuff keeps us home and away from the strip clubs.
And out of the way.
im using the px5s via optical output on my motherboard. chat is through a pci bluetooth/wifi adapter.
the chat cable works fine on the 360 in my case.
Ok so today I broke the bank and purchased the Tritton Warheads . I was tired of losing Xbox live chat connection during game play . I would have good connection during the beginning of the game and by lap 3 I would lose complete chat connection. I would then have to disconnect and reconnect the the chat wire from either the back of the Csr elite wheel or from the digital inline box on the Axpro. So back to the Warheads at 300.00 a little steep it is. I figure I can now sell my Axpro and make some money back any buyers (80.00 buck) ok back to the Warheads I did some research and this are definitely wireless ! Only two wires one for power to the receiver /decoder and another (optical) cable from the receiver/decoder to the back of the Xbox that is all ! Another plus comes with two lithium batteries one that stays inside the decoder box charging at all times and the one you have inside the headset. I used it today for the first time running the Miata playboy series ,no problems with chat what so ever no disconnect at all . Game and chat sound quality pretty awesome, I had to lower the volume. All the control functions are on the headphones very easy access just have to remember where there placed. This headphones are licensed by Microsoft . The appearance is identical to the Xbox slim it even has the Xbox power button design on the front , you also sync the same way you would sync your Xbox to your controller or Fanatec wheel . It also allows you to see the battery life in the head phones on the tv screen ,the same as your controller battery . The only con is that it only works with the Xbox . So my final thought for me ,excellent headphones . Pros :Completely wireless,two batteries with one charging at all times , no inline chat disconnect .no echoing ,no annoying back ground noise and awesome Dolby Prologic IIx 7.1 surround sound. Cons :Price , only Xbox compatible and a little tight on the head(that could be because they 're new and have to be broken in around my big cranium .) Hope this helps. I did see a set for sale on Ebay for 250.00.
I have owned the Warhead headset for several months and INKABODPAIN's review is spot on. The only other point I would make is that you can use the Warhead headset for PC and PS3 for game sound, but the chat is only compatible with Xbox because it uses the proprietary M$ wireless technology, which in turn allows the headset to communicate directly with the Xbox, rather than go through the controller or wheel.
i agree with the sound quality on the Tritton Warehead.
i got mine for christmas and have been using them since then and very pleased
the headset can be used for sound on other devices except for the chat which is for xbox only.
I tired to connect my optic cable from my PS3 to the warhead receiver and I was not able to get any game sound through the headset, I also called Tritton and they also informed me that it will not work with the PS3 game sound or online chat. Zero if you where able can you please tell me how you did your install to the PS3 . After hearing how awesome the Warheads sounded I had to purchase the A50 for my PS3 which by the way are equally as awesome. Will give a review on the A50 soon. I'm addicted !
I never tried my Warhead headset with my PS3. I use it exclusively for my Xbox, and rely on my Turtle Beach X-Ray headset for my PS3 and PC. I cannot fathom why the Warhead would not work with PS3 or any other device with an optical connection.