Competitive Playlist Launch mid-Feb.
Competitive Playlist Launch mid-Feb.
Picked up from rowboat on HBO.
As we first told you in the 12.12.12 Halo Bulletin, ( ) we have been hard at work on a competitive playlist featuring heavily modified versions of Slayer, CTF, Extraction and King of the Hill. This playlist will launch before CSR (mid-February) and we envision it as both the go-to place for competitive play and the premier playlist to get your 50 in. We’ve been paying close attention to the competitive community’s settings while building this playlist, and will continue to do so both pre- and post-playlist launch. We will share the first outline of the settings next week to collect community feedback and perfect the competitive playlist before going live. The name of this playlist is still TBD - please feel free to give us suggestions.
Some early details on this playlist:
4 vs 4
Pre-set game loadouts
Forced respawn timers
No instant respawn
Ordnance on re-supply timers
Join-in-progress off
No split-screen play
Friendly fire on
Max party size 4 with big party matching enforced
No guests allowed
Nice. That sounds like something we can work with, then.
Well if they are going to use the current waypoint app as the means to view the info, they better fix it, because it currently does not work on Android, Apple or MS phones. It boots up, but then says it can't connect.
I agree with the sentiment that it is not a big deal to glance at my phone or tablet to check out my CSR. BUT that is assuming it works and is not broken, just like so many other things they have put out.
Well yay. It's only taken them months to give us what we already had before.
I don't mind JIP when it fills out the other team.
well that looks ok.
i still don't like the fact it's not visible in game, but whatever. at least it's a playlist that doesn't have a suprise around every corner.
...or as those of us with the franchise since the beginning -- 'a return to normalcy'
Happy Happy, Joy Joy!
LB, it works fine on Xbox Smart Glass app. Just go to Halo 4 and flip to the Waypoint "play" screen. Opens up that way.
I must be doing something wrong, tried it, clicked on H4 and did not see a Waypoint play screen. Does it have to be connected to the xbox first, then do it. More info/details needed please.
Halo 4, click on it in your games list. swipe to the screen to the left of the achievement list. Should say Halo 4 stats with a PLAY button below it. tap that.
Should load Waypoint.
still nothing for me. that gives me the details screen.
there is a "play on xbox" button. no "halo 4 stats"
this screen isn't on my phone.
if you look at the dots at the bottom of the screen, you have 4 pages to scroll through and i only have 3.
i'm going to remove it and reinstall it. it says it's up to date, but who knows.
thanks for the pics.gif)
well, that didn't work. i still see the same thing. the page next to the achievements page is the details page. i'm guessing that is the page to the left of the one pictured here for you?
Yep. Weird........
I still think its better to see the number next to the person otherwise why else turn on chat unless you can hear the other team reel in fear when you've got a god on your team.
Now all i'll have to do is get people to play this gametype with me. No one ever wanted to play Slayer Pro. It's like pulling teeth to get most people to play Swat..gif)
Hopefully you will find what you need in the new playlist. It sounds like very reasonable settings to me.
I hope they don't call it Hardcore, Super or anything that suggests it is skillful. The first thing that happens is highly skilled sore losers head straight to the more casual playlists.
Good call. I'm partial to "Team Participation Trophy" myself.
I had the same problem. Send me a FR.
How about "Super Hardcore Slayer, no skillz required"?
xxMLG-ELIT3-H4RdC0R3xx Playlist - jk, lol, n00bs welcome.
I like Competitive or Pro League as a name.
don't take that crap from them DEEP!
(though i do like team participation trophy...has a nice ring to it)