Halo 4: Next TU will be discussed at PAX. (New Forge Island coming - FREE)

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Sat, 03/23/2013 - 17:24 (Reply to #31)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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LegendcalledJim wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

LegendcalledJim wrote:

Why do you guys even bother with Halo anymore or these forums. It is what it is. I would love to see people talking about map strategies or how to use weapons, but ever time someone posts something the trolls come out and just shit on them. Halo4 isn't perfect, but none of the Halos were.

I think part of the problem is the lack of community content  and that is on 343i. Lack of web filesharing, campaign and spartan ops films plus no film render capabilty hobbled the community. It made Clan nights a multi day event since the resulting vids carried on the activity afterwards. Tbag and clench flag caps vids for example. Positive activities are missing and it makes the negativity even worse. I don't agree that frequent bitching helps our enjoyment in this forum at all but I don't own this site. If I could, I'd create a bitch list where you could sign your discontent for a game issue and then never be allowed to raise the issue again. We could link to the list on sites like Waypoint. It could act as 2old2play's enumerated statements about a game.

I don't have a problem with people complain or pointing out flaws I like to debate on how to make the game better, but make your point and be done. I get upset at things too and would like to see some changes that we will not see, but this community needs more postive posts because not everyone hates this game some of us really like it. I know a fair amount of people on this site who stay away from public forums because of the complaining and I'm sure it has scared away new members as well.


I'd argue that Reach did more damage than any public forums ever could.  Jim, you remember what it was like around here.  We had plenty of teams and scrimmages and what not, banter, and even some shit talking because people actually enjoyed playing the game.  

Sat, 03/23/2013 - 20:28 (Reply to #32)
LegendcalledJim's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

LegendcalledJim wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

LegendcalledJim wrote:

Why do you guys even bother with Halo anymore or these forums. It is what it is. I would love to see people talking about map strategies or how to use weapons, but ever time someone posts something the trolls come out and just shit on them. Halo4 isn't perfect, but none of the Halos were.

I think part of the problem is the lack of community content  and that is on 343i. Lack of web filesharing, campaign and spartan ops films plus no film render capabilty hobbled the community. It made Clan nights a multi day event since the resulting vids carried on the activity afterwards. Tbag and clench flag caps vids for example. Positive activities are missing and it makes the negativity even worse. I don't agree that frequent bitching helps our enjoyment in this forum at all but I don't own this site. If I could, I'd create a bitch list where you could sign your discontent for a game issue and then never be allowed to raise the issue again. We could link to the list on sites like Waypoint. It could act as 2old2play's enumerated statements about a game.

I don't have a problem with people complain or pointing out flaws I like to debate on how to make the game better, but make your point and be done. I get upset at things too and would like to see some changes that we will not see, but this community needs more postive posts because not everyone hates this game some of us really like it. I know a fair amount of people on this site who stay away from public forums because of the complaining and I'm sure it has scared away new members as well.


I'd argue that Reach did more damage than any public forums ever could.  Jim, you remember what it was like around here.  We had plenty of teams and scrimmages and what not, banter, and even some shit talking because people actually enjoyed playing the game.  

I know, I would just like to see some more positive talk. Deep posst stuff every week and for the most part stays upbeat about Halo, but its only a couple commets in before people are shitting all over it. 343 is doing the right things and sticking with their game, is it the direction we all want, no, but for me I'm have a great time and I would just like to see a place where people like me are welcome not told every day that their favorite game is garbage.

Sat, 03/23/2013 - 21:34 (Reply to #33)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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LegendcalledJim wrote:

 I would just like to see a place where people like me are welcome not told every day that their favorite game is garbage.

That is the way I feel too. I am at a loss for a solution.

Sun, 03/24/2013 - 06:20 (Reply to #34)
hyghwayman's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

LegendcalledJim wrote:

 I would just like to see a place where people like me are welcome not told every day that their favorite game is garbage.

That is the way I feel too. I am at a loss for a solution.

The endless bitching here is the #1 reason I have not been coming around these parts, choosing instead to just play the game with other gamers who like and enjoy Halo 4.


Sun, 03/24/2013 - 06:41 (Reply to #35)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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hyghwayman wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

LegendcalledJim wrote:

 I would just like to see a place where people like me are welcome not told every day that their favorite game is garbage.

That is the way I feel too. I am at a loss for a solution.

The endless bitching here is the #1 reason I have not been coming around these parts, choosing instead to just play the game with other gamers who like and enjoy Halo 4.


Most of the over 50 guys say "what forum?". They always play the latest Halo more than me and carry no baggage to or from the forums. Sounds great.

Sun, 03/24/2013 - 11:29 (Reply to #36)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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hyghwayman wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

LegendcalledJim wrote:

 I would just like to see a place where people like me are welcome not told every day that their favorite game is garbage.

That is the way I feel too. I am at a loss for a solution.

The endless bitching here is the #1 reason I have not been coming around these parts, choosing instead to just play the game with other gamers who like and enjoy Halo 4.



I like Halo 4, but I don't quite enjoy it yet.  The problem is that there are previous titles to compare it to.  If Halo 4 were new intellectual property, a lot of these demands of the game and complaints would be gone.  Now, folks have a preference.

Sat, 03/23/2013 - 11:14 (Reply to #37)
Double T's picture
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LegendcalledJim wrote:

I'm glad multiteam is coming back. I think Halo3 had 2 players and 6 teams. The new forge will be exciting and to be free is great. I hope this mean they have a workable forge map that will work in MM with little screen lag. Its nice to see 343 sticking with the game.

Why do you guys even bother with Halo anymore or these forums. It is what it is. I would love to see people talking about map strategies or how to use weapons, but ever time someone posts something the trolls come out and just shit on them. Halo4 isn't perfect, but none of the Halos were.

Umm, Halo 3 was perfection. :)

Sat, 03/23/2013 - 12:31 (Reply to #38)
LegendcalledJim's picture
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Double T wrote:

LegendcalledJim wrote:

I'm glad multiteam is coming back. I think Halo3 had 2 players and 6 teams. The new forge will be exciting and to be free is great. I hope this mean they have a workable forge map that will work in MM with little screen lag. Its nice to see 343 sticking with the game.

Why do you guys even bother with Halo anymore or these forums. It is what it is. I would love to see people talking about map strategies or how to use weapons, but ever time someone posts something the trolls come out and just shit on them. Halo4 isn't perfect, but none of the Halos were.

Umm, Halo 3 was perfection. :)


Halo3 was great, but bad lag, parties alway splitting up, BR spread, shots not registering, starting with AR on one flag games to only get pinned in your base and spawn killed, deranker, quiters, boosters, devil worshipers, online warriors, never getting any sleep because I was up all night playing does not make Halo 3 perfect.:)

Sat, 03/23/2013 - 14:50
LegendcalledJim's picture
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I looks like alot of good stuff. Forge Island looks huge, forges are going to have a field day on that.

Is CSR across all playlist? 

Sat, 03/23/2013 - 14:56 (Reply to #40)
Lbsutke's picture
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LegendcalledJim wrote:

I looks like alot of good stuff. Forge Island looks huge, forges are going to have a field day on that.

Is CSR across all playlist? 


Yes sir:

You will have a 1-50 ranking in every single playlist, including Grifball!

Sat, 03/23/2013 - 15:00 (Reply to #41)
Lbsutke's picture
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Lbsutke wrote:

LegendcalledJim wrote:

I looks like alot of good stuff. Forge Island looks huge, forges are going to have a field day on that.

Is CSR across all playlist? 


Yes sir:

You will have a 1-50 ranking in every single playlist, including Grifball!


Also I am a little concerned with this statement:

CSR is still exclusive to Halo Waypoint – shows up on the Xbox & Website.

More specifically it NOT saying you will be able to see it on ALL platforms using the Halo Waypoint app or Xbox Smart glass app. I am HOPING it was an oversight and not a scripted PR answer.

Sat, 03/23/2013 - 15:08 (Reply to #42)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Lbsutke wrote:

Lbsutke wrote:

LegendcalledJim wrote:

I looks like alot of good stuff. Forge Island looks huge, forges are going to have a field day on that.

Is CSR across all playlist? 


Yes sir:

You will have a 1-50 ranking in every single playlist, including Grifball!


Also I am a little concerned with this statement:

CSR is still exclusive to Halo Waypoint – shows up on the Xbox & Website.

More specifically it NOT saying you will be able to see it on ALL platforms using the Halo Waypoint app or Xbox Smart glass app. I am HOPING it was an oversight and not a scripted PR answer.

I think I read a tweet from bsangel about following your CSR on mobile devices.

Sun, 03/24/2013 - 13:42 (Reply to #43)
Lbsutke's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Lbsutke wrote:

Lbsutke wrote:

LegendcalledJim wrote:

I looks like alot of good stuff. Forge Island looks huge, forges are going to have a field day on that.

Is CSR across all playlist? 


Yes sir:

You will have a 1-50 ranking in every single playlist, including Grifball!


Also I am a little concerned with this statement:

CSR is still exclusive to Halo Waypoint – shows up on the Xbox & Website.

More specifically it NOT saying you will be able to see it on ALL platforms using the Halo Waypoint app or Xbox Smart glass app. I am HOPING it was an oversight and not a scripted PR answer.

I think I read a tweet from bsangel about following your CSR on mobile devices.


Agreed. I know she/other 343 peeps have tweeted before Pax about it, but I have not seen it in conjunction after the Pax news. I guess I am just looking for confirmation that is still the plan. I am still a little gun shy when it comes to them releasing information as one thing then it comes out different or not matching to what different people (343 employees) have said.


I'm not trolling. Just looking for confirmation.

Sun, 03/24/2013 - 15:32 (Reply to #44)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Lbsutke wrote:


Agreed. I know she/other 343 peeps have tweeted before Pax about it, but I have not seen it in conjunction after the Pax news. I guess I am just looking for confirmation that is still the plan. I am still a little gun shy when it comes to them releasing information as one thing then it comes out different or not matching to what different people (343 employees) have said.


I'm not trolling. Just looking for confirmation.

Start 32 minutes in if this link does not start there. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wSO4IcwNmg&feature=player_detailpage#t=1919s

Sat, 03/23/2013 - 14:57 (Reply to #45)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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LegendcalledJim wrote:

I looks like alot of good stuff. Forge Island looks huge, forges are going to have a field day on that.

Is CSR across all playlist? 

My understanding is you'll have a playlist specific CSR for each playlist.

Sat, 03/23/2013 - 14:55
Lbsutke's picture
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has anyone heard if the weapon damage stuff will be able to be done for custom games or not? I am assuming no, but I had not seen that addressed so far. The only thing I have seen in regards to it, is that 343 will have the ability to tweak things.

Sun, 03/24/2013 - 02:07
MTPathy's picture
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it looks like 343i is adding the majority of things that people been endlessly bitching about, maybe we can actually play the game now instead of whining like little kids.

Sun, 03/24/2013 - 03:06
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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Even when they add the stuff we've been asking for, they still find ways to screw it up.  

Sun, 03/24/2013 - 23:21
Lbsutke's picture
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waypoint web-check

waypoint console-check

Smartphone or Tablet via smartglass app or Waypoint app-I guess I missed them saying I do not need to log into waypoint via phone or tablet browser. I watched from 30-42 so I will try to listen to the whole thing tomorrow.

Mon, 03/25/2013 - 06:24 (Reply to #50)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Lbsutke wrote:

waypoint web-check

waypoint console-check

Smartphone or Tablet via smartglass app or Waypoint app-I guess I missed them saying I do not need to log into waypoint via phone or tablet browser. I watched from 30-42 so I will try to listen to the whole thing tomorrow.

Sorry, I read your platforms question as playlist.

Mon, 03/25/2013 - 09:43
TwinJedi's picture
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I think 343 is doing a good job of addressing a small portion of the community. I personally love Halo 4 and think they did a fantastic job with it. Forge Island = Awesome, and free to boot is great.

Mon, 03/25/2013 - 15:59
DarthTabasco's picture
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Interesting that CSR will be in every playlist - for some reason I was thinking it would only be in a few playlists, but that is not the case. 


Mon, 03/25/2013 - 17:18 (Reply to #53)
tocleora's picture
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DarthTabasco wrote:

Interesting that CSR will be in every playlist - for some reason I was thinking it would only be in a few playlists, but that is not the case. 

I can't decide if I think that's a good thing or a bad thing yet.  In one hand my already mediocre epeen might be effected by this number being readily available to my peers.  On the other hand I would assume this CSR is designed to keep me from playing people considerably better than I am and frustrating me as well...

Mon, 03/25/2013 - 18:43 (Reply to #54)
w0rm's picture
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DarthTabasco wrote:

Interesting that CSR will be in every playlist - for some reason I was thinking it would only be in a few playlists, but that is not the case. 


I wonder how CSR in every playlist will affect search times with already low peak population numbers.  I would imagine that trying to balance CSR/TrueSkill/search times is not an easy thing to accomplish.

If a party of three, with rankings of 45, 25 and 5, search Throwdown when only 500 people are in the playlist, will the party be able to get a game?  I've gone into H3 Team Slayer under similar conditions and wasn't able to get a game without reducing the party size due to rank differences.


Mon, 03/25/2013 - 22:29 (Reply to #55)
Lbsutke's picture
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w0rm wrote:

DarthTabasco wrote:

Interesting that CSR will be in every playlist - for some reason I was thinking it would only be in a few playlists, but that is not the case. 


I wonder how CSR in every playlist will affect search times with already low peak population numbers.  I would imagine that trying to balance CSR/TrueSkill/search times is not an easy thing to accomplish.

If a party of three, with rankings of 45, 25 and 5, search Throwdown when only 500 people are in the playlist, will the party be able to get a game?  I've gone into H3 Team Slayer under similar conditions and wasn't able to get a game without reducing the party size due to rank differences.



good question. From what I have read, yes the search time would take longer in your specific scenerio. But hopefully we are not talking like 10 or 15 minutes. maybe 3 or 4. But time will tell.

Tue, 03/26/2013 - 07:42
DarthTabasco's picture
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I'm also curious to know how CSR will be calculated. Will it be based solely on wins and losses in accordance to the opponent's trueskill?

I remember when Bungie tried to "rank" the Arena playlist in Reach based on individual performances and it basically turned into FFA since winning the game was not important. The Arena was then changed back to strictly wins vs. losses.

I had just assumed CSR would be in a handful of playlists. I figured CSR was one of the main draws of the Team Throwdown playlists - we could all put on our tryhard pants and go for a fiddy.

Tue, 03/26/2013 - 07:57
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I can hardly wait (no) for 'that' post where some horrendously ignorant jackass epeen measurer says I don't know anything about Halo and my opinions don't count because my CSR is less than X. I give it a week before I start seeing those kind of  posts on Waypoint.

Tue, 03/26/2013 - 10:10 (Reply to #58)
Lbsutke's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

I can hardly wait (no) for 'that' post where some horrendously ignorant jackass epeen measurer says I don't know anything about Halo and my opinions don't count because my CSR is less than X. I give it a week before I start seeing those kind of  posts on Waypoint.


I think giving it a week is way to long. ;) and it is sure thing that will happen. But meh. Just blow it off, it is the internet and that is one of the downsides to it.

Tue, 03/26/2013 - 18:21 (Reply to #59)
Hoplite's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

I can hardly wait (no) for 'that' post where some horrendously ignorant jackass epeen measurer says I don't know anything about Halo and my opinions don't count because my CSR is less than X. I give it a week before I start seeing those kind of  posts on Waypoint.

I can tell you know what you are talking about because your 2o2p site points are so high.

Tue, 03/26/2013 - 18:37 (Reply to #60)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Hoplite wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

I can hardly wait (no) for 'that' post where some horrendously ignorant jackass epeen measurer says I don't know anything about Halo and my opinions don't count because my CSR is less than X. I give it a week before I start seeing those kind of  posts on Waypoint.

I can tell you know what you are talking about because your 2o2p site points are so high.

Groan ... lol

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