BTCC Season 2

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Mon, 04/01/2013 - 14:23
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Cool, we up to anything this week?

Mon, 04/01/2013 - 14:25
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Oh and I claim the Leon of course, it will be good to be sporting the Coffee Drops livery again.

Tue, 04/02/2013 - 06:20
kurupt's picture
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I'll set up a server .....shocker with the seat, don't u get bored of that thing?

as for the series i am only gonna run it if we get a min 5 guys commited it's really a waste of time, and not very exciting when only 2 people show up.....I've noticed the grids getting quit thin in many clubs of Late.  There's also a few races at race2play Iam interested in around the same time on Saturdays running rf1 & r07 for those who wanna participate 

Tue, 04/02/2013 - 06:30
SNR's picture
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Get the RF2 updates from the R2P mirror - much much faster (even if Mills 1.3 refuses to install for me) Just bought it this weekend and it's very impressive!

I'm definately up for this series so I think we have 4 so far... maybe need a bit more of a push, is it worth registering on R2P?

Anybody up for a quick race sometime this week?

Tue, 04/02/2013 - 07:51
kurupt's picture
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If the wife takes the kids to the gym in a few hours and I don't die from this cold ill set up a server to run some laps....working on some new techniques I wanna practice :) 

as for r2p it's good for when your looking for a good daily organized race....not worth paying to register just sign up an account and drop in for free... U can pick up a lot of tips from the drivers there most of them are fast as from my standpoint yes it's worth signing up 

Wed, 04/03/2013 - 05:07
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Nope, no different to real life I guess, driver picks a team and sticks with it for a few seasons. For me it is about the fun of the racing, not so much the jumping from car to car, I like to pick one and get the best out of it I can.

Thu, 04/04/2013 - 13:45
Sherb's picture
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I don't know how many Saturday's I'll have free, at least for the next couple months.  Going to be pretty well bowed up turning wrenches on a couple Corrados trying to get them ready for the big Leavenworth Drive in June.  My buddy's car is in the process of being rebuilt from the ground lots of wrenching to be done.

But if the mod is locked in, I'll see about downloading and picking a car.  I'll jump in when I can.  Cheers.

Thu, 04/04/2013 - 15:27
Neverender158's picture
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I got another hit from reddit. He is from the UK so hopefully he will sign up and join us.

Fri, 04/05/2013 - 08:48
CProRacing's picture
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I will be down for this. 

Just tell me the mod and tracks and game and I will be set.


A lot of games flying around latley and its starting to hurt my head sad

Fri, 04/05/2013 - 08:49
CProRacing's picture
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Fri, 04/05/2013 - 08:50
CProRacing's picture
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Wrong topic 116

Fri, 04/05/2013 - 09:48
KnightofRedemption's picture
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As is the tradition round these parts...first post of thread! cheeky

Fri, 04/05/2013 - 09:50
Neverender158's picture
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I would like the Gordon Shedden Honda Yuasa please!

Mon, 04/08/2013 - 03:07
kurupt's picture
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Just a note to the new guys we have moved season 2 to rfactor due to multiple issues with steam & race 07 :( 

ill create a new thread shortly....we will continue testing on sat. With the new mod in rfactor

Mon, 04/08/2013 - 06:43
SNR's picture
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That's me out then - I don't have rFactor - have the second one but don't really see much point in the first.

Mon, 04/08/2013 - 15:43
kurupt's picture
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Sorry to hear but unfortunately steam has gone and screwed everything up once again, causing myself and others to not even be able to access our own server.....this is the 3rd time in as many months they have done this and it takes far to long to sort things out.  As for rf1 personally i think it has over a yr left in it.....someone says rf2 will go gold shortly and has builds ready to fire out but i think it has quit a ways to go especially with the tire model on a few cars...but again just my 2 cents.....the other main reason is theres currently no content that interests my racing likes.....Ive checked the wip mods and ive only seen 2 mods to date to really interest me FVR V8 and a DTM the v8 being much closer than the other.....than theres limited tracks as well, be pretty funny watching 30+ v8 trying to rip around mills park or lime rock for $20 rf1 really isnt a wasted purchase......tons of series running the foreseable future :)

Mon, 04/08/2013 - 16:56
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Yes the push to gold is well and truly on, that much is obvious as components are starting to appear to replace mods, however as it took rF1 some time to start collecting mods the same will be true of rF2, great mods don't happen overnight. I agree with Kurupt we are likely to be using rF1 for the foreseeable future, it is stable and has hundreds of mods and tracks.

How long it will take for a full BTCC Mod to turn up is anybody's guess, no one will even acknowledge they are working on one. I know I've asked. rF2 will be great for some one off events and short series but as we are BTCC lovers and as Steam has totally messed up to the point it is virtually impossible to get even three people on a server at any one time with R07 we have regretfully had to switch. The added bonus for us as a group trying to get on our feet, is that means a larger grid, as members of our fellow group GBR will be joining us as they do not run a BTCC style event there.

I'm a bit irritated not because I had to buy rF1 but because I had to buy all the R07 stuff and only got one series out of it, an investment in rF1 will give a much better return in terms of league racing :)


Mon, 04/08/2013 - 17:53
BlowMonkey's picture
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I actually returned rF2 to get rF1 (with the 30 day money back guarentee thing).   I'll get rF2 when it goes gold however.

Mon, 04/08/2013 - 18:17
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Well Gold is actually never really going to happen, it has this "constantly evolving" tag. Not a new approach by any means, iRacing is exactly the same, updating at least every 13 weeks. I would jump back in when you see ISI marketing, that is the point that they themselves consider the sim ready for mass consumption, but for many years to come they will be supporting tweaking and improving all aspects. They also have many more licenses than they did for rF1, so content from ISI will be coming out for at least the next coupe of years too.

Mon, 04/08/2013 - 20:49
Neverender158's picture
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I really enjoy r07 and have almost 200 hours in it in the year that I have owned. That being said, now I wish I had gotten rf1 sooner. Better late than never,  I guess. For  $20 I am sure we will all get a great ROI from rf1 especially with the BTCC mod and tracks.  

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 03:59
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Heh yeah, the original idea was we would run R07 as GBR use rF1 just so we could get the best use of all our various sims, but the best plans of mice and men blah blah. As compared to the cash I have laid out in hardware over the last year the actual cost of the sims is neither here nor there really. But with rF1 we do have a host of free mods to choose from and from what I have seen with that DLT mod it will not take much getting used to, it felt quite I guess it should really. We'll give it a good old testing over the next couple of weeks, run through all the cars and tracks and shoud be good to go for the 27th 4

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 23:00
kurupt's picture
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Iam gonna update the google doc. With 2 more tracks tomorrow and we will give them a go this sat.

Wed, 04/10/2013 - 04:15
tartan_special's picture
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Hey guys


Been looking for somewhere to race touring cars for months and spotted the reddit post.

Quick intro - Im David, 29 from Scotland and motorsport mad. Sims are all I really play with the exception of mucking around with Outerra. I own rfactor 1&2, Project CARS, and play quite alot of simraceway.

Daughter permitting (bedtime) all should be good for me time wise.

Could someone please direct me to these STCC mods though as I looked last night and links were all dead. (Never even heard of them as I was using the NGTC mods)


Wed, 04/10/2013 - 08:13
Neverender158's picture
Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
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Welcome aboard Tartan_special.  This thread was for the BTCC series in race 07.  Go here for all the info for the rFactor BTCC race series.

That will have the BTCC mod for rfactor and the tracks.


Wed, 04/10/2013 - 09:13 (Reply to #55)
tartan_special's picture
Last seen: 9 years 12 months ago
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Ach sorry lol. Will post this over on the other thread.
Wed, 04/10/2013 - 10:19 (Reply to #56)
Sherb's picture
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tartan_special wrote:
Ach sorry lol. Will post this over on the other thread.

151  It's all good.

Wed, 04/10/2013 - 08:58
Sherb's picture
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Kurupt, you probably want to update the original post to prevent confusion.  161

Wed, 04/10/2013 - 15:29
paul69's picture
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Hello Guys i would like to give it a go at the BTCC . I have r.Factor and like to take part in the races . I am not a very fast driver but love simracing . Could some one help me with the mods so that i know in witch file i have to put them .I am Paul i am 43 years old and play simracing for over a year now and i live in the Netherlands (Amsterdam) so sorry for my bad english. 

Wed, 04/10/2013 - 15:51 (Reply to #59)
Neverender158's picture
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paul69 wrote:

Hello Guys i would like to give it a go at the BTCC . I have r.Factor and like to take part in the races . I am not a very fast driver but love simracing . Could some one help me with the mods so that i know in witch file i have to put them .I am Paul i am 43 years old and play simracing for over a year now and i live in the Netherlands (Amsterdam) so sorry for my bad english. 

PM sent

Wed, 04/10/2013 - 17:28
CProRacing's picture
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Welcome new guys! I better get this installed for Saturday then :-) 

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