Xbox one run on pc for E3 while PS4 was on Dev Kits.

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#1 Fri, 06/14/2013 - 21:34
Azuredreams's picture
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Fri, 06/14/2013 - 22:12
Lou_Keymia's picture
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If Microsoft feel that threatened by the PS4 that they need to try to cheat their graphics, then what hope could the Xbone possibly have? This is what Aliens: Colonial Marines admitted to doing, and that didn't end well at all.
Fri, 06/14/2013 - 22:50
Autarch's picture
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Interesting.  Will it mean anything at all for the games/console supply?  Who knows.

Thanks for the link.

Fri, 06/14/2013 - 23:01
DEEP_NNN's picture
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This guy from Twisted Pixel said it was their game and their choice to use a PC. He says there is no story here.

Michael Wilford Michael Wilford@mrwilford 3h

thx but the hardware situation you're criticizing was solely our decision. There's no story here

Fri, 06/14/2013 - 23:05
BlowMonkey's picture
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I follow Jonathan Blow on twitter.....he really hates everything about the XB1 lol  I think in general he just hates MS (not that I blame him).

Fri, 06/14/2013 - 23:31
Autarch's picture
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So yet again, something inconsequential gets blown way out of proportion.

Not unexpected to be honest.

Sat, 06/15/2013 - 00:23
Hoplite's picture
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The same happened at the E3 launch of the 360. Everything was being run on Mac Pro G5s, since the 360 is a PPC chip.

Sat, 06/15/2013 - 07:03
YEM's picture
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I know the BF4 demo was run on a PC, but the PC was spec'd to an Xbone and used Xbone code

Sat, 06/15/2013 - 10:25
spot778's picture
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The same happens at [i]every[/i] console launch

Sat, 06/15/2013 - 11:10 (Reply to #9)
Nochnoi-Dozor's picture
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spot778 wrote:

The same happens at [i]every[/i] console launch

This.  I remember all the press over Nintendo when they where showing the capabilities of the N64 when they found out it was being powered by a PC under the table, so yea, nothing new.

Sat, 06/15/2013 - 12:15
badmin's picture
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How is this news....  Gosh I'm getting so tired of the idiocy that's running rampant with this console war.  This happens EVERY time with a console release.  We already know the specs, we know the GPU, and we know what the systems can do.  When you're getting a story from a place called you really need to start wondering if you're trying to find ways to hate.  

Console wars only serve to separate communities.  If you want an Xbox, buy it.  If you want a PS4, buy it.  Personally I'm buying booth even though I'm more of a PC gamer anyway but what I'm buying shouldn't matter to anyone other then my gaming friends.  This idea of trying to push out reasons not to buy something as if you're working for Sony or Microsoft is hard for me to understand.  I get trying to be well informed, but we've go so far beyond that and mostly from information that people here can't confirm on their own.  After coming back from E3 and playing both systems I can honestly say, both are fantastic.  The reason?  Cause they both have great GAMES coming out.  You know, the reason you buy one of this things in the first place...

Also, for the sake of history, let's just remember that the PS3 had technically more power than the Xbox 360.  That didn't seem to matter when the Xbox was putting out quality games did it? Should that matter now?  


Sat, 06/15/2013 - 12:40
Shadow's picture
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^^^ thumbs up to all of this

Sat, 06/15/2013 - 12:51
Lou_Keymia's picture
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If its no big deal Xbox was using a high end PC, then shouldn't we be impressed the PS4 was an actual PS4?
Sat, 06/15/2013 - 13:18 (Reply to #13)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Lou_Keymia wrote:
If its no big deal Xbox was using a high end PC, then shouldn't we be impressed the PS4 was an actual PS4?
This is normal at any E3. Some games were promo'd on the XB1 some on PC. We weren't given exact numbers of which was which. Even the PS4 were devkits and technically not what comes to consumers. Whose to say Sony will deliver more or less that what was announced.

Sat, 06/15/2013 - 13:24 (Reply to #14)
badmin's picture
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Lou_Keymia wrote:
If its no big deal Xbox was using a high end PC, then shouldn't we be impressed the PS4 was an actual PS4?

I don't see why.  We know the specs of both.  There is almost no difference in the two outside of the RAM.  I suppose you can be impressed that Sony is further along with putting this hardware into Dev units, but given they will both be launched pre-holiday I fail to see the excitement.

Also, the article isn't written to impress you on the Sony's ability to create dev units faster...  It's quite obviously written to bash on Xbox.  Again, I don't mind being informed and welcome new information but this is just pointless drival.  Here's a quick google search for E3 last year (after the consoles were out for almost 6+ years).

Even in a mature state in 2012 companies choose to run their demos on PC's.  It looks better, performs better, and is far more stable to demo over and over in a tight space with limited room for booths.  This has happened for the last 15 years.  

Games have always been built on PC first before being ported to their respective platforms.  I commend Sony for being first out of the gate with having thier dev boxes ready, but honestly this is a non-issue when it comes to final product and spec.  

Sure a case can be made that Sony will have more RAM than the Xbox but really if this is your concern then you should have bought a PS3 well before you picked up an Xbox 360.  I suspect you didn't because you were more interested in the games Xbox had to offer and they community it had built around it.  If that has changed with this generation of consoles then it makes perfect sense to switch, however if not, then I fail to see how dev boxes or RAM are enough to sway a gamer in either direction.


Sat, 06/15/2013 - 13:16
Shadow's picture
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I don't see why it matters either way.  a computer is a computer.  as long as the specs matched, who cares.

Sat, 06/15/2013 - 15:33
Azuredreams's picture
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 I'm sorry, I thought myself and others were generating content and interest in the topics considering the post count around here has gone up a few hundred a day since we've been discussing it. But to get this's bullshit to talk about the consoles negatively on one side or the other but it's perfectly fine for people to be personally attacked and have their personal lives outed and trashed on the forums for everyone to see.

I mean, that's what you're saying so I'll just go take a flying leap then. 

Sat, 06/15/2013 - 16:11 (Reply to #17)
badmin's picture
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Azuredreams wrote:

 I'm sorry, I thought myself and others were generating content and interest in the topics considering the post count around here has gone up a few hundred a day since we've been discussing it. But to get this's bullshit to talk about the consoles negatively on one side or the other but it's perfectly fine for people to be personally attacked and have their personal lives outed and trashed on the forums for everyone to see.

I mean, that's what you're saying so I'll just go take a flying leap then. 

Not what I'm saying at all.  I've pre-ordered both.  There are benifits to buying a PS4.  Lower cost, great exlusives (opinion based obviously), and more freedom with DRM.  You would be grasping at straws if you thought for a minute I cared more for Xbox than PS4.  I've been mostly a PC gamer for the last 4 years.  Before that I owned a PS1 and PS2.  I love games.  Period.  What I don't like is an attempt at dividing community of gamers for the sake of a brand.  

As for personal infomation, I'm not really sure what you're talking about.  If there is a situation that you think was out of line or breaks TOS then let me know.  I've recieved no such PM saying so.  

Also, creating content is great.  However, doing so in a way that would erode our community is simply content we don't need.  Much like personal attacks, it doesn't serve to grow a solid community.  

I'm sure not everyone likes me or my style of running 2o2p.  I get that, but I do the best I can at making this a fun place for people to talk about games.  More often than not it doesn't come off this way and I'm sorry for that.  Believe it or not though, I think most of the people here have a lot of great things to contribute to 2o2p. I also think that conversation is easily drowned out by the vocal minority.  

Sat, 06/15/2013 - 15:48
YEM's picture
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Sat, 06/15/2013 - 16:16
Autarch's picture
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Everything you wrote Doodi makes sense, its reasonable.  Obviously there are times for taking a deep breath.  Not everyone can afford both, or both at launch - especially considering the network fees of Xbox Live Gold and now PS+ for multiplayer.  Also, people don't want the friends they've made on 2old2play to no longer be available to game with if the console choices differ.  Among other concerns, its definitely a time where emotions run higher than normal.

Anyways, I appreciate your very reasonable posts about the consoles and member discussion.

Maybe we'll see each other on Xbox One and (later for me) PS4 :P

Sat, 06/15/2013 - 16:24
KnightofRedemption's picture
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#First world problems 22

Sat, 06/15/2013 - 16:28 (Reply to #21)
CProRacing's picture
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KnightofRedemption wrote:

#First world problems 22

How very true Knight laugh

Sat, 06/15/2013 - 16:40
Autarch's picture
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Hey guys I just turned on my Xbox 360 and in the giant home dashboard tile there's people at E3 playing games on actual Xbox One consoles.

Can anyone verify if the illuminati photoshopped this so the plans they were pushing using google's world internet balloon network and microsofts spycams watching everyone don't falter in light of the xbox on PC info?


Also, in actually good news I played Halo 4 today and it finally wasn't lagging for me.  Its the most fun I've had with the game in a long time because of that.  Kinda sad that I got so happy that a game was functioning how it is intended to though this far after launch :P

Sat, 06/15/2013 - 20:30 (Reply to #23)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Autarch wrote:

Also, in actually good news I played Halo 4 today and it finally wasn't lagging for me.  Its the most fun I've had with the game in a long time because of that.  Kinda sad that I got so happy that a game was functioning how it is intended to though this far after launch :P

Things are looking up in Halo Town. :)

A little late for some, I know. I'll have to hang on to every thread to keep people playing but I never stop having fun in Halo, when playing with the people around here. :)

Sun, 06/16/2013 - 19:30 (Reply to #24)
zombiekitten's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Autarch wrote:

Also, in actually good news I played Halo 4 today and it finally wasn't lagging for me.  Its the most fun I've had with the game in a long time because of that.  Kinda sad that I got so happy that a game was functioning how it is intended to though this far after launch :P

Things are looking up in Halo Town. :)

A little late for some, I know. I'll have to hang on to every thread to keep people playing but I never stop having fun in Halo, when playing with the people around here. :)

Yup. No matter how effed up halo is, it's still fun with 2o2pers. :D

Sun, 06/16/2013 - 17:28
injustice4all's picture
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All of the insane negativity is what is really killing me. There is no reason for all of this. Everyone should buy the console that they want. Everyone should be able to talk about the games that excite them, without others bashing those games, or the consoles they are for.
Sun, 06/16/2013 - 17:36 (Reply to #26)
Autarch's picture
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injustice4all wrote:
All of the insane negativity is what is really killing me. There is no reason for all of this. Everyone should buy the console that they want. Everyone should be able to talk about the games that excite them, without others bashing those games, or the consoles they are for.


There are a lot of new games on across both current and next gen consoles, and PC too.

It should be a great time to be a gamer no matter which system you game on :)


I signed up for the ArcheAge beta and seriously am excited to see if I can get my hands on it before years end.  Been waiting on that one for years.  Other PC games like the repopulation and black desert interest me but are farther off. 

Sun, 06/16/2013 - 17:34
CProRacing's picture
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Its ok Justice its kind of chilled out a bit now this past few days smiley

By the time we are done and the systems are out they will be pretty much the same like always. (If History tells us anything)

Mon, 06/17/2013 - 12:27
TANK's picture
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I was a little surprised at this....  Given these consoles come out in 6 months you would THINK there would be a supply of 'first off the line' consoles .  Both Sony and Microsoft have a few more conferences between now and launch, TGS and PAX Prime come to mind so it seems odd to me they don't have a supply of real consoles to demo on.  This could mean launch day quantities are going to be fairly low, similar to 360 launch.


Mon, 06/17/2013 - 12:29
Shadow's picture
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I feel like they'll be expecting lower sales, as these are a much smaller jump forward than last gen.

Mon, 06/17/2013 - 12:49 (Reply to #30)
TANK's picture
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Shadow wrote:

I feel like they'll be expecting lower sales, as these are a much smaller jump forward than last gen.

Ya that's true as well, especially for those people who mostly use the console to access IPTV type services.  How much better is that going to be on the new conoles, really.  I can't see it being $400-$500 better than the existing generation.  So hopefully those types of people put off launch-day purchasing to leave more consoles available for the core gamers.

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