Falling Skies *SPOILERS* You've been warned

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Mon, 07/22/2013 - 22:19
GbHaseo's picture
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Yeah, I rewatched, and don't think he was up that high, but it's still kinda a stretch for me. A fall high enough to kill a skitter, but not damage Tom? Plus, there were no security guards anywhere to send after him?  Also, where the hell did Tom get a gun? He showed up at his house with his gun on his back.. I know the show has to cut and edit stuff, pacing, plot structure, timeframes, commercials.. Him fighting some skitters, would've destroyed the tone of the show they were trying to set I know. Nothing big that affects me liking the show I know, just petty stuff I think about when I'm bored lol.  Kinda like how The Avengers were all communicating during the fight with the aliens at the end of the movie without any devices or a telepath lol.

A lot of people were confused by him being in Boston on the Facebook page. I think they thought the tower was near Charleston, but actually that's the Volm tower. They also forgot that Tom and the kids had been traveling by horseback from Charleston, for what could've been 1 day or a few. On top of that the aliens do have really fast transports, so it wouldn't have been a big deal to take them up to Boston. I mean Karen was going back and forth constantly to have sex with Hal, so it makes sense.

I don't think the choices mattered that much, and won't have any relevance on the story, but of the questions involving the cities, were covered up. Like with Anne, Pope, and others asking him him where he perferred to take her on their vacation. Did he like sun, did he want to stay in, stuff like that, so in the end they were all technically questions on preference like the earlier ones. So they could've asked him those as a means to at least narrow down their choices, in case the plan fell apart later. Just something neat for me to think about as well that will probably never get come into play, lol.

Also, yeah why the hell would Karen kill Anne and the baby? You're right I highly doubt anyone bought that at all, lol. If they wanted them dead they would've killed them when she ran away to them. They wanted the child, which by the way, I think it's a hybrid, b/c they did something to Tom when they kidnapped him for a for awhile between Season 1 and 2. It could also explain the constant focus and interference in the Mason's lives. The fishheads have constantly told Tom, how they don't want to hurt him, and how he intrigues them. The only other way I can think of, is that one of the moles, messed with either Tom or Anne somehow.

Either way the child probably won't get delved into deeper until next season. Most seasons have a single purpose: S1 -  becoming  a group focused on not just surviving, and learning about the aliens S2 - Charleston S3 - Volm Weapon and the Net S4 - could likely be the baby, the fishheads could be trying to merge the species to turn against the Volm, b/c I doubt the Volm would let that happen, even if the humans had no control over it. Thus leaving the humans no choice, but to side with the Espheni, or die. Crazy idea I know, but there's still 2 episodes left, so I just gotta guess til I have more info lol.

Wed, 07/24/2013 - 07:27
zombiekitten's picture
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I wondered how he got his gun back too. I told myself he just happened to find a gun in a car along the way to his house lol

The same question arose during the episode Tom and Pope were stranded after the plane crash. Pope lost his shotgun in the river, but when he came back to get Tom, he had one. Hubby pointed this out during the show and I said "shut up! He found it in the truck he took! Don't talk shit about Pope!" Lol

Thu, 07/25/2013 - 08:40
Lala Calamari's picture
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You like Pope?  Ugh, I just can't tolerate that character at all.

Thu, 07/25/2013 - 13:19
GbHaseo's picture
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I always thought Pope got his gun from that farmer's truck/house, since the farmer had shotgun shells, that was my guess anyways since it's the only thing that made since, other than finding it somewhere else.

I usually like Pope, but not this season, he's been pretty annoying this season, and a jackass really with bet boards, but if he is being influenced by aliens that could explain it. Although, I think, Tom had a chance to start reaching Pope, but blew by being a big ass sissy when Pope played that prank on him. When society, post-apocalypse especially, continues to alienate you and make you feel like an outcast, eventually you're going to separate yourself from them, and eventually despise them, no matter how bad you wanna join them, which I do think Pope really does desire to be a part of community deep down. Pope was a big, if not main reason the group even survived Season 1, and no one ever seems to give him the proper credit and respect for it. Tom and gang continue to treat Pope and all the people that hang around him, like they're better than they are. For all Tom's strengths he's still acts like a smug asshole most of the time, especially when it comes to his family.

My favorite character in the show honestly is Weaver, I've always thought Will Patton was a cool actor though. Tom, surprise surprise would be second-favorite, mainly b/c I really liked Noah Wyle in those crappy Librarian movies lol. Never cared for ER too much honestly. Karen is my 3rd favorite this season, she's just so fucked up, so evil, and still so hot lol.

Thu, 07/25/2013 - 18:51
zombiekitten's picture
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I love Pope. He and Weaver are tied for my favorites, in and out of my fantasies lol. Sure Pope's an asshole...but he gets shit done, stops people at his bar when they start shooting off their mouths in ways that are detrimental to the group, he cares about the bezerkers...sure he probably smells bad...I still love him lol! Weaver is a well rounded character. Not like trash can man's character...Bressler? Was that his name? The one who died in the plane crash. Weaver is military when he needs to be, but can deal with/relate to the bezerkers and regular people. And yeah, I have a thing for his accent lol.


Karen is hot, but I want to smash her face into a jelly. I was all excited when I thought she was dead. 

Thu, 07/25/2013 - 21:57
GbHaseo's picture
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Well, Pope stops them, but I think it's mainly so they don't draw attention or get out of hand and ruin his plans. Like he told his buddy in a previous episode, has he ever known him to not have a plan? Pope is very sneaky, so it's hard to nail down if he does truly care, we'll know more once we find out if he has an eye bug or not.

Oh, Karen.... LOL,  yeah I can see myself wanting to smash her face in, she really is such an evil bitch... then again I have a thing for the crazy ones, sometimes evil is good ;)

Yeah, Bressler was way too uptight, he eventually loosened up a bit though, but I can see being a lifer in the military making you that way, so I don't blame him too much, least he learned. Some of those other militaary "leaders" I guess you can call them, were just useless jerks, they were way too stuck in thier ways. At some point you'd think they'd say to themself, uhh we're fighting aliens, not humans that we've been training for all our life, we may need to go outside the box here.

Fri, 07/26/2013 - 07:19
YEM's picture
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Everytime I saw Bressler, all I could think of was Taggart (from Eureka) and Max Headroom  lol


As for Pope, everytime I start to like him, he does something to make me not like him...  And while Karen is hot, I'd take Maggie first, everytime  106

Fri, 07/26/2013 - 13:49
zombiekitten's picture
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I always thought of Trash Can Man from The Stand when I saw Bressler lol.

i thought Lourdes was the hottest chick...til I saw her covered in alien eye bugs! 

Fri, 07/26/2013 - 21:50
GbHaseo's picture
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Well Maggie is definately the one I'd settle down for! She's hot, doesn't need mcuh, and can have your back when things get crazy. Karen is one of those crazy women that I'd spend one crazy ass fun freaky month with lol.

Lourdes is just too high strung for me, in Season 2 her and her b/f just annoyed the hell out of me. The eye bugs are also a definite turn off lol, which is weird b/c Karen's harness doesn't bother me at all.

Fri, 07/26/2013 - 22:15
zombiekitten's picture
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Maggie does kick ass! I bet you enjoyed that fight scene last season with her and Karen lmao!! 

Sun, 07/28/2013 - 05:45
GbHaseo's picture
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Indeed I did lol! It was actually was of my top 5 moments of last season lol. I saved that episode on DVR, I'm going to have to go watch it again now :D


I have a feeling either Karen will finally get killed in these last 2 episodes, or her role will become bigger in the show. I really thought something might be brewing with Maggie, but I think it was just creepy Pope fuckin with her, when Hal came back I think it calmed her down. There's still seems to be some issues though they need to work on. Next episode can't get here fast enough!

Sun, 07/28/2013 - 21:24
GbHaseo's picture
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Freakin Lourdes! That woman is really pissing me off with all her damn bombs.

Sun, 07/28/2013 - 22:08
GbHaseo's picture
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Wow, so the Volm don't look like they're going to be too friendly! Least they finally caught the damn mole, though, and Pope didn't have an eye bug. I'm watching the aftershow on TNT.com 2nd Watch, the director just said apparently, this episode was supposed to be completely different. They wanted to do something else, but when it came time, they just couldn't do it. So they came up with the idea, what if the mole had one final surprise attack left, and that's how the episode came to be. Completely made up on the spot.

Mon, 07/29/2013 - 07:44
zombiekitten's picture
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At least they caught her finally! What do they do now? Use the Volm exterminating service like they did on Hal? Kill her? I DID like the fact that the characters were as surprised as us, AND had similar questions ie when and how did she become the mole.

Not enough Pope for me, but a good episode lol! 


Im not even going to point out that Ben's spidey senses mean he can hear murmuring 40 feet underground, but a couple of weeks ago he didn't hear those hillbillies in the woods lol....okay maybe I will point it out! 


I wonder what they originally wanted this episode to be? 

As for the Volm ending up as bad guys, maybe they're like humans? Tom is the great peacemaker/trusting guy of the group...maybe Cochise is his Volm counterpart. So perhaps some seriously militaristic Volm view the humans as stupid beings in their way of destroying the fish heads. We will see I guess! 

Tue, 07/30/2013 - 05:45
GbHaseo's picture
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I thought the same about Ben lol. I wonder too how it was supposed to go, even the actors who plays Hal and Maggie, didn't know the episode was supposed to be different. It sounded like maybe it was too expensive to do, or too complicated with the budgets and tools they have, but it really sounded like it was something they really wanted to do. They also said they kept the identity of mole, secret from even the cast, and would shoot one scene with Lourdes, then call her back to shoot another lol.

Well, about the Volm, it's interesting, in 2nd Watch they dicussed this actually, without giving it away though. They talked about Cochise learning humanity, and if he would take that with him on his travels. They said the Volm most likely look down on the other species, they're more advanced, etc. Cochise however, after spending time with Tom and the other humans, learn there's a lot us as a species, and a lot to learn from as well. So it's possible while Cochise is nice, the rest of species, are a bunch of arrogant, self-rightous dicks, who think of us as a lower life form, like so many of the other species they may have tried to help.

So I can see Tom, trying to say smart shit, being diplomatic, and the other Volm dismissing him, hence the scene with the Volm smacking him aside like a little bitch lol. I can see the Volm, wanting to take Earth's resources, or making it some kinda war base in the fight with the Espheni, as a fee for "saving" them. Can't freaking wait for next week! Then, no more for yet another freaking year.... I know 11 1-hour episodes equal 22 30 mins ones, but still I feel like it should go at least 15 episodes.

Mon, 08/05/2013 - 04:04
GbHaseo's picture
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I knew it! I knew next season would focus on the magic baby!


The finale, while a really good episode, just felt like a really nice mid to late season episode, and not the way they usually end the seasons. It's always been bigger than this.. I have a feeling, that episode they originally wanted to do 2 weeks ago, was this one, and have this season end differently, but since it got picked up, they probably had to change it all. Who knows...

I liked the whole relocation thing, and putting them back on the road again, brings the show back to it's roots I feel. I was watching 2nd watch and apparently these guys just love to constantly change things. I guess in the scene when they kill Karen, they actually shot it multiple ways, with different ppl killing her, b/c they just didn't know who they wanted to do it. I tend to like the Volge as enemies more, b/c they looked more authentic than the Espheni, and their bots. The Skitters were fine, the others just looked too CGI for me.

I was also really sad to see the collapse of Hal and Maggie's relationship, Hal kinda hinted in 2nd watch, that they're probably kinda done with. That when Maggie told him to go help someone else, that it was kinda her way of ending it. I was sad, but I did see it coming. She's too cold in a lot of ways, and Hal's just not like that, and personally I see him getting together with Lourdes next season, and Maggie and Pope getting together, maybe not a relationship, but maybe a kiss or an angry hookup or something, driving even more wedges between Pope and the Masons. Plus, it's giving the show another person to kinda hate a bit, while still liking if you know what I mean.

I also think Weaver will die next season, and when that happens Pope will start a sort of civil war between the group. A funny tid bit about the show, Hal was talking about his scene on the barge with the gun shooting at the aircraft. Apparently they shot this in the ocean bay off Vancouver while the bay area was still open. So when they had Hal swing that huge gun, a Chinese ship next to them had no clue it was fake, or a show, and freaked out thinking he was trying to shoot them lol. That made me laugh a lot.


R.I.P.  - My Super Hot Psycho Evil Girlfriend Karen

Mon, 08/05/2013 - 09:27
YEM's picture
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I thought the whole Hal/Maggie thing was so stupid. Last week they have this huge relationship breakthrough (or was it the week before?) and now this week it's all falling down? It seemed forced. 


As for the Volm, it would seem that they really do want to protect the Humans. Cochise and his dad were talking (after they let the group go) about how they "swore an oath to protect" the races enslaved by the Espheni.  I'm not so sure I would consider them enemies...... at least not enemies in the way that the fish heads are enemies. It'll be interesting to see how that part of the story plays out going forward.


And that leads us to the magic baby. She was obviousy created for a purpose.... can't wait to see what that purpose is

Mon, 08/05/2013 - 11:08
zombiekitten's picture
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Lol@ your last line! I thought the Karen thing was awesome! Having Tom shoot her first then Maggie finish her with a double tap. NOT happy with Hal's reaction. Why you mad bro? Lol! His DAD shot her first. Why did he get all pissy with Maggie? Hal's a douchenozzle. I wish HE was having heart trouble and not Weaver! 

Maybe magic baby can heal human ailments and will cure Weaver?! You don't know!! Dammit he could live!! Lol

I wonder if Karen accelerated magic baby's growth to see what she is capable of? Or will she keep aging six years for every few months? If so, she would be around ben's age (or older?) if they do like last time and just six months in the next season premiere! Magic baby lol I'm totally using that from now on, even if she's 18 next season! 

I see them putting Hal and Lourdes together too. I thought that "touching" tent scene was a prelude to hooking them up. Maggie can do better lol! 

Tue, 08/06/2013 - 02:59
GbHaseo's picture
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I'm so sad Karen is gone..... I've rewatched the episode like 5 times now, I knew it was coming 2 weeks ago, and although she didn't know until the last episode, she said she felt it coming too.. It's like she sync'd our minds and I felt her creepy thoughts but still couldn't save her.. She deserves the rare double sad face cryingcrying

Hal and Maggie could break up, only to get together again later, like a lame Ross and Rachel type thing. For now though I think he's going to hook up with Lourdes, for sure, and they're going to have little eye bug babies, that have split personalities and take turns being failed moles and fucking with people in the group, tieing the VP's shoelaces together, whispering shit from other rooms into Anne's making her think she's crazy again, replacing Weaver's heart meds with laxatives.

Lmao, at picturing seeing Weaver's shit face, as he sits in a port-a-potty, screaming and cursing the Volm!!! 54

About Hal's reaction to Maggie shooting Karen... He explained that in 2nd watch, and in that moment, b/c Karen hasn't been harnessed for the whole season, that she was still human.(she had been deharnessed ever since her boss died) She may have bought into the Espheni way of life, and beliefs, but she did still love Hal. He also said that Hal, has a huge heart, and at that moment was ready to forgive Karen for everything she did to him. He didn't agree with what Maggie did, and thought it was cold-hearted, and cruel. Maggie just doesn't have that mentality. He also said that until Maggie got all bitchy at the truck, he was still willing to work things through, but ultimately she decided to end it.

She hated Karen for everything she did to her and Hal, and I believe she blames Karen for "changing" Hal, even though he's always been like that. I think Maggie was also mad at Hal, b/c she knew he was about ready to forgive her. She probably thought, "maybe Hal doesn't regret jungle banging her all those nights, maybe he does deep down love her still" and it pissed her off, and she remember the rules from Zombieland, and double tapped that hot ass. Maggie at the end of the day can't handle emotions well, and instead of working through them, she just gave up, but I do see her realising this later, and possibly changing, whether it's with Hal or not.


Also, I too hope Magic Baby can heal ol' gamblin' man chet(his role from Armaggedon) he really is my favorite, and I feel the show would lose a lot of emotion without him. He's also pretty much the only one who keeps Pope in line around the place. I wonder if the pod made Magic Baby grow so much... could be the alien DNA, I wonder if she'll keep her human body, but get like a fishy head, and look like that reverse Merman from Family Guy LOL!

Tue, 08/06/2013 - 04:40
GbHaseo's picture
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Oh I forgot to mention! TNT is running a Season 3 survey, to use for Season 4. It's very detailed, and I believe most of my complaints and compliments were in there. You can click the link below to take it, if it doesn't work, just go to the Falling Skies facebook page. Oh and guess what at the end they announced they expanded Season 4 to a whole whopping 12 EPISODES!!!!! Holy Shit!!! 1 ADDITIONAL EPISODE!!!

Yeah, it's 1 more episode I know.. but still come on guys! You needed to at least up it to 16 that's a good 3-4 months. Personally, I'd like it to be 22 episodes long but meh..



Mon, 06/30/2014 - 17:44
YEM's picture
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Anyone still watching? I tell you what, I go from enjoying the show to disliking it several times an episode :)   

I really like the prison camp storyline and the Matt/re-education camp/Cochise bit too. I can't stand the "tough guy" Ann or the dumb Lexi/crazy Lourdes/happy rainbow sunshine peace camp cult parts

Fri, 07/11/2014 - 23:26
GbHaseo's picture
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Yeah, I'm still watching the show, always will, got the game pre-ordered too. Though tbh it'll prolly suck lol. Yeah the macho Anne is pretty lame, and the whole re-education camp is neat, but boring. I'm really interested in this evil enemy the Espheni mentioned to Tom. Is it a ploy or is there really something so crazy out there it drove them from their home galaxy?

Thu, 07/24/2014 - 10:57
zombiekitten's picture
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I'm watching but not religiously anymore. I spend most of the episode saying "why is this bitch still alive?" Lourdes, Lexi, Ann, ugh. Maggie should've offed L and L day one. And every time Ben says "she's my sister" I say "NO SHE ISN'T."

Still love Dan and of course Pope. Enjoyed the bit last week with the dudes kidnapping Tom and all. Just kill Lourdes and Lexi and I'll be happy. Is that too much to ask? Lol!

Thu, 07/31/2014 - 09:21
YEM's picture
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Lourdes hasn't been as bad the last episode or 2, but holy shit, is she annoying this year.  Her and Ann where much better as the doctor/doctor in training characters. The bad ass and peace cult follower just aren't cutting it 


And yeah, Lexi. Super powers, really?  Come on...

Mon, 08/04/2014 - 07:44
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Yay! Lourdes is dead! 


But why do you have to go and kill off Tector? (the sniper dude)

Mon, 08/18/2014 - 18:52 (Reply to #86)
zombiekitten's picture
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YEM wrote:

Yay! Lourdes is dead! 


But why do you have to go and kill off Tector? (the sniper dude)

AGREED! He was one of my favorites. I'm not happy :(

Maggie having spike powers is badass! Except she wasted a LOT of ammo testing them out. Wasting ammo pisses me off. 

Matt falling for the honey pot was annoying, but I guess a kid his age would. 

Mira Sorvino STILL has way way way too much make up on for the apocalypse. FFS. It's so distracting I can't pay attention to what she's saying. I'm just thinking "REALLY? Full face of make up with RED LIPSTICK? That never smudges? REALLY??"

Sun, 08/31/2014 - 21:48
GbHaseo's picture
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Watching the season finale, and getting bummed that next season is the last, but at leat I get a Falling Skies game to make me happy :) What are you guys thinking of the finale? Tom is finally getting a show about his Librarian movies, also glad to see Pope's development. Weaver might be getting close to death, we'll see.

Sun, 08/31/2014 - 22:25
GbHaseo's picture
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Well, that was certainly interesting how it ended. The final race decides to show itself, and apparently they're beautiful...I'm really interested in what this final race is all about and how they plan to explain it all in 1 final season. Do Ben and Maggie still have powers? What's going to happen with the Volm? Guess I'll have to wait another entire year...

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