Ps4 now has 100 confirmed titles

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#1 Sun, 08/25/2013 - 17:32
Azuredreams's picture
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Ps4 now has 100 confirmed titles

Sun, 08/25/2013 - 20:08
Biznass's picture
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We haven't even heard what Naughty Dog and SSM are up to and they have multiple full teams.

Sun, 08/25/2013 - 20:14
JasonBlade's picture
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A lot of those games are also on the Xbox One...majority of it's exclusives so far have been indies...Sony really needs to pick up it's standards on exclusives cause Msft is beating them so far on exclusives.

Mon, 08/26/2013 - 00:33 (Reply to #3)
Azuredreams's picture
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JasonBlade wrote:

A lot of those games are also on the Xbox One...majority of it's exclusives so far have been indies...Sony really needs to pick up it's standards on exclusives cause Msft is beating them so far on exclusives.

Personally, none of the Xbox exclusives did anything for me, and the ones that did will also be available on the PC so they're not exclusive. 

On the flip side PS4 has some real nice IP's such as Infamous, Knack and Killzone. Nothing against the Xbox One, but if you have a gaming pc it's much less necessary to purchase a Xbox with Microsoft releasing most if not all of their "Exclusives" for both platforms. 


Mon, 08/26/2013 - 10:35
CProRacing's picture
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But you don't get Forza on the PC, Or PS4
Mon, 08/26/2013 - 11:10 (Reply to #5)
Biznass's picture
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CProRacing wrote:
But you don't get Forza on the PC, Or PS4

Then buy a xbone and play forza.

Mon, 08/26/2013 - 11:18
KuruptU4Fun1976's picture
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Well Azure I see your point, but sheer numbers really mean crap. Sony can't compete with Microsoft when it comes to online gaming numbers wise, that's been a proven fact. There's also the point that the larger masses who are PC games don't play on consoles, a lot of console gamers don't play PC games. That's a line that's been drawn in the sand for quite some time now.

Depending on how the numbers come out for people who will play Diablo 3, WoT, and Destiny I'm betting you'll see a lot of MMO IP's transition over to consoles. Doing that on an Xbone is simply easier based on the OS that it uses being much easier to code for. Very few changes are needed, whereas coding a PC game to a Sony console would take massive amounts of coding to move it over.

Mon, 08/26/2013 - 11:40 (Reply to #7)
Biznass's picture
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KuruptU4Fun1976 wrote:

Doing that on an Xbone is simply easier based on the OS that it uses being much easier to code for. Very few changes are needed, whereas coding a PC game to a Sony console would take massive amounts of coding to move it over.

Is this a fact ? I would love to see sources.

Mon, 08/26/2013 - 15:48 (Reply to #8)
KuruptU4Fun1976's picture
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Biznass wrote:

KuruptU4Fun1976 wrote:

Doing that on an Xbone is simply easier based on the OS that it uses being much easier to code for. Very few changes are needed, whereas coding a PC game to a Sony console would take massive amounts of coding to move it over.

Is this a fact ? I would love to see sources.

The native operating system of the PlayStation 3 is CellOS, which is believed to be a branch from the FreeBSD project.[2] The 3D computer graphics API software used in the PlayStation 3 is LibGCM and PSGL, based on OpenGL ES and Nvidia's Cg.[3] The PlayStation 3 uses the XrossMediaBar (XMB) as its graphical user interface.

Basically it's UNIX based software. If you remember back your could put LINUX OS on a PS3 for a while. Linux is a Unix clone made for programmer enthusiasts which is why it's free software. Unix itself is mostly used in servers on professional levels.

Haven't been able to find information other than the NXE software (New Xbox Experience) that states the OS is windows based, but logically it makes sense. Why would Microsoft create a whole brand new OS independant of everything just for the Xbox when they can start off of the one made for every PC in the world?

Mon, 08/26/2013 - 16:28 (Reply to #9)
Biznass's picture
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KuruptU4Fun1976 wrote:

Biznass wrote:

KuruptU4Fun1976 wrote:

Doing that on an Xbone is simply easier based on the OS that it uses being much easier to code for. Very few changes are needed, whereas coding a PC game to a Sony console would take massive amounts of coding to move it over.

Is this a fact ? I would love to see sources.

The native operating system of the PlayStation 3 is CellOS, which is believed to be a branch from the FreeBSD project.[2] The 3D computer graphics API software used in the PlayStation 3 is LibGCM and PSGL, based on OpenGL ES and Nvidia's Cg.[3] The PlayStation 3 uses the XrossMediaBar (XMB) as its graphical user interface.

Basically it's UNIX based software. If you remember back your could put LINUX OS on a PS3 for a while. Linux is a Unix clone made for programmer enthusiasts which is why it's free software. Unix itself is mostly used in servers on professional levels.

Haven't been able to find information other than the NXE software (New Xbox Experience) that states the OS is windows based, but logically it makes sense. Why would Microsoft create a whole brand new OS independant of everything just for the Xbox when they can start off of the one made for every PC in the world?

I love that you're schooling me on Unix. Unix is part of my day job, for the last 15+ years.

Still waiting on some sauce.

Mon, 08/26/2013 - 13:30
CProRacing's picture
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Mon, 08/26/2013 - 14:09
Shadow's picture
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"Infamous, Knack and Killzone" 

Unfortunately I don't care for the Infamous or Killzone series, I've rented both (and own Infamous 1 from Sony's massive hack fuckup).  Knack could be neat.

Most people are console OR PC gamers still.  So being console exclusive matters, even if it's on PC too.  Everyone has a PC but a small percentage of "everyone" hardcore games on PC rather than console anymore.  I built an HTPC that would probably play most games these days on medium, but I use my Xbox because that's where my friends are and I like achievements.

Mon, 08/26/2013 - 14:16 (Reply to #12)
CProRacing's picture
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Shadow wrote:

"Infamous, Knack and Killzone" 

Unfortunately I don't care for the Infamous or Killzone series, I've rented both (and own Infamous 1 from Sony's massive hack fuckup).  Knack could be neat.

Most people are console OR PC gamers still.  So being console exclusive matters, even if it's on PC too.  Everyone has a PC but a small percentage of "everyone" hardcore games on PC rather than console anymore.  I built an HTPC that would probably play most games these days on medium, but I use my Xbox because that's where my friends are and I like achievements.

I'm a racing whore and need both my PC and Xbox.

Now if we could only all play together.

I still don't know why cross-platform gaming is such an issue

Mon, 08/26/2013 - 14:27
JasonBlade's picture
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Azure i'm sure u love Infamous & Killzone...unfortunately they & Knack did nothing for me when i played them at comic-con....also your wrong...all of the xbone's exclusives are not on the pc. If your talking about's a timed exclusive that will be on the ps3/ps4 in a year or so. Forza 5, Dead Rising 3, Ryse, Sunset Overdrive, Fable Legacy, Halo, Quantum Break & much more all are exclusive to the xbox one. I myself prefer gaming on a console than on a pc...even though i started gaming on a pc playing Doom & Pitfall. But hey this is possibly gonna be the best console war to date & hopefully Nintendo gets they're shit together so they can put up a

Mon, 08/26/2013 - 14:42
Shadow's picture
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Titanfall is nowhere confirmed a "timed exclusive".  The most that's been said is 'maybe'

"It's definitely not out of the question," Emslie replied. "We have a huge appreciation for the fans. Coming out and showing it to everybody, we're super nervous and wanted to make sure everybody loved it. We love all our fans, whatever console they support.

"So yeah. We want to make everybody happy, but this is where we're at right now."

Mon, 08/26/2013 - 16:54
KuruptU4Fun1976's picture
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Ok well if UNIX is part of your daily life riddle me this, what other options OS wise did Sony have since MS didn't sell sell them liscenses to use Windows for the PS3?

Mon, 08/26/2013 - 16:59 (Reply to #16)
Biznass's picture
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KuruptU4Fun1976 wrote:

Ok well if UNIX is part of your daily life riddle me this, what other options OS wise does Sony have since MS isn't going to sell them liscenses to use Windows?

You win. I'm so confused with this sentence. Why would Sony pay MS for a windows license? Is windows some sort of requirement in your head?


Mon, 08/26/2013 - 17:27
KuruptU4Fun1976's picture
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MS gets to pick and choose who gets liscenses to use their software and how. Sony, Dell, and HP all have agreements with MS to install Windows on PC's because they bought the rights to use it. 

As an example, there are only a few places you can get a copy of any MS OS from legally, the first being MS directly. Otherwise you can buy it fromany computer company that has Windows installed on their computers.


Mon, 08/26/2013 - 17:31
Biznass's picture
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Wtf are you talking about?

It feels like that old saying about arguing with idiots.

"Doing that on an Xbone is simply easier based on the OS that it uses being much easier to code for. Very few changes are needed, whereas coding a PC game to a Sony console would take massive amounts of coding to move it over."

That statement is you talking out of your ass bro. I don't know what os licenses have to do with shit here.

Mon, 08/26/2013 - 17:56
KuruptU4Fun1976's picture
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Well it's pretty simple really, developers have stated it's easier to build games for the Xbox over the PS3:

I may be incorrect when it comes to the OS each console uses, but my base point is simple and reflected in those articles.


Mon, 08/26/2013 - 18:09
Biznass's picture
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Wow you think? Perhaps an off the wall cpu design with an sdk that wasn't fleshed out at the time?

Also your links are old as shit. 5-6 years old. Weren't we talking about ps4 here also?

Your base point is terrible.

Mon, 08/26/2013 - 18:55
Shadow's picture
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it's easier to code for the x360, but that's moot.  we're talking about PS4 here and X1.  They are both on the same architecture.

Tue, 08/27/2013 - 06:51 (Reply to #22)
mdl70's picture
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Shadow wrote:

it's easier to code for the x360, but that's moot.  we're talking about PS4 here and X1.  They are both on the same architecture.


(and I think that was Biznass' point to begin with, but he might have wanted to see where the thread went rather than just flat-out say that.  He's a bastard that way.)

Mon, 08/26/2013 - 18:57
CProRacing's picture
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While you two are going at it I'm just seeing your avatars fight in my head.
Mon, 08/26/2013 - 19:06
Lbsutke's picture
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lets pull it back and keep to the original topic of the thread.


Mon, 08/26/2013 - 20:36
JasonBlade's picture
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Nice 2 know i wasn't the only one picturing they're avatars

Mon, 08/26/2013 - 21:08
Azuredreams's picture
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Holy shit, I'm seriously cursed. Why is it that every thread I start turns into world war fucking three? Seriously guys, I was only posting up what I saw as a positive for a console that hadn't been posted at the time. 

CPro I'm not a racing fan at all. I do like to dabble in the games, but as someone who has only the most basic of understandings of the internal combustion engine I don't ever really get into those types of games. I've also found that if and when I did try to get into them, I was always severely mismatched by those who had a superior understanding of a car's tuning, and had spent monstrous amounts of money on peripherals. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just not my cup of tea. 

For those who said they didn't like Infamous and Killzone, that's fine. I liked them quite a bit and I'm sure I'll like the next gen sequels. I have been following the development and they look great. Also I'm not only thinking of the titles that have been announced as exclusive thus far. I've also based my decision off of what I have seen in the past. In the last generation, Sony had the much better exclusives, in my opinion and made me seriously regret not having a PS3. Nothing the 360 came up with would have made me pine for the system. They did of course have the superior online play experience, but I am convinced that Sony has learned from this and will be putting out a much better online experience in this next generation of consoles. 

Titanfall, yes I want to play this game. However, it's not a Xboxone exclusive. Not because it possibly be out on the PS4 at some undisclosed date, but because it's launching for PC as well as the Xboxone. I prefer my PC and will be playing it and most likely The Division there as well. Just because the difference in graphics and the caliber of people you meet in PC lobbies in my opinion are both far superior to the consoles. 

If you don't like Sony, it's cool. If you don't like Microsoft it's cool too. Can't we all just get along!?!?!


Tue, 08/27/2013 - 07:13 (Reply to #27)
CProRacing's picture
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Azuredreams wrote:

Holy shit, I'm seriously cursed. Why is it that every thread I start turns into world war fucking three? Seriously guys, I was only posting up what I saw as a positive for a console that hadn't been posted at the time. 

CPro I'm not a racing fan at all. I do like to dabble in the games, but as someone who has only the most basic of understandings of the internal combustion engine I don't ever really get into those types of games. I've also found that if and when I did try to get into them, I was always severely mismatched by those who had a superior understanding of a car's tuning, and had spent monstrous amounts of money on peripherals. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just not my cup of tea. 

For those who said they didn't like Infamous and Killzone, that's fine. I liked them quite a bit and I'm sure I'll like the next gen sequels. I have been following the development and they look great. Also I'm not only thinking of the titles that have been announced as exclusive thus far. I've also based my decision off of what I have seen in the past. In the last generation, Sony had the much better exclusives, in my opinion and made me seriously regret not having a PS3. Nothing the 360 came up with would have made me pine for the system. They did of course have the superior online play experience, but I am convinced that Sony has learned from this and will be putting out a much better online experience in this next generation of consoles. 

Titanfall, yes I want to play this game. However, it's not a Xboxone exclusive. Not because it possibly be out on the PS4 at some undisclosed date, but because it's launching for PC as well as the Xboxone. I prefer my PC and will be playing it and most likely The Division there as well. Just because the difference in graphics and the caliber of people you meet in PC lobbies in my opinion are both far superior to the consoles. 

If you don't like Sony, it's cool. If you don't like Microsoft it's cool too. Can't we all just get along!?!?!


No worries fella. If you ever do want to race we do share car builds and tunes and offer training. And don't worry about what kit you use. I use the joypad while sitting on a storage box with a pillow on my knees and do Ok ;)
Tue, 08/27/2013 - 11:30
scratchski's picture
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Metal Gear solid...I used to love you..then you did some bad things to me and I swore, " never again ! ".


Tue, 08/27/2013 - 14:16 (Reply to #29)
shamrogue's picture
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scratchski wrote:

Metal Gear solid...I used to love you..then you did some bad things to me and I swore, " never again ! ".




Tue, 08/27/2013 - 16:23
TANK's picture
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Pretty good list.  I thought it was going to be artificially inflated with a bunch of random indy stuff noone's heard of but it doesn't look like it is.

Kind of surprised Rockstart announced GTA Online, but they announced it at the very end of this generations life cycle.  Sure plenty of people will not upgrade right away but a good number will and so those customers are gone to them.  Just a really weird situation with GTA and when it's landing.  As much as I've been looking forward to GTA5, because of the next gen launch, i couldn't give a rats ass about gta online because i won't be able to play it.  Even if i were keeping my 360, i still wouldn't play it because why would I.

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