Question to BB fans....I've never seen any of the episodes and I'm thinking about going back and streaming it from Amazon. How many eps until this one sucks you in??? I watched part of the first ep and it was just kind of sad and boring. But I know most shows suck at first. Thoughts?
My wife just spent the summer streaming it from Netflix. I think it took her about 3-4 episodes to get hooked. Now she's a drooling crack addict waiting on the new episodes each week.
Like you, I was late to watching this show. (Started watching a couple months ago) It took me a few episodes, but I was hooked. It's so much better being able to watch several episodes in a row instead of waiting for the next episode. I will say, my one knock on this show is that there can be some (not many) very boring scenes..... usually when Skylar and her sister are on screen ;)
Though, there are so many great parts in this show that the "boring" parts are forgotten about rather quickly
Fucking Walter White, damn. Did not expect that at all. That confession was awesome.
He (and the writing team) is absolutely brilliant.
I gotta admit, I still kind of want Walter to succeed at the end. Though I am partial to Jesse and understand that Walter has done some truly unforgiveable and reprehensible things, there's a part of me still rooting for him and wanting to see him walk away from all of this.
I think he does. I base this on the fact that in the begging of season 5 (and 5.5 too when he went to the boarded up house) It showed him coming back from NH (with hair!) on his birthday. I just can't wait to see how it all happens
So, anyone have any ideas on how it will end? Any guesses?
I'm at a total loss on how it will end. I think in the end Walt winds up alone and broke. Jesse escapes and raises that kid. And Saul becomes a manager of a Cinnabon in Nebraska.
Just watched last nights episode. Holy crap. I have no idea where they are going with this. I think Walt goes out in a blaze of glory. I just hope Jesse lives.
I'm lost on the ending. Looks like walt is on a mission for revenge on the gray matter group.I'm not so sure about Jesse he looks like he is completly broken. Hopefully somebody gets Jack and Todd. Walt is done either way.
Jesse could always have a big "accident' in the meth lab. Boom, Nazis dead.
I was discussing it with my son yesterday and that was my fairy tail ending.
Jesse makes the gas from season one or a bomb. Kills Todd ,Jack and Lydia. He then escapes and spends the rest of his life raising Brock. Walt goes out taking his revenge on the Gray matter couple.
I'm not sure why everyone feels as though Jesse needs to have a happy ending. He's almost as bad as Walt. He is a Meth cook. He also murdered Gale in cold blood. He's no saint.
I'm not sure why everyone feels as though Jesse needs to have a happy ending. He's almost as bad as Walt. He is a Meth cook. He also murdered Gale in cold blood. He's no saint.
I couldn't agree with you more. I just figure not everyone dies unless Jesse sacrifices himself in his revenge. Even more interesting to me would be a shot of him broken and making meth for a long long time. Its what I liked about the show.....anythning can happen.
I thought that the Gray Matter interview prompted Walt to want to secure his legacy rather than take revenge on Gretchen and Elliot. Earlier in the episode he wanted to kill Jack and recover his money, which I don't think has changed.
And the idea of Jesse raising Brock is interesting, but by this point I assume Brock is in state custody and Jesse's been labeled as a criminal meth dealer/murderer. I can't think of any scenario in which it's a happy ending for either of them.
nope, no happy endings here. i can see walt and jesse getting a little bit of revenge, but i hope they go down in a blaze of glory, a la young guns 1. Since the beginning of season 2, we all knew that this was not going to end well. it shouldn't be a shock. it is just building up nicely!
Bit slow compared to how Season 5's tone was set, but we all got some closure and Walt tied up his loose ends with Lydia and the Neo-Nazi's. I can't help but wonder tho, would Jesse have done Walt in if he hadn't already been injured? Great ending but I feel the same as I did with LOST, I'm sad it's over. Plus we got to see Badger and Skinny Pete one last time.
I can't help but wonder tho, would Jesse have done Walt in if he hadn't already been injured?
One recap I read addressed this brilliantly. Earlier in the season Jesse called Walt and said "I'm not going to do anything you want anymore." In the finale, he made Walt say he wanted Jesse to kill him, which is why Jesse didn't do it.
Personally I thought the ending wasn't oh-my-god-best-hour-of-television-in-history good, but I don't think it ever had a chance of being as good as the world expected. A casualty of the incredibly high bar it set for itself.
The Texas Chainsaw homage at the end (when Jesse was in the car) was totally unexpected and completely perfect, though.
Just finished season 4. Wow,wow,wow what a great show. Twists and turns galore.
Breaking Bad is back this Sunday (August 11th)
Can't wait!
Mmmmm.....Tread lightly.
After waiting a year for this episode I wasn't let down. The last scene was brilliant and completely unexpected.
Exactly what I thought ....
Question to BB fans....I've never seen any of the episodes and I'm thinking about going back and streaming it from Amazon. How many eps until this one sucks you in??? I watched part of the first ep and it was just kind of sad and boring. But I know most shows suck at first. Thoughts?
My wife just spent the summer streaming it from Netflix. I think it took her about 3-4 episodes to get hooked. Now she's a drooling crack addict waiting on the new episodes each week.
Yeah, 3-4 episodes in and you should be hooked.
Like you, I was late to watching this show. (Started watching a couple months ago) It took me a few episodes, but I was hooked. It's so much better being able to watch several episodes in a row instead of waiting for the next episode. I will say, my one knock on this show is that there can be some (not many) very boring scenes..... usually when Skylar and her sister are on screen ;)
Though, there are so many great parts in this show that the "boring" parts are forgotten about rather quickly
Fucking Walter White, damn. Did not expect that at all. That confession was awesome.
He (and the writing team) is absolutely brilliant.
I gotta admit, I still kind of want Walter to succeed at the end. Though I am partial to Jesse and understand that Walter has done some truly unforgiveable and reprehensible things, there's a part of me still rooting for him and wanting to see him walk away from all of this.
Only 3 shows left....I can't imagine where this will end.I have to admit I hope Walter gets away.
I think he does. I base this on the fact that in the begging of season 5 (and 5.5 too when he went to the boarded up house) It showed him coming back from NH (with hair!) on his birthday. I just can't wait to see how it all happens
Last night was the worst case of bad aim I have ever seen.
Looked like me on battlefield 3
It reminded me of the Walking Dead when humans are shooting at other humans
So, anyone have any ideas on how it will end? Any guesses?
I'm at a total loss on how it will end. I think in the end Walt winds up alone and broke. Jesse escapes and raises that kid. And Saul becomes a manager of a Cinnabon in Nebraska.
Can't wait for the next episode.
Just watched last nights episode. Holy crap. I have no idea where they are going with this. I think Walt goes out in a blaze of glory. I just hope Jesse lives.
I'm lost on the ending. Looks like walt is on a mission for revenge on the gray matter group.I'm not so sure about Jesse he looks like he is completly broken. Hopefully somebody gets Jack and Todd. Walt is done either way.
Do you think what happened was Jesse's fault?
Jesse could always have a big "accident' in the meth lab. Boom, Nazis dead.
I was discussing it with my son yesterday and that was my fairy tail ending.
Jesse makes the gas from season one or a bomb. Kills Todd ,Jack and Lydia. He then escapes and spends the rest of his life raising Brock. Walt goes out taking his revenge on the Gray matter couple.
I'm not sure why everyone feels as though Jesse needs to have a happy ending. He's almost as bad as Walt. He is a Meth cook. He also murdered Gale in cold blood. He's no saint.
I couldn't agree with you more. I just figure not everyone dies unless Jesse sacrifices himself in his revenge. Even more interesting to me would be a shot of him broken and making meth for a long long time. Its what I liked about the show.....anythning can happen.
There's no way Walt just goes after GM and forgets about Uncle Jack. He killed Hank and stole Walts money....... Walt will finish what he started
I thought that the Gray Matter interview prompted Walt to want to secure his legacy rather than take revenge on Gretchen and Elliot. Earlier in the episode he wanted to kill Jack and recover his money, which I don't think has changed.
And the idea of Jesse raising Brock is interesting, but by this point I assume Brock is in state custody and Jesse's been labeled as a criminal meth dealer/murderer. I can't think of any scenario in which it's a happy ending for either of them.
True, I don't think Breaking Bad is about happy endings.
nope, no happy endings here. i can see walt and jesse getting a little bit of revenge, but i hope they go down in a blaze of glory, a la young guns 1. Since the beginning of season 2, we all knew that this was not going to end well. it shouldn't be a shock. it is just building up nicely!
Bravo.I liked the ending.Fitting for everyone involved.
Bit slow compared to how Season 5's tone was set, but we all got some closure and Walt tied up his loose ends with Lydia and the Neo-Nazi's. I can't help but wonder tho, would Jesse have done Walt in if he hadn't already been injured? Great ending but I feel the same as I did with LOST, I'm sad it's over. Plus we got to see Badger and Skinny Pete one last time.
One recap I read addressed this brilliantly. Earlier in the season Jesse called Walt and said "I'm not going to do anything you want anymore." In the finale, he made Walt say he wanted Jesse to kill him, which is why Jesse didn't do it.
Personally I thought the ending wasn't oh-my-god-best-hour-of-television-in-history good, but I don't think it ever had a chance of being as good as the world expected. A casualty of the incredibly high bar it set for itself.
The Texas Chainsaw homage at the end (when Jesse was in the car) was totally unexpected and completely perfect, though.