The goodnight thread, and now...VR! Anyone else into it?

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Thu, 09/19/2013 - 05:57
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I thought this appropriate this morning...


Thu, 09/19/2013 - 06:27
LocGaw's picture
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Thu, 09/19/2013 - 07:40
FreeRadikal's picture
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I'm really kind of upset about GTA V, I'm even more upset that people like to committ violence against women and then joke about it. Why do I seem like the only one in the gaming community talking about this? I'm a pretty laid back person but I am truly disgusted by Rockstar.

Thu, 09/19/2013 - 08:07
zombiekitten's picture
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@ Vix it went better than I expected :) The neighbors I like were there, the ones I don't like left early, and I got to see the 16 year old kitty we rescued 15 years ago that our neighbors still spoil. THAT made my night! I don't think much of myself. I'm sick, so I can't work. Don't have kids, too sick to volunteer somewhere..I feel like I don't add much to the world. But when I rescue an animal, and find it a loving home where it's cared for so greatly it's still healthy at age 16...that makes me think I make a small difference :) ANYWAY, the party was pleasant and I'm glad hubby dragged me along lol! (The neighbors I don't like are the ones moving, so that helped lol) 


@ Free <3 I think you're awesome. 

Thu, 09/19/2013 - 09:01
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I won't be buying GTA anything Rad, totally agree...It's not what I view as fun.

Thu, 09/19/2013 - 09:31
Vix_Sundown's picture
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@ Free - I've never really played any GTA. Usually the complaints you are making are coming from wacky anti-video game groups, so I always discounted it. Just shrugged that off as nonsense put out by uber-religious types who don't even play games. But when a fellow gamer such as yourself says it, I listen.

Is the game really that bad? Does it encourage you to smack hos or whatever? That doesn't sound too good. I wouldnt like that. But the game is getting super-awesome ratings. What's up with that?

@ Kit - Reading your post made me feel kind of sad. "Don't add much to the world"? What kind of talk is that? You sure add a lot to this forum, and I think you've got a great sense of humor, too! I hope your treatments are going well. And that's great about rescuing animals.

Speaking of cats, yesterday mine almost got killed. She went in the neighbor's garage and got on top of the inside open door. When he closed the door, she got stuck in it. It came all the way down, and then she got wedged in at the top between the aluminum door and the frame. Her body and legs were outside frantically scratching, while her head was inside, with the door clamped on her neck. That's a heavy door. She's lucky it didn't kill her. He opened the door and she ran home. Seems to be alright. Just used up one of her 9 lives!

Thu, 09/19/2013 - 09:42
Sherb's picture
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Welcome to the madness Vix.  I wouldn't say it neccesarily encourages it, but it's enabled.  And such gets treated like an exploit in any other game.  I've played prior GTAs, and will likely pick this one up at some point.....but honestly I have the most fun driving around seeing how long I can run from the cops...or how big of a wreck I can cause.  151

Kit, just remember it's all the little things that add up.  I know you're wit brightens up the room here.  And one more rescue that you found a home for, is one less critter that starves or is euthanized.  Just creating a smile or a chuckle can brighten up someones day...which can spread from there.  161

Thu, 09/19/2013 - 10:56
zombiekitten's picture
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I love you guys <3 I usually get this feeling after social events where I meet new people. They always ask what I do for a living. When I say hausfrau, then they say "oh, how many kids do you have?" When I say "none", they get this weird look, and make me feel like a lazy piece of crap lol


I've never played any of the GTAs. I was always just a halo person except for some arcade games, Alice, and Bayonetta. I have the urge to play Bayonetta lol! 

Thu, 09/19/2013 - 11:52
FreeRadikal's picture
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Hey Zombie you rule, when I miss you on clan nights it just doesn't feel the same.

I love the GTA games. I love the shooting up stuff and driving cars around...but does it have to include killing hookers and beating up strippers? Why did they stop there? Why did they have you become a pimp and smack around your employees? Where is the line? I draw the line when a game makes me feel uncomfortable and GTA makes me uncomfortable I can't just by a game that I really like a part of. Just like Rodman shouldn't party with a dictator because he is nice to him. I try and base my choices on how all parties are treated. So nike used slave children, I mean I really like how the shoes look, I guess me buying the shoes are okay becasue they are all ready made. 

I don't mind the violence of crime on crime, but I don't like to see society's most vulnerable classes depicted in a disrespectful manner. What's next in GTA, see how many homeless people we can set on fire?

Anyways, thanks for listening. I just want to be heard. It's a free country and people should be able to make all the legally free choices they want, but it doesn't mean that just because I can I should.

Thu, 09/19/2013 - 13:23
zombiekitten's picture
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I should be back on for clan nights now :) I actually had social engagements I got dragged to the past two clan nights. 

What I don't get is why some people are either joking or being dicks to you because of your GTA opinions. Why does it bother people? It's your opinion, and it doesn't hurt them any. You're not saying "anyone who plays GTA is a douche". Yet people are getting weird about what you are saying. I don't get it. People say things about halo, and I don't take it personally...

(No one in this thread has been a dick about Free's opinion btw. It's happening elsewhere lol)

Thu, 09/19/2013 - 13:42 (Reply to #2651)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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zombiekitten wrote:

I should be back on for clan nights now :) I actually had social engagements I got dragged to the past two clan nights. 

What I don't get is why some people are either joking or being dicks to you because of your GTA opinions. Why does it bother people? It's your opinion, and it doesn't hurt them any. You're not saying "anyone who plays GTA is a douche". Yet people are getting weird about what you are saying. I don't get it. People say things about halo, and I don't take it personally...

(No one in this thread has been a dick about Free's opinion btw. It's happening elsewhere lol)

Okay, you had me wondering for a second...

Fri, 09/20/2013 - 11:15 (Reply to #2652)
OutcastB's picture
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zombiekitten wrote:

I should be back on for clan nights now :) I actually had social engagements I got dragged to the past two clan nights. 

What I don't get is why some people are either joking or being dicks to you because of your GTA opinions. Why does it bother people? It's your opinion, and it doesn't hurt them any. You're not saying "anyone who plays GTA is a douche". Yet people are getting weird about what you are saying. I don't get it. People say things about halo, and I don't take it personally...

(No one in this thread has been a dick about Free's opinion btw. It's happening elsewhere lol)


edited because I was being a douch


Fri, 09/20/2013 - 12:21 (Reply to #2653)
zombiekitten's picture
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OutcastB wrote:

zombiekitten wrote:

I should be back on for clan nights now :) I actually had social engagements I got dragged to the past two clan nights. 

What I don't get is why some people are either joking or being dicks to you because of your GTA opinions. Why does it bother people? It's your opinion, and it doesn't hurt them any. You're not saying "anyone who plays GTA is a douche". Yet people are getting weird about what you are saying. I don't get it. People say things about halo, and I don't take it personally...

(No one in this thread has been a dick about Free's opinion btw. It's happening elsewhere lol)


edited because I was being a douch


You impressed me! You posted and apologized for your pants catching fire (paraphrasing lol), and you posted a calm, logical reply. I almost posted in that thread to say "wait...a man who acknowledges when he may have overreacted a bit? They DO exist! I found one!" But I didn't. I didn't want to be accused of being a man bashing dick ;) 

Now write a book for me to give hubby, dad, and all three of my brothers please! Not a damn one of them will say "yeah, okay, maybe I jumped the gun a bit..."

Fri, 09/20/2013 - 17:25 (Reply to #2654)
OutcastB's picture
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zombiekitten wrote:

OutcastB wrote:

zombiekitten wrote:

I should be back on for clan nights now :) I actually had social engagements I got dragged to the past two clan nights. 

What I don't get is why some people are either joking or being dicks to you because of your GTA opinions. Why does it bother people? It's your opinion, and it doesn't hurt them any. You're not saying "anyone who plays GTA is a douche". Yet people are getting weird about what you are saying. I don't get it. People say things about halo, and I don't take it personally...

(No one in this thread has been a dick about Free's opinion btw. It's happening elsewhere lol)


edited because I was being a douch


You impressed me! You posted and apologized for your pants catching fire (paraphrasing lol), and you posted a calm, logical reply. I almost posted in that thread to say "wait...a man who acknowledges when he may have overreacted a bit? They DO exist! I found one!" But I didn't. I didn't want to be accused of being a man bashing dick ;) 

Now write a book for me to give hubby, dad, and all three of my brothers please! Not a damn one of them will say "yeah, okay, maybe I jumped the gun a bit..."


Thanks. I'm comfortable admitting when I screw up and adding to the fire is counter-productive. Free adds a lot to this site and shame on me for not valueing his opinion like I should have. I took it personally and shouldn't have.

Thu, 09/19/2013 - 13:46
zombiekitten's picture
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Yeah I wanted to make that clear lol. This thread is my favorite on this site, and one of my favorites on any site I'm on. 

I think people just throw me off sometimes, by their reactions. People seem to get personally offended by the oddest things...

Thu, 09/19/2013 - 14:20
CProRacing's picture
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Yeah the setting homeless people on fire comment. That can also be done. Buy a Jerry can and burn away.
Thu, 09/19/2013 - 15:36
SarcasmoJones's picture
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I don't think that GTA necessarily targets women for violence, it just doesn't exclude them. I'm not really a fan of GTA, in fact I believe that it is quite possibly the most overrated empty sandbox series ever. I just got through playing Saints Row IV, which is quite similar to GTA, but the player can customize the main character and I ended up playing as a large-breasted black woman with cornrows and a dildo bat. I must have beaten 200 people to death with my dildo bat and I laughed every time I batted someone across the street....male or female. I guess I'm the opposite of Free when it comes to the depiction of violence in games...I tried to burn down the orphanage in Riften, in Skyrim. When the building and children would not burn, I summoned a Gargoyle to take care of business. I tried to shoot the children in Fallout: New Vegas, and when VATS would not let me target them, I shot their pet rat. Part of the game experience, for me, is the ability to set my real world morals aside and become that despicable pixillated demon my mom warned me about. I have backstabbed, bitchslapped, and bullied my way through almost every game that would allow it, but I'm pretty sure that I haven't lost my real world morality. If I'm able to let the monster play my games, he's less likely to feel the need to play IRL.

Thu, 09/19/2013 - 15:50 (Reply to #2658)
CProRacing's picture
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SarcasmoJones wrote:

I don't think that GTA necessarily targets women for violence, it just doesn't exclude them. I'm not really a fan of GTA, in fact I believe that it is quite possibly the most overrated empty sandbox series ever. I just got through playing Saints Row IV, which is quite similar to GTA, but the player can customize the main character and I ended up playing as a large-breasted black woman with cornrows and a dildo bat. I must have beaten 200 people to death with my dildo bat and I laughed every time I batted someone across the street....male or female. I guess I'm the opposite of Free when it comes to the depiction of violence in games...I tried to burn down the orphanage in Riften, in Skyrim. When the building and children would not burn, I summoned a Gargoyle to take care of business. I tried to shoot the children in Fallout: New Vegas, and when VATS would not let me target them, I shot their pet rat. Part of the game experience, for me, is the ability to set my real world morals aside and become that despicable pixillated demon my mom warned me about. I have backstabbed, bitchslapped, and bullied my way through almost every game that would allow it, but I'm pretty sure that I haven't lost my real world morality. If I'm able to let the monster play my games, he's less likely to feel the need to play IRL.

You need help man laugh

Fri, 09/20/2013 - 11:14 (Reply to #2659)
OutcastB's picture
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SarcasmoJones wrote:

I don't think that GTA necessarily targets women for violence, it just doesn't exclude them. I'm not really a fan of GTA, in fact I believe that it is quite possibly the most overrated empty sandbox series ever. I just got through playing Saints Row IV, which is quite similar to GTA, but the player can customize the main character and I ended up playing as a large-breasted black woman with cornrows and a dildo bat. I must have beaten 200 people to death with my dildo bat and I laughed every time I batted someone across the street....male or female. I guess I'm the opposite of Free when it comes to the depiction of violence in games...I tried to burn down the orphanage in Riften, in Skyrim. When the building and children would not burn, I summoned a Gargoyle to take care of business. I tried to shoot the children in Fallout: New Vegas, and when VATS would not let me target them, I shot their pet rat. Part of the game experience, for me, is the ability to set my real world morals aside and become that despicable pixillated demon my mom warned me about. I have backstabbed, bitchslapped, and bullied my way through almost every game that would allow it, but I'm pretty sure that I haven't lost my real world morality. If I'm able to let the monster play my games, he's less likely to feel the need to play IRL.


I'm the exact same way... it keeps my inner sociopathic tendencies at bay.

Sun, 09/22/2013 - 19:03 (Reply to #2660)
SarcasmoJones's picture
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OutcastB wrote:

SarcasmoJones wrote:

I don't think that GTA necessarily targets women for violence, it just doesn't exclude them. I'm not really a fan of GTA, in fact I believe that it is quite possibly the most overrated empty sandbox series ever. I just got through playing Saints Row IV, which is quite similar to GTA, but the player can customize the main character and I ended up playing as a large-breasted black woman with cornrows and a dildo bat. I must have beaten 200 people to death with my dildo bat and I laughed every time I batted someone across the street....male or female. I guess I'm the opposite of Free when it comes to the depiction of violence in games...I tried to burn down the orphanage in Riften, in Skyrim. When the building and children would not burn, I summoned a Gargoyle to take care of business. I tried to shoot the children in Fallout: New Vegas, and when VATS would not let me target them, I shot their pet rat. Part of the game experience, for me, is the ability to set my real world morals aside and become that despicable pixillated demon my mom warned me about. I have backstabbed, bitchslapped, and bullied my way through almost every game that would allow it, but I'm pretty sure that I haven't lost my real world morality. If I'm able to let the monster play my games, he's less likely to feel the need to play IRL.


I'm the exact same way... it keeps my inner sociopathic tendencies at bay.

Ah, a fellow virtual sociopath...we should play sometime.

Thu, 09/19/2013 - 16:15
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Hmm. First, Kit I'm real happy your so fond of this little corner of the forum, and happy that it has developed a life of it's own. I don't know how it happened but glad it did.

Violence in games...Where is the line? To be honest I don't think there is one. It is a playground where as Jones said there are no rules, no morals, no consequences. Films, TV and books contain as bad and worse. There is a popular viewpoint that it encourages violence in the real world, my response to that is... What video games were the Hitler Youth playing? How about the Inquisition? The Crusades? What games encouraged these violent episodes and all the others throughout history? Did the Ripper exist because of GTA V?

Much like a racing game does not make me race my own car at silly speeds, actually the opposite is true. A violent game does not make me, or any other average Joe violent. or a misogynist either. Violent misogynists are what they are with or without games, films or TV

Unlike Jones, oddly I tend to play the good guy in games where there is an option, I can't quite bring myself to play a baddy. But if the only option is to be a violent crazy I have no problem with it, that's the game dynamic so that is okay. 

Is it wrong in anyway to voice concern? Not in my book, and not on this thread. Some will agree, some will disagree, all will debate mostly without rancor and like the adults we all are.

Jones's comment that he lets the Monster play the games is also born out in research and my own experience. When angry at home for whatever reason I will often tell my wife "I'm gonna go and shoot some shit" I blow up some buildings, kill some animated characters and return in a more mellow state of mind. What I don't do is kick the furniture, cats or afore mentioned wife. These actions have consequences, and that is the key. Real world violence has real world consequences, virtual violence does not. It's not real. So to apply real world morals misses the point, they have no place in a virtual make believe world. They do have a place in the real world, that is where they apply, that is where I agree, violence is an awful thing and violence against women one of the worst forms.


Thu, 09/19/2013 - 18:39 (Reply to #2662)
Vix_Sundown's picture
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KnightofRedemption wrote:

Unlike Jones, oddly I tend to play the good guy in games where there is an option, I can't quite bring myself to play a baddy. But if the only option is to be a violent crazy I have no problem with it, that's the game dynamic so that is okay. 

I too cannot bring myself to commit evil in any game that gives me the option. I end up being an in-game goody two-shoes, morality-wise. I just can't seem to do otherwise.

The most hilarious incident of this I can recall was in the original Fable. If you buy the Whorehouse, you can choose to become the new pimp and double down on profits, or you can choose to let all the girls go and turn the place into a shelter for battered women! LOL... I made it a women's shelter, but the whole scenario was so absurd it just cracked me up :)

Thu, 09/19/2013 - 16:36
FreeRadikal's picture
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All I wanted was to have the discussion, I was quite surprised by all the negative comments. I'm not calling anyone out I just like to raise the issue. This thread has got to be the best thread on the internet where you can state a decent opinion and not get flamed for it. So I have to say I have huge respect for the people who comment on this thread. I know we all can be super silly at times but for real, you guys impress me.

Thu, 09/19/2013 - 17:10
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Can't promise that it wont happen mate, it is (was) an unwritten rule of this thread that the odd time we get serious (rare and never for long) then it is the subject of a post is what is responded to, not the person who posted it...Unless it is part of an ongoing game between longstanding sparring mates then it is no holds barred. smiley

If it does happen you will find many of us will jump in and voice disapproval. I like it when new folk drop by, keeps things fresh and the thread active. I also love the debating game, and when we have the odd one it is fun.

This thread has no axe to grind, we don't play one game, we don't belong to one clan, we all play on different platforms. We have one thing in common, we are gamers, never grew up and love to rip the piss :)...Well that is three things before one of the threads many pedants jumps in to rip the piss LOL

Thu, 09/19/2013 - 18:49
FreeRadikal's picture
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Probably should've renamed Jones's Pimp House...

Thu, 09/19/2013 - 20:53
SarcasmoJones's picture
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Oh, you guys don't know the half of it. I killed all the vendors in Fallout 3 so I wouldn't have to pay for stuff, I put a slave collar on my favorite gun seller and sold him into slavery, I sacrificed one of my followers in Skyrim solely because he was annoyingly enthusiastic about going on an adventure with me, gave one of my fellow Blades the Fus Roh Dah treatment right off of a mountain top just to see if I could do it, killed the guy who cured my lycanthropy, turned three thriving communities into ghost towns in New Vegas for the experience points, and put live grenades into NPC's inventories after I pickpocket them because it makes me laugh when they explode. If I had taken over the whorehouse in Fable, I would have killed the whores and made Motel Hell beef jerky to sell to the hungry public. I also have a tendency to shoot my co-op partners in the leg, because I think limps are funny. I'm not a bad guy in real life, I'm kind of a sarcastic dick, but that's because I hate dealing with people, not because I'm evil. However, pixillated fictional people beware...I will kill you. I will stuff your goofy ass in a trash can and run over that bitch with a tank or beat you to death with a dildo bat. The compulsion to be a nice guy just isn't there when I play. If I make a second run, I'll wear the white hat...maybe, but don't count on it.

Thu, 09/19/2013 - 22:12
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Router has been resetting itself occasionally, never when it's okay to do so, of course, and today while I was at work, my boy got kicked out of League of Legends and it never came back.

Made sure the bill was paid, fiddled with the router and decided, okay it's dead Jim, and went of where no man has gone before, Best Buy, and bought a sweet Netgear R6300, Cadillac Mac Daddy!

However, it's not detecting the internet, which I want to point out, I am on now, directly to the modem but with low connectivity, or so WinXP tells me. So, now I wonder if the intermittent resetting was the modem screwing with the router, and I'm off to trade the modem tomorrow afternoon for a replacement, and IF,,,that doesn't work, a tech will be out FREAKIN MONDAY!!!.

Soooooo....I'm in the mood to blow something up or hit something with a dildo...

Guess if it's the modem I can chain the routers perhaps? LAN Party East Tennessee?

Night all...

Fri, 09/20/2013 - 06:41
Sherb's picture
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Morning peeps!

Fri, 09/20/2013 - 07:44
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Morning mate.

Jones your a sic puppy, but as I get to see what really concerns you via Twitter, it's clear it's a virtual sickness enacted out in a virtual world. Remind me never to join you in one of these virtual worlds, I suspect I would soon take an arrow to the knee 5441

Fri, 09/20/2013 - 08:34 (Reply to #2670)
SarcasmoJones's picture
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KnightofRedemption wrote:

Morning mate.

Jones your a sic puppy, but as I get to see what really concerns you via Twitter, it's clear it's a virtual sickness enacted out in a virtual world. Remind me never to join you in one of these virtual worlds, I suspect I would soon take an arrow to the knee 5441

Yeah, I'm relatively normal IRL, if anything, I care too much. cool Seriously though, I don't even own a gun anymore...which is an odd thing for a Texan. I'm an advocate for the environment, women, and gay rights...I hate seeing folks pushed around or taken advantage of. Video game people aren't real people, and it's my job to make them suffer, deprive them of life, and possibly gorge on their corpses. I haven't necessarily found someone with exactly the same opinion about it as me, but I feel sure that I'm not alone.

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