poll: who will change to xbox one?

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Mon, 11/04/2013 - 06:03 (Reply to #31)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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SarcasmoJones wrote:

Wheels wrote:

45-yes-November 22


Soups...Be One of Our Guinea Pigs and Give Us Detailed Information on EVERYTHING..From What Works....To What Doesn't and What is Worth Mentioning About the Game Plus Issues...Thankscoolcoolcool

If only we had a staff writer in 2o4f who was getting the game and system at launch and could write such a review. That would be cool!

let me know if you find one... cheeky

I will be BUT haven't figured out the financial whooodoo yet. So, yes, but undecidely when...before the end of the year is the goal. I do feel Four still has legs and I have my PGA14 and Arkham City yet to play in the meantime.

Mon, 11/04/2013 - 12:13 (Reply to #32)
SarcasmoJones's picture
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Oldschool 2o4f wrote:


let me know if you find one... cheeky



Tue, 11/05/2013 - 10:06 (Reply to #33)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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SarcasmoJones wrote:

Oldschool 2o4f wrote:


let me know if you find one... cheeky



Seriously, looking forward to your in depth investigative report Jones. As well as comments from a few other first day'ers.

Sun, 11/03/2013 - 15:51
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I will do my best to give a fair and unbias review.

Sun, 11/03/2013 - 15:58 (Reply to #35)
Wheels's picture
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I will do my best to give a fair and unbias review.



Sun, 11/03/2013 - 17:03
Thane62's picture
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@Fitzy: My wallet knows that there is no Santa.

Also, we will be keeping the 360 going, too. I got too many unfinished games. I'l be on it when my son is hogging the Xbone.

Mon, 11/04/2013 - 00:32
oldmodelt's picture
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oldmodelt - 57 - no - not for the forseeable future

Mon, 11/04/2013 - 01:21
GTFOOTW's picture
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gtFOOtw.  47.   Yes.   Day one.  

Mon, 11/04/2013 - 03:36
insanerc's picture
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Not for a long while

Mon, 11/04/2013 - 13:01
DRCxDRIVEBYEx71's picture
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Not getting the new system until mid 2014 most likely...
Mon, 11/04/2013 - 16:17
andrew404's picture
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likely will have it very near day 1, and have the TX on preorder at Gamestop..... although I hear that Walmart has a deal where they'll give you Forza5 day one edition for free witht he purchase of a TX, but the ship date is set for 12/6

Mon, 11/04/2013 - 21:04
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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Shaggy_SoCal - 41 - Unknown - Unknown
I'll let you early adopters go and beta test for me. Fanatec Support is also another reason why I'm waiting.  In the meantime I may finally figure out how to get the wheel working on the PS3 and give GT6 a go.  
Mon, 11/04/2013 - 22:17
SnappyDee's picture
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I'm all pre-ordered up but now I am wavering on whether to buy or not. I'll let you all know. SnappyDee - 43 - panicky

Wed, 11/06/2013 - 12:15 (Reply to #44)
katpeeler's picture
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SnappyDee wrote:

I'm all pre-ordered up but now I am wavering on whether to buy or not. I'll let you all know. SnappyDee - 43 - panicky

Come on Snappy....dont let a little bad press weird you out...it seems that BOTH Sony and MS have realy done some stupid things with there releases...but its not stoping me..even without my Fanatec wheel support..this is my hobby..only thing i spend stupid money on.......Gonna wait for some reviews on wheels before I buy though.....

Katpeeler==44==Balls Deep launch day

Thu, 11/07/2013 - 16:45 (Reply to #45)
SnappyDee's picture
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katpeeler wrote:

SnappyDee wrote:

I'm all pre-ordered up but now I am wavering on whether to buy or not. I'll let you all know. SnappyDee - 43 - panicky

Come on Snappy....dont let a little bad press weird you out...it seems that BOTH Sony and MS have realy done some stupid things with there releases...but its not stoping me..even without my Fanatec wheel support..this is my hobby..only thing i spend stupid money on.......Gonna wait for some reviews on wheels before I buy though.....

Katpeeler==44==Balls Deep launch day

That's it! I'm out for day one. Too many cars cut and too few tracks. $600+ for a game that was cut in half and a friends list that will also be much smaller. All this around the holidays. I'm going to be picking up GT6 on PS3 and watching what T10 does with FM5 in the future. I still love Forza but its just not what I expected and quite frankly, right now, the value won't be there. At least not initially. 

I could go on for quite some time about this but I'll sum it up:

-Half a car list means half the car selection in any given class/category

-Massive price tag

-Half the number of tracks with some significant ones eliminated.

-T10 will continue to leave future plans for content a mystery. Which is a tactic I hate and fundamentally disagree with.

-The continued inclusion of non racing related content/cars/game features.

The most frustrating part is that the company easily capable of creating and expanding on a racing/car lovers game/sim is messing it up by not listening to its community. Ex: I would love the option for adjustable tire wear instead, more Forzavista. 

Thu, 11/07/2013 - 18:33 (Reply to #46)
POIDSLY's picture
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SnappyDee wrote:

katpeeler wrote:

SnappyDee wrote:

I'm all pre-ordered up but now I am wavering on whether to buy or not. I'll let you all know. SnappyDee - 43 - panicky

Come on Snappy....dont let a little bad press weird you out...it seems that BOTH Sony and MS have realy done some stupid things with there releases...but its not stoping me..even without my Fanatec wheel support..this is my hobby..only thing i spend stupid money on.......Gonna wait for some reviews on wheels before I buy though.....

Katpeeler==44==Balls Deep launch day

That's it! I'm out for day one. Too many cars cut and too few tracks. $600+ for a game that was cut in half and a friends list that will also be much smaller. All this around the holidays. I'm going to be picking up GT6 on PS3 and watching what T10 does with FM5 in the future. I still love Forza but its just not what I expected and quite frankly, right now, the value won't be there. At least not initially. 

I could go on for quite some time about this but I'll sum it up:

-Half a car list means half the car selection in any given class/category

-Massive price tag

-Half the number of tracks with some significant ones eliminated.

-T10 will continue to leave future plans for content a mystery. Which is a tactic I hate and fundamentally disagree with.

-The continued inclusion of non racing related content/cars/game features.

The most frustrating part is that the company easily capable of creating and expanding on a racing/car lovers game/sim is messing it up by not listening to its community. Ex: I would love the option for adjustable tire wear instead, more Forzavista. 

Lol. So true.

Posted this back in September. Autovista - biggest load of crap ever, and its at the heart of this whole sorry marketing mess. Fuck the Timmy's who like this shit.



Mon, 11/04/2013 - 23:20
Armor11's picture
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Yes - Day one!!

Tue, 11/05/2013 - 05:59
gizziegod's picture
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i was looking at GT6 they have spa, bathurst and brands so i will prob get it just not on release

Tue, 11/05/2013 - 09:54
General E Dead 2's picture
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nope, cannot justify expense and lack of wheel support renders racing games not just forza, pretty pointless at this stage. I also play f1 and mebbe WRC. COD and other shooters, GTA etc will work just fine as 360 games for me for the moment. Ps4/gt6 is possible but not for a while as again would need new wheel etc, but at least existing tech will work with it.....

Tue, 11/05/2013 - 13:52
CIlettiDad's picture
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I've pre,-ordered but will probably play both until I figure out which way to go with the wheel for FM5.
Tue, 11/05/2013 - 14:49
jdankert's picture
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Updates made! Results for now:

Yes - 12

No - 15

Undecided - 3

unkown - 42

Tue, 11/05/2013 - 14:57
Ammodawg's picture
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xXAmmodawgXx   36 yes Pre-ordered

Tue, 11/05/2013 - 21:47
g35gomba's picture
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G35Gomba    54  Yes  Pre-ordered -- xbone in July,  LE and Thrustmaster wheel in September.  

Day 1 console /  LE  on 11/22,  wheel on 12/6  

Last work day of 2013--- 12/12.... 

A year ago I had been planing to replace my orignal PTSW with CSP V1 pedals then got distracted with RL, so I didn't upgrade.  I watched all the initial negative responses when the Xbone was announced, not overlly impressed at first.  As it settled down I thought, wtf pre-order and if I don't want the console I can flip it for the Xmas season.   Over the summer as it became clear that Fanatec's were not going to be compatable, I knew I would need a wheel if I wanted to play FM5.  Since I had planned to buy a new wheel anyway, I preorded the game and wheel.   The only down side I see is I will be out of town on biz when everthing shows up at my door.......... :(    My 17 year old promised to send me photos when it arrives....  we will see how that works... I reminded him that I will be tearing into something when I get home, and it would be in his own personal interest to make sure it is the box that holds a new console....






Wed, 11/06/2013 - 07:19
Ammodawg's picture
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LOL Gomba, I just installed a new lock on the office door because of my 13 and 9 yr old.  For some reason they think its being ordered for them and that I'm too old to play xbox.  

Wed, 11/06/2013 - 07:29
SiBoN xB's picture
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SiBoN xB (42)   yes  22/11/13

Wed, 11/06/2013 - 10:30
POIDSLY's picture
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Mr  JDunkert


Would you mind correcting the spelling of my GT ;)

Wed, 11/06/2013 - 13:39
Sherb's picture
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I'm not going to say no forever, but I won't be updating immediately.....to either system.

Most that know me know I've already gone primarily PC (rFactor/Guild Wars 2).  I will be picking up GT6 though, as it's on the PS3.  cheeky

I may look at updating a system later next year.  At this time there isn't any games coming out that have me excited enough to drop $6-800 in a single shot for.....especially since I get to purchase a new wheel (or repair/upgrade the GT3RS) after it failed on my rig this past weekend.  69  I really can't complain too much though...I got several hundred hours worth of use out of it.

Wed, 11/06/2013 - 13:40
Stewies_head's picture
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Game pre-ordered but not the xbox as I was a week late at game stop. I'll get it sooner than later but I'm not that excited about it TBH. I haven't even watched a trailer or read a thread about it because I HATE change lol. 

Wed, 11/06/2013 - 13:45
Sherb's picture
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F1Fan had a chance to play a demo this past weekend.  I hope the demo is not reflective of the final game as it felt and looked very similar to FM4 to him.  But demos are seldom up to the level of the final product, so admittedly you can't make a final decision based on it.

Wed, 11/06/2013 - 13:47
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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They just announced the track list,

Forza 5: The tracks

  1. Bernese Alps
  2. Catalunya
  3. Spa
  4. Indianapolis
  5. Le Mans
  6. Laguna Seca
  7. Mount Panorama
  8. Prague
  9. Road Atlanta
  10. Sebring
  11. Silverstone
  12. Test Track Airfield
  13. Top Gear test track
  14. Yas Marina

and oh, there's only 200 cars at release



and fuck 'em.

Seriously in no fucking hurry at this point in time...

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