Forza 5 , what do you think ?

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Tue, 12/10/2013 - 13:31
CProRacing's picture
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I wanted MORE!! Like more option (Fuel setting, Tyre ware, Aero Fix, Mandatory pits etc etc) not less.
But that is my own personal opinion. Luckily GT has picked up (for me) the bat that Forza has drooped in regards to the multiplayer aspect of things.
The setting in GT6 should have been in Forza 5. How hard is it to code the game to tell you to do a pit stop or your DNQ, or a slider to define how much the car uses fuel.
Not very hard and this is why I think T10 doesn’t want the hardcore gamer anymore. If they did they would have completed the multiplayer side of the game and not fucked us or the other semi-serious event clubs out there.
I'm so glad I binned my pre-order.
Maybe Forza 6 IF they add more options to the MP.
And I know there is PC racing and I do that (Occasionally) over at 2Old2Race but it still doesn't beat just sitting in front of the T.V in my pants chilling with some of you bums
Tue, 12/10/2013 - 19:57
Ammodawg's picture
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Damn I'm somewhere around 28 I think.  Just been having too much fun pirating about in AC IV.  Gold and booty!!!

Wed, 12/11/2013 - 12:21
Shadow's picture
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finally Turn10 fixed the VIP thing yesterday.  I now have my crown, events, x2 XP, and my E21 gift car:


currently level 36, but should be like like 65 probably if I had my x2 XP before.

Wed, 12/11/2013 - 12:20
GRD 4 3L's picture
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I'm at about level 130+ and have about 25 cars, of which only about 3 have seen serious track times.  Got about 1.8M credits in the bank and have few more cars that I want to purchase but not badly . . . I think I'll have all the cars I want in about 2~3 months; I'm at 200k CR/day pace . . .

Tune/paint earnings could be a little better . . . so far I've received zero (0) for their use (it's been DL'd, Like'd, and raced)

Wed, 12/11/2013 - 12:38 (Reply to #245)
Ammodawg's picture
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I read somewhere I think it has to be used 3000 times to start earning you money for the paints.  That was just a post over at

I keep getting the message saying it was used and if it gets used more I can earn credits from it.  I really wish they would just do the old storefront again though.  I prefered that way for looking for paints and tunes rather than it just throwing four suggestions at me, and then having to just scroll through the rest.  


Hey Shadow that car is a blast around Spa.  Don't know if you own either but the classic F1 cars are fun there too.  Just watchout for drivatars, a little bump and you go flying lol

Wed, 12/11/2013 - 12:39
Shadow's picture
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I feel like the Marketplace that's yet to come will have that sort of thing.

Wed, 12/11/2013 - 12:52
Ammodawg's picture
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Thats what I think and hope too.  I've heard people say its for game addons but thats under the store tab on the xbox dashboard.  

Wed, 12/11/2013 - 13:36
psybertech's picture
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I have a feeling the marketplace will be for addons from the MS Store. They had that in FM4, correct? Man, its been a while since I fired it up but I think I recall you picked up car packs inside the game if you bought the pass.

I would love it to be for selling tunes and liveries, but I have a feeling it won't be. 

I guess we will see at some point.


Wed, 12/11/2013 - 14:35 (Reply to #249)
GRD 4 3L's picture
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psybertech wrote:

I have a feeling the marketplace will be for addons from the MS Store. They had that in FM4, correct? Man, its been a while since I fired it up but I think I recall you picked up car packs inside the game if you bought the pass.

That is correct; there was same thing in FM4.  I am pretty sure it is reserved for DLC purchases.

Wed, 12/11/2013 - 13:42
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I haven't sold 3000 of anything ever...Fm 4 top seller's a VW Beetle and that's right at 500 copies...

Wed, 12/11/2013 - 14:09
Ammodawg's picture
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Over on the forum someone clamed to have made over 400k with their paints.  Of course he goes on to state that since he has made that much that it is obviously easy and everyone should just shut up.  lol


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