The reviews are in!

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Tue, 09/16/2014 - 07:41
FreeRadikal's picture
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Well I just finished Diablo III, I love repitition so...Destiny must be the game for me.

Tue, 09/16/2014 - 10:13
SharktopussX's picture
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Here's the thing: I keep hearing folks say that Destiny is "like a Halo game without the story" and "like Borderlands and Diablo without the mad loot". What is it like that it's actually BETTER than? Why should I buy a game that is like, but not quite as good as, another game? Is it the combination of games that makes the magic? Is Halo + Borderlands + Diablo - all the junk loot the revolutionary game that was talked about in interviews and articles? Did Bungie do anything to improve the FPS and MMO/PWS (Persistent World Shooter - that Planetside did up big, back in the day) genres? Sweet graphics + grinding + unimaginitive quests + monster rooms + monster closets kinda sounds like Star Wars Galaxies + Doom 3. Again, I'm just asking. I'm just curious. I'm not trying to kick over anyone's sand castle. If you're having fun... that is awesome!
Tue, 09/16/2014 - 10:20 (Reply to #33)
Thom293's picture
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SharktopussX wrote:
Here's the thing: I keep hearing folks say that Destiny is "like a Halo game without the story" and "like Borderlands and Diablo without the mad loot". What is it like that it's actually BETTER than? Why should I buy a game that is like, but not quite as good as, another game? Is it the combination of games that makes the magic? Is Halo + Borderlands + Diablo - all the junk loot the revolutionary game that was talked about in interviews and articles? Did Bungie do anything to improve the FPS and MMO/PWS (Persistent World Shooter - that Planetside did up big, back in the day) genres? Sweet graphics + grinding + unimaginitive quests + monster rooms + monster closets kinda sounds like Star Wars Galaxies + Doom 3. Again, I'm just asking. I'm just curious. I'm not trying to kick over anyone's sand castle. If you're having fun... that is awesome!


For me, the sum is greater than its parts.  Yes it is borderlands light and halo light and perhaps Mass Effect light and MMO light.  But together it is a fun package.  Its like I I enjoy a 20 oz steak all day long.  I also enjoy a plate with a little steak, a little king crab, a little sushi and a little deep fried snickers.  Some people just want a big bite of steak.  Others like a little of everything.  Which are you?

Tue, 09/16/2014 - 10:31 (Reply to #34)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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SharktopussX wrote:
Here's the thing: I keep hearing folks say that Destiny is "like a Halo game without the story" and "like Borderlands and Diablo without the mad loot". What is it like that it's actually BETTER than? Why should I buy a game that is like, but not quite as good as, another game? Is it the combination of games that makes the magic? Is Halo + Borderlands + Diablo - all the junk loot the revolutionary game that was talked about in interviews and articles? Did Bungie do anything to improve the FPS and MMO/PWS (Persistent World Shooter - that Planetside did up big, back in the day) genres? Sweet graphics + grinding + unimaginitive quests + monster rooms + monster closets kinda sounds like Star Wars Galaxies + Doom 3. Again, I'm just asking. I'm just curious. I'm not trying to kick over anyone's sand castle. If you're having fun... that is awesome!

I believe you should now rent it for final assessment. The negative reviews are out yet people in this forum are playing the hell out of it. These same people are but a fraction of those on my FL who are also playing the hell out of it.

I notice Sacasmjones was playing it too. Expect a review, if you need one more before renting.

Tue, 09/16/2014 - 10:59
Blue_Stiehl's picture
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SharktopussX, my question for you; Are you looking for a new game right now? If so, and you like Borderland style games, you will probably like this.

I am an FPS MP person with just shy of 19 hrs in 7 days. So far, I like the game. I have played solo, in a fireteam and with a full team in crucible. Destiny works well with my playing time. A big bonus for me is playing with some buddies who were off playing different games than me.

I believe a lot of the negative comment and reviews are from people comparing it to WOW. These same people would probably have the same comments about the original WOW vs it's current iteration.

Tue, 09/16/2014 - 20:17
SharktopussX's picture
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Thom293 wrote:

"For me, the sum is greater than its parts. "

And there you have it. Take a standard Bungie shooter and add established, workable, generic massive ("micro-massive"? Six players? 12 on a server?) multiplayer elements... and you get a fun as hell game! On paper it looks like a shitty idea. Sure sounds like it's a blast at the end of your thumbs tho!

"Its like I I enjoy a 20 oz steak all day long.  I also enjoy a plate with a little steak, a little king crab, a little sushi and a little deep fried snickers.  Some people just want a big bite of steak.  Others like a little of everything."

Mmmmm. Lunch. Must... find... buffet... Damn you, sir! :  )

"Which are you?"

I'm a huge fan of mixing things up in games. I'm a big open world fan. Skyrim, Fallout 3/New Vegas, Farcry 3 are some of my favs (Notice that all those games are single-player focused.) I love games that let me "quest" for a while then go hammer some steel or play cards or just go shopping. My real life kinda requires a game that I can pick up and put down at a moment's notice. I often don't know if I'll be playing a game for 8 hours or 8 minutes at a time. I know I'm not alone in this demographic - especially around 2O2P.

Blue Stiehl wrote:

"SharktopussX, my question for you; Are you looking for a new game right now? If so, and you like Borderland style games, you will probably like this."

I played the hell out of the campaign part of the Destiny beta. Took all 3 classes to level 8. Had lots of fun. When the beta ended the very first thing I did was start a new game of Borderlands 2. While I greatly enjoy both Borderlands games, one of my major complaints is that they get very samey-samey, repeaty-repeaty pretty quickly. This is one of the reasons I hoped Destiny (Bungie) had found the magic key to making a PWFPS (Persistent World First Person Shooter)  that didn't fill out it's game with the ever-so-popular, and seemingly requisite level grinding.

I also love a good story. Story is VERY important to me. Change "Minesweeper" to "Gopher Hunt" and I don't want to play it cuz it makes me imagine working in the garden (not a fan) as opposed to dropping depth charges off a destroyer (I love doing that!) Why are all the bad guys in Destiny standing around in conveniently spaced rooms , doing nothing (like they've been doing since 1992) , until a Guardian shows up? If my Ghost said they were 'communing with The Darkness' it would be less tempting to label them as typical MMO MOBs placed for grinding.

Tue, 09/16/2014 - 12:58
Captiosus's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Apparently, consumer reviews are going against the game mag reviews. I can't confirm it. It was a comment by Claude Errera of

Yeah, no. Even if you take out the 1's, 2's, and 3's from Metacritic, then remove the 10's to balance the bell curve, you're still left with average user ratings hovering around 7. Amazon user ratings are hovering between 3.5 stars. General user reviews are mostly matching the "big name" industry publications.

RadBrad31 wrote:

I'll venture to bet they haven't put in the time to reach 24+ and see that loot drops and quality go up significantly as your Cryptarch rank raises.

No they don't. They're slow and completely random. If you've gotten more drops at 24+, you've been lucky. When I reached 23, I've spent almost a whole damn day grinding strikes and the crucible and got only two pieces of relevant gear; Cryptarch rank 5 (almost 6), by the way. The whole "the game is only out for a week" thing is irrelevant because the fact is, in that single week, it is possible to see everything the game has to offer outside of Vault of Glass. Then you're expected to repeatedly grind the same bland content ad nauseum just to gear up in order to set foot IN Vault of Glass.

As I've said in my own review (I gave it a 6, too), the repetition of this game will push people away. The fact that no NEW content unlocked at 20 (outside of Vault) is ridiculous; no new level 20 only strike or story arc, no new level 20 patrols, just the same shit, different day. PVE players will become exceedingly tired of this grind within the first month and PVP players are going to bail the minute a new shooter comes out where they don't have to deal with imbalanced MMORPG-esque pretentiousness. People who are willing to put in the kind of time Destiny's end game grind requires probably already have a more preferred game to scratch that itch.

I've paid to play many a MMO so grinding isn't a foreign concept but the level of bland repetition in Destiny is some of the worst in gaming. Destiny's got all the foibles Defiance had a year and a half ago, it's just prettier looking with tighter shooting mechanics. As far as a foundation for a 10 year franchise goes, it's not a very solid one. Beyond the addictive shooting properties - which become tiresome in the higher level strikes - there's little to hook people into the universe for the long term. It's like eating a cupcake when you want a full meal: It tastes good and will satisfy you for a little bit... but shortly you're back to looking for something with more substance.

SharktopussX wrote:

 While I greatly enjoy both Borderlands games, one of my major complaints is that they get very samey-samey, repeaty-repeaty pretty quickly.

"Samey-samey, repeaty-repeaty" is the best definition of Destiny. You're already going through repetition before you leave Earth if you do the patrol missions (which don't get any better on other planets). When you reach 20, you get a "congratulations, we opened a new 'hard' and 'heroic' modifier" message and are given a pat on the head and sent out to do it again. Where established MMOs can get away with that little amount of content (because they have several other elements beyond just the dungeon grind), Destiny cannot. It needed at least two to three times the existing content and it needed to have unlockable "normal" and "hard" content unique to the soft cap.

Tue, 09/16/2014 - 19:13 (Reply to #38)
ImMrPete's picture
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Captiosus wrote:

It's like eating a cupcake when you want a full meal: It tastes good and will satisfy you for a little bit... but shortly you're back to looking for something with more substance.


Spot on. I agree with pretty much everything you stated on your post but I feel this sentence sums up Destiny. 

Tue, 09/16/2014 - 13:09
SharktopussX's picture
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"Beyond the addictive shooting properties - which become tiresome in the higher level strikes..."

Every video I've seen of the big boss battles looks like 3 guardians, full-on triggers down, pumping round after round into a big, ugly monster, only braking to farm spawning fodder MOBs for much-needed ammo. And this goes on,  for like 20 minutes, until the boss health has been chipped away to zero or the good guys all die and start over from a recent (hopefull) checkpoint. This is what I keep seeing. It's exhausting and frustrating to watch. Is that it? Is that how all the big encounters go down for the whole game?

Wed, 09/17/2014 - 04:27 (Reply to #40)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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SharktopussX wrote:

"Beyond the addictive shooting properties - which become tiresome in the higher level strikes..."

Every video I've seen of the big boss battles looks like 3 guardians, full-on triggers down, pumping round after round into a big, ugly monster, only braking to farm spawning fodder MOBs for much-needed ammo. And this goes on,  for like 20 minutes, until the boss health has been chipped away to zero or the good guys all die and start over from a recent (hopefull) checkpoint. This is what I keep seeing. It's exhausting and frustrating to watch. Is that it? Is that how all the big encounters go down for the whole game?

Once you hit 20, your whole game becomes strike after strike after strike, unless you like the pvp portion, then there's that too. But yeah, every boss is little more than a bullet sponge. No mechanics to learn, no special things to have to do, just hold down RT til something dies.

Also keep in mind, Destiny is a loot based game with terrible loot. You play a game like Diablo for example, at level 70 you could have 3 swords with the same name and they would all have different stats. In Destiny? At level 20 every weapon has the same attack. Pistols, pulse rifles, it's all the same. Even the exotic weapons have the same attack as the legendary ones so there's really not as much incentive to go out and find more, and the stuff you do find is always going to be vendor trash.

Wed, 09/17/2014 - 23:40 (Reply to #41)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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KamakazeTaco wrote:

SharktopussX wrote:

"Beyond the addictive shooting properties - which become tiresome in the higher level strikes..."

Every video I've seen of the big boss battles looks like 3 guardians, full-on triggers down, pumping round after round into a big, ugly monster, only braking to farm spawning fodder MOBs for much-needed ammo. And this goes on,  for like 20 minutes, until the boss health has been chipped away to zero or the good guys all die and start over from a recent (hopefull) checkpoint. This is what I keep seeing. It's exhausting and frustrating to watch. Is that it? Is that how all the big encounters go down for the whole game?

Once you hit 20, your whole game becomes strike after strike after strike, unless you like the pvp portion, then there's that too. But yeah, every boss is little more than a bullet sponge. No mechanics to learn, no special things to have to do, just hold down RT til something dies.

Also keep in mind, Destiny is a loot based game with terrible loot. You play a game like Diablo for example, at level 70 you could have 3 swords with the same name and they would all have different stats. In Destiny? At level 20 every weapon has the same attack. Pistols, pulse rifles, it's all the same. Even the exotic weapons have the same attack as the legendary ones so there's really not as much incentive to go out and find more, and the stuff you do find is always going to be vendor trash.


A downvote for the truth/a valid opinion.  Shocking.


So, to clarify/add onto the loot part, Diablo would give you really good loot for your level.  You could get a level 5 purple equivalent.  I'm guessing that Bungie chose to not go that route because the crafting materials you'd have when breaking down all those purples would ruin the late game weapon economy, but that's a guess, as I'm not sure we have enough people at that point to make an informed decision/not enough content has been released to make any sense of that.  The whole thing almost feels like flirtation.  Bungie's still playing coy with the game, even after release, and I definitely see where there's frustration over it, although I enjoy the game.

Tue, 09/16/2014 - 21:17
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Wed, 09/17/2014 - 10:15
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Games Radar article.

... You see why I’m not reviewing Destiny yet? And why I’m wary of anyone who has? You see why I’m waiting at least until I’ve played the first Raid? You see why, even then, I’ll be reluctant to stick a number on the end of the words, knowing that there are three free content expansions dropping into the game world over just the next six weeks, before the first big DLC arrives later this year? ...

Wed, 09/17/2014 - 12:39 (Reply to #44)
SharktopussX's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Games Radar article.

... You see why I’m not reviewing Destiny yet? And why I’m wary of anyone who has? You see why I’m waiting at least until I’ve played the first Raid? You see why, even then, I’ll be reluctant to stick a number on the end of the words, knowing that there are three free content expansions dropping into the game world over just the next six weeks, before the first big DLC arrives later this year? ...

Hmmmm. Seems to me that if you spend half a billion clams (or whatever the real amount) on your game, and people 'just don't get it', then someone screwed the pooch and heads need to start rolling fast and hard. Blaming your audience for not understanding your art is an age old punk move. Watch this: The title of Guardian is only bestowed upon the worthy supplicant after completing twenty pre-requisite training levels. See what I did there? With a couple of words I made it clear that the game actually starts after you complete your training. Work your way past the 20 levels of Space Squire and you get to be a Space Knight. C'mon Bungie?! Who's running this goat rodeo?
Wed, 09/17/2014 - 16:20 (Reply to #45)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Games Radar article.

... You see why I’m not reviewing Destiny yet? And why I’m wary of anyone who has? You see why I’m waiting at least until I’ve played the first Raid? You see why, even then, I’ll be reluctant to stick a number on the end of the words, knowing that there are three free content expansions dropping into the game world over just the next six weeks, before the first big DLC arrives later this year? ...

Keep in mind they withheld content that was even in the beta. Anyone remember seeing 6 game modes for the pvp in beta? They're not there now. They could very easily give us those modes and a few new public events and call them free content.

Wed, 09/17/2014 - 10:34
SoulTerror's picture
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Didn't know about the free DLC coming. Must be  Mercury, Saturn, and Jupitar. I noticed those on my Grimoire cards earlier.

Wed, 09/17/2014 - 16:48
ImMrPete's picture
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In all seriousness, I'm plugging away trying to get past level 20 so the "fun" can start.

Wed, 09/17/2014 - 17:01
pyro13g's picture
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The only thing after level 20 is grinding, raids, and obliterating the enemy with friends.

Thu, 09/18/2014 - 04:58
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Machinina weighs in on the flawed review process and a bit on poisonous Internet opinions.

Thu, 09/18/2014 - 10:01 (Reply to #50)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Machinina weighs in on the flawed review process and a bit on poisonous Internet opinions.


So, here's a huge part of what makes these reviews low: its online.  Reviewers very seldom play online content and judge a title based on the campaign, which, as time goes on, makes less and less sense.  When 60% of people that have ever played Call of Duty: Ghosts on the PS4 have never touched the single player mission, you see a fundamental shift, and that shift is happening faster than the usual review process is reacting to it.  It takes time, after release, to see how the servers hold up and how the connections are, how the community forms, and how matchmaking rules are implemented.  You can't do all that in ten hours.  I just passed 24 hours played in Destiny last night, and I can still clearly see where the train of content might be slowing down if you're not into playing The Crucible or aren't interested in raids. Even though 60% of players might play multiplayer, a rather large chunk of people never even touch it, and when they're asked to wade into an online-connected realm with no single player, they start to get weird, because its not what they're used to.  We saw this same thing in Titanfall, where people were clearly told there was no single player and there was no campaign, yet people still bitched about it after release like they had no clue, even though they obviously did.


I don't read reviews.  I'll sometimes play some of Yahtzee's reviews for some entertainment value, but he's the polar opposite of gaming to me, and I understand that and go into his reviews knowing that.  Find voices that like some of the things you like and listen to them, if you're trying to make a decision.  Don't rely on the pillars of video game journalism to make your mind up for you, because that leads to ruin and bad times, until they get their act straight.

Thu, 09/18/2014 - 15:27 (Reply to #51)
SharktopussX's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Machinina weighs in on the flawed review process and a bit on poisonous Internet opinions.

Interesting stuff about the 2010 contract. I've been hearing about these review score bonuses more and more lately. What I think is really interesting about this score debate is that most folks I'm hearing defend Destiny against a poor score seem to agree with all the negatives outlined in the review article. If you agree that the minute to minute gameplay is above average but the game, overall, is "empty" and "soulless", and you "100% agree" that Bungie didn't deliver the game you were expecting, then why are you confused by the C+ average on Metacritic? Reviews aside, I think the more important question is how to stop people from giving games top marketing scores (the only score that really matters) to games THEY HAVEN'T PLAYED YET by way of pre-orders. Destiny was voted "all-time most wanted" (most preordered) and "all-time most worthy of my money - runner-up" (after GTA V) by fans. Those are the awards that count. "game of the year" is literally less valuable an award than "most pre-ordered game of the year".
Thu, 09/18/2014 - 07:13
pyro13g's picture
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If Bungie is playing coy with the game then they are taking a huge risk that could really hurt them.  I didn't play much Halo but based on Destiny I don't have a high opinion of them.


Thu, 09/18/2014 - 08:01
SoulTerror's picture
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The first 2 Halo games were great. 3 and ODST sucked. Reach has a lot of mixed reviews. I personally loved it. I'm loving Destiny as well, but it's a game that's not designed for everyone.

Thu, 09/18/2014 - 09:26
Bluestar's picture
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Not to mention Activision is now in the mix, who knows what changes that has caused at Bungie.

Thu, 09/18/2014 - 10:02 (Reply to #55)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Bluestar wrote:

Not to mention Activision is now in the mix, who knows what changes that has caused at Bungie.


Activision did the marketing, hence the shitty live action commercial that came out a week before release.


(Okay, I thought it was shitty and uninspired, but it obviously felt like the same marketing firm/strategy as all their more recent Call Of Duty commercials, minus celebrities.)

Thu, 09/18/2014 - 13:12
Matt Likes Beer's picture
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At least now I know not to put any stock in game reviews. Clearly they arent alligned with what I think are good games. As for the people who dont like the game but continue day in and day out to express how "bad" the game is......just go away, nobody wants you here.

Fri, 09/19/2014 - 08:45
Bluestar's picture
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Because everyone has a different opinion on what they like and don't like and these scores mean nothing, it's personal taste that matters.  I couldn't care less about the story whether it was developed or not.  I played every single Halo game, and as much as people praise the story it means nothing to me.  Master Chief's weird "Her" moments with Cortana are uninteresting.  I weight the gameplay and my desired features far more heavily than I would the lack of story because that is what I care about.

I never paid much attention to the hype train because I had no intentions of getting this game originally, I got it free on a deal.  I tried the beta on 360 and was amused, but I know the whole leveling and grinding thing is not for me because i don't have the time, I have one night a week dedicated to gaming, the rest of my time is a crap shoot at best.  I'll play it for a while but will likely get bored after I get up so far in the levels or if I am left too far behind the curve with low level gear to be able to play with friends.

My biggest gripe with the game is the social aspect.  3 man fire teams are very limiting.  That needs to be expanded.  And the Tower is useless.  99% of the stuff I am doing there could be done in a menu without having to run around dancing with random people.  And my B melee dammit.  Stupid bumper jumpers.

Fri, 09/19/2014 - 12:30
Minotaur's picture
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My wife and I were talking about Destiny last evening about how the game mechanics narrow the focus toward/away from certain types of players. For example, I haven't run into many (any) Timmies once leveling past 20. Wife said that many of the youngest typical game players won't have the attention span or dedication. Also, the troublemakers won't have the dedication - at least not till they level up to the max, then get bored. Seems most randoms I play with are high school, college or older. Haven't seen a troublemaking random yet.

Did some 22 strikes last night with two randoms. Once the first game began, I got a party invite from one of them. I accepted. This allowed us to communicate during the game - makes it a lot easier. Both were college age, I'd guess. Good kids. We played a couple strikes together as a team after that. 

Fri, 09/19/2014 - 13:21
SPARHAWK25's picture
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I really like the PvE.  I'm excited for the raids once my light is high enough (whatever the hell that is).  I have to give the PvP more time before I throw in an official opinion...right now it's "meh" and broken.

Fri, 09/19/2014 - 15:23 (Reply to #60)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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SPARHAWK25 wrote:

I really like the PvE.  I'm excited for the raids once my light is high enough (whatever the hell that is).  I have to give the PvP more time before I throw in an official opinion...right now it's "meh" and broken.


Still is, but I still play it a lot.  There are moments of "WTF" sprinkled all over the place, but I still find it enjoyable (except that one Mars map that's shotgun central.)

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