Nice. People look like they are getting some nice gear for the holidays.
I just sealed the deal on something a little crazy. I'll hopefully be taking delivery the first full week of January when he gets back from the holidays w/ his family.
Nice. People look like they are getting some nice gear for the holidays.
I just sealed the deal on something a little crazy. I'll hopefully be taking delivery the first full week of January when he gets back from the holidays w/ his family.
Gotta be something with four wheels and fast...Looking forward to a new car myself, nothing special as it needs to be practical for hauling gear and people, looking at the VW Tiguan R Line,, a mid size SUV with some drivabilaty about it. Also 4WD good specs and not an ugly thing. I test drove a lower spec model a couple of weeks ago and really liked it, has to be one of the most comfortable cars I have ever driven, enough go to overtake with ease and roomy. I did have a few other cars of the same class on the list, but to be honest I was so sold on the Tiguan they kinda fell off. Did try a Skoda Yeti on the same day, that was top of the list, based on the same chassis, same engine and all VW parts but a couple of thousand cheaper. After about half a mile Mrs Knight turned to me and said "It's nice...but it's not a Tiguan" Had to agree, should have felt similar but just didn't have the same sense of space or feeling of class...
Still while I am here, hope all you guys have a great Christmas and enjoy all the over indulging. Thanks for making the Goodnight Thread...whatever it is... and I look forward to seeing it sitting on top of the trending topics list for another year :)
Stage one of Xmas done, heavy duty dinner, half way through first bottle of wine, PS4 wired up, but hey guess what...PSN is down! Bet that is causing some stress thought the lands as folk try to play games that insist on a connection as I has discovered Destiny does. So yeah...A nice black brick in front of my Tv.
Yeah surprised as a gaming site this has not been followed in any way, DDOS attacks on PSN and MSL by some irritating little tykes has caused no end of horror I'm sure for many a parent. Seems to be finally up here, though it took some detective work to actually get on line. Had to alter the the MTU setting to 1473 manually, no thanks to Sony for that little gem that sorted it for me today but some Sony forum member. Not been over impressed with the way Sony dealt with the whole thing. But hey it's up...mind you Destiny wants to update before it will run and a prospective five hour download is three hours in and still says four hours to go...May just get to play with the new toy tomorrow. I miss the days consoles were plug and play their one advantage over PC gaming is now gone and as for the price of PS games....The Crew Gold €94.99 on the Playstore as a download
Happy Hols! Sorry I've been MIA but the site doesn't like to work on any of our devices, mobile or stationary. I'll be thrilled if this posts!
Anyway, I got my Xbox in November so I told hubby not to get me anything else. (We rarely buy each other gifts. We just buy what we want when we want it, if we can afford it.)
Visited my crazy family Christmas Eve which went surprisingly well. Other than dad pounding beers and having the "airing of grievances". Christmas Day was chill with hubby, my mom and I at our house. Mother in law was here Saturday. My brother who lives in Hawaii and his wife and 2 year old are coming to my house New Year's Eve til jan 2. (Thereby insuring I can't play the halo 5 beta til jan 3rd.) then New Year's Day my whole family will be here for the day. Wish me luck my friends.
So I've been stressing like a madwoman for weeks about all this holiday stuff, right? (Nod like you know what I'm talking about.) Right. Panic attacks, teeth and jaw killing me because I clench my jaw and grind my teeth when I'm stressed. I've been freaking out about cleaning my house, etc etc. Now that the hols are HERE, I'm calm, relaxed, cleaning like a normal person, saying "fuck it" and scratching ridiculous things off my to-do list, etc.
I seem to recall a friendly, caring mini-lecture from several if y'all about stressing myself out and how things are never as bad as I think they will be and such.
Hey Kat, glad your Xmas went well, and with minimum stress. I hope your new year goes equally well and it proves better than the last for you. Mrs Knights arm is well on the mend, thanks for asking. Still undergoing physio but on the last leg, all the nerve damage repaired without intervention thank goodness.
So, went down the day before Christmas to see my Grandmother (94 yrs young), car trip, 4 of us, 12 hour drive turned into 14.5 due to a nice swell of moisture out of teh gulf all the way across our path...
Visit was pretty dang nice, weather in the 70's, not particularly sunny, but who the hell cared!
left Friday evening to get a jump on getting back, son had a hot date with a new girl Saturday night, less heat and traffic, 4 drivers available, why not?
Alternator took a shit (technical term) around midnight in St Agustine., the same St Augustine two years ago where I had to replace 2 tires due to a hideous piece of metal.
Oh, and BTW, try getting a room anywhere between Jacksonville and Daytona between Christmas and new Year's last minute, Not.
Slept IN THE CAR, all 4 of us, in front of the parts house, my back is STILL messed up.
Sun up, bought a new alternator, was fortunate to have both my boys with me to do teh bending and such, I just grabbed the occasional ratchet here or there for instructional purposes and replaced it in an hour ro so. Not bad for being a dumb ass and not putting the tool kit in the trunk ( WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN). Bought a set of $30.00 sockets/ratchet for $15.00 ( 50% holiday sale ).
Uneventful drive back after that in a quite sunny day. Boy made his date almost on time, and she was quite understanding.
Sounds like St. Augustine is your jinx Oldschool! And yeah last minute hotels anywhere on the east coast around the hols is impossible. Glad it worked out (mostly), and hope your back forgives you soon!
Glad to hear about the Mrs, Knight. :D
My family is officially on their way here as I type this. Three staying here, three in a hotel, no idea what dad and step mom are doing. My cats are NOT going to like being locked up for the better part of three days, but there's a rambunctious 3 year old on her way here. She doesn't exactly listen when she's told not to do something. So for everyone's safety and sanity, my cats have to be on lockdown in the master bedroom. When everyone leaves and I let them out, it's going to look and sound like a cat NASCAR track in here lol.
Hope everyone has a safe and pleasant New Year's Eve and day!
Quite a tale Oldschool, a fourteen hour drive would see me somewhere in Italy if you ignore ferry time. America is fecking huge. For more years than I care to remember Mrs Knight and myself have stayed firmly ensconced at home during the festive period, in years past this meant we were the place to go for friends who wished to escape the family and let rip. Many a three day party started that way. These days of course things are a little quieter, it would take weeks to recover from such debauchery now, but the tradition of staying home remains.
Well a New year it is, if all that should come to pass for us here does, well it should be a good one on balance. Glad to see the back of all the enforced enjoyment to be honest, time to get back to whatever passes for normal and being happy cause your happy not just because of some arbitrary date on a calendar. But best wishes for you all, and I look forward to seeing what is going on in all your lives for another year, Chris (Sherb) will be regaling us with tales of his new wheels, hopefully Kat will have a less stressful and more healthy year, Soul...well don't know to much about you mate, but you have become a regular poster so that will soon change. Many others drop by so good wishes to you all.
In the meantime any of you that are owners of the PS4 feel free to add me to your list, My Tag is KnightofRedem and being new to the system I have not one friend LOL.
So the 21 hour drive from Palm Beach Florida to San Antonio Texas doesn't interest you? And that was in a new pick up with duel tanks and me and my father. What that means is, we didn't stop unless we needed fuel.
I have to concede my stamina for the road trips is about gone. I would love to stay home around the holidays but my wife's Dad died 4 years ago, around October, her Mom, 2 years ago between Thanksgiving and Christmas ( it wasn't quick) and my Mom just a month before this last Christmas. That leaves my Grandmother of 94 years young in Florida by her self, her sister just past maybe 2 months ago as well. We were going Hell or highwater not withstanding, and plenty of water there was.
That said, we were supposed to do the New Year's thing at our future son's in-laws but we begged off and stayed home, made some tall drinks and watched a couple movies and enjoyed the quiet, just the two of us. So sweet.
All I can say is: I survived. WOW. Were this a private forum, I'd go into greater detail. I'm tired. My ears are ringing. I need a two week vacation from a three day family visit.
Bummer Deep. It's hot here again. 80s during the day. Got the a/c cranked up. (I'm not bragging btw, I'm complaining lol.) Hubby had to cut his work in the garage short yesterday due to heat and mosquito attack.
The high here today is zero! I love this weather its great for walking. :) I get so bundled up I can walk by people without having to greet them with my award winning smile, its tough being so charming all the time.
Lol Free! When I hear people complain about the cold, I say "yeah well my friend from Wisconsin isn't complaining so it can't be that bad where you live." ;)
You going out bundled up must be the equivilant of me going out with sunglasses on: I can pretend I'm looking elsewhere and avoid the waves and smiles of my neighbors.
So this one neighbor had a Christmas party and the whole street was invited...except us. I'm not sure, but I think maybe we are the neighborhood assholes. I'm so proud! :D
Yes, schools are closing early around here, cold and wind chill main factors, some threat of snow but not like north of here. Going straight home from work and hibernating.
Nice. People look like they are getting some nice gear for the holidays.
I just sealed the deal on something a little crazy. I'll hopefully be taking delivery the first full week of January when he gets back from the holidays w/ his family.
Gotta be something with four wheels and fast...Looking forward to a new car myself, nothing special as it needs to be practical for hauling gear and people, looking at the VW Tiguan R Line,, a mid size SUV with some drivabilaty about it. Also 4WD good specs and not an ugly thing. I test drove a lower spec model a couple of weeks ago and really liked it, has to be one of the most comfortable cars I have ever driven, enough go to overtake with ease and roomy. I did have a few other cars of the same class on the list, but to be honest I was so sold on the Tiguan they kinda fell off. Did try a Skoda Yeti on the same day, that was top of the list, based on the same chassis, same engine and all VW parts but a couple of thousand cheaper. After about half a mile Mrs Knight turned to me and said "It's nice...but it's not a Tiguan" Had to agree, should have felt similar but just didn't have the same sense of space or feeling of class...
Still while I am here, hope all you guys have a great Christmas and enjoy all the over indulging. Thanks for making the Goodnight Thread...whatever it is... and I look forward to seeing it sitting on top of the trending topics list for another year :)
Happy Holidays! Hope no one gets nuked!
Closing in on 100 pages is what it IS.
Happy holiday everyone. Only a half day for me today, then off until Monday. Then a 4 day weekend next week as well!!
Oil fondue. Scallops, shrimp, chicken, beef, mushroom and token healthy broccoli. Homemade bread to mop up the slop. Wine! Liquers!
Stage one of Xmas done, heavy duty dinner, half way through first bottle of wine, PS4 wired up, but hey guess what...PSN is down! Bet that is causing some stress thought the lands as folk try to play games that insist on a connection as I has discovered Destiny does. So yeah...A nice black brick in front of my Tv.
Was out of town till last night. Heard both systems were down, too many new machines perhaps?
Had a good holiday other then the fact every day I had to get on my phone to do some actual work. Ugh!!!
Yeah surprised as a gaming site this has not been followed in any way, DDOS attacks on PSN and MSL by some irritating little tykes has caused no end of horror I'm sure for many a parent. Seems to be finally up here, though it took some detective work to actually get on line. Had to alter the the MTU setting to 1473 manually, no thanks to Sony for that little gem that sorted it for me today but some Sony forum member. Not been over impressed with the way Sony dealt with the whole thing. But hey it's up...mind you Destiny wants to update before it will run and a prospective five hour download is three hours in and still says four hours to go...May just get to play with the new toy tomorrow. I miss the days consoles were plug and play their one advantage over PC gaming is now gone and as for the price of PS games....The Crew Gold €94.99 on the Playstore as a download
Happy Hols! Sorry I've been MIA but the site doesn't like to work on any of our devices, mobile or stationary. I'll be thrilled if this posts!
Anyway, I got my Xbox in November so I told hubby not to get me anything else. (We rarely buy each other gifts. We just buy what we want when we want it, if we can afford it.)
Visited my crazy family Christmas Eve which went surprisingly well. Other than dad pounding beers and having the "airing of grievances". Christmas Day was chill with hubby, my mom and I at our house. Mother in law was here Saturday. My brother who lives in Hawaii and his wife and 2 year old are coming to my house New Year's Eve til jan 2. (Thereby insuring I can't play the halo 5 beta til jan 3rd.) then New Year's Day my whole family will be here for the day. Wish me luck my friends.
So I've been stressing like a madwoman for weeks about all this holiday stuff, right? (Nod like you know what I'm talking about.) Right. Panic attacks, teeth and jaw killing me because I clench my jaw and grind my teeth when I'm stressed. I've been freaking out about cleaning my house, etc etc. Now that the hols are HERE, I'm calm, relaxed, cleaning like a normal person, saying "fuck it" and scratching ridiculous things off my to-do list, etc.
I seem to recall a friendly, caring mini-lecture from several if y'all about stressing myself out and how things are never as bad as I think they will be and such.
You guys are smart.
Hope you all have a very happy new year!!
P.S. hey Knight how is Mrs. Knight's arm??
Hey Kat, glad your Xmas went well, and with minimum stress. I hope your new year goes equally well and it proves better than the last for you. Mrs Knights arm is well on the mend, thanks for asking. Still undergoing physio but on the last leg, all the nerve damage repaired without intervention thank goodness.
So, went down the day before Christmas to see my Grandmother (94 yrs young), car trip, 4 of us, 12 hour drive turned into 14.5 due to a nice swell of moisture out of teh gulf all the way across our path...
Visit was pretty dang nice, weather in the 70's, not particularly sunny, but who the hell cared!
left Friday evening to get a jump on getting back, son had a hot date with a new girl Saturday night, less heat and traffic, 4 drivers available, why not?
Alternator took a shit (technical term) around midnight in St Agustine., the same St Augustine two years ago where I had to replace 2 tires due to a hideous piece of metal.
Oh, and BTW, try getting a room anywhere between Jacksonville and Daytona between Christmas and new Year's last minute, Not.
Slept IN THE CAR, all 4 of us, in front of the parts house, my back is STILL messed up.
Sun up, bought a new alternator, was fortunate to have both my boys with me to do teh bending and such, I just grabbed the occasional ratchet here or there for instructional purposes and replaced it in an hour ro so. Not bad for being a dumb ass and not putting the tool kit in the trunk ( WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN). Bought a set of $30.00 sockets/ratchet for $15.00 ( 50% holiday sale
Uneventful drive back after that in a quite sunny day. Boy made his date almost on time, and she was quite understanding.
Back's still hammered...
But I am loving my XBox.
Sounds like St. Augustine is your jinx Oldschool! And yeah last minute hotels anywhere on the east coast around the hols is impossible. Glad it worked out (mostly), and hope your back forgives you soon!
Glad to hear about the Mrs, Knight. :D
My family is officially on their way here as I type this. Three staying here, three in a hotel, no idea what dad and step mom are doing. My cats are NOT going to like being locked up for the better part of three days, but there's a rambunctious 3 year old on her way here. She doesn't exactly listen when she's told not to do something. So for everyone's safety and sanity, my cats have to be on lockdown in the master bedroom. When everyone leaves and I let them out, it's going to look and sound like a cat NASCAR track in here lol.
Hope everyone has a safe and pleasant New Year's Eve and day!
KAT, good, thought I broke the forum...P
Anyway, drinking will ensue so Happ0y New Year while I'm able!
Quite a tale Oldschool, a fourteen hour drive would see me somewhere in Italy if you ignore ferry time. America is fecking huge. For more years than I care to remember Mrs Knight and myself have stayed firmly ensconced at home during the festive period, in years past this meant we were the place to go for friends who wished to escape the family and let rip. Many a three day party started that way. These days of course things are a little quieter, it would take weeks to recover from such debauchery now, but the tradition of staying home remains.
Well a New year it is, if all that should come to pass for us here does, well it should be a good one on balance. Glad to see the back of all the enforced enjoyment to be honest, time to get back to whatever passes for normal and being happy cause your happy not just because of some arbitrary date on a calendar. But best wishes for you all, and I look forward to seeing what is going on in all your lives for another year, Chris (Sherb) will be regaling us with tales of his new wheels, hopefully Kat will have a less stressful and more healthy year, Soul...well don't know to much about you mate, but you have become a regular poster so that will soon change. Many others drop by so good wishes to you all.
In the meantime any of you that are owners of the PS4 feel free to add me to your list, My Tag is KnightofRedem and being new to the system I have not one friend LOL.
So the 21 hour drive from Palm Beach Florida to San Antonio Texas doesn't interest you?
And that was in a new pick up with duel tanks and me and my father. What that means is, we didn't stop unless we needed fuel.
I have to concede my stamina for the road trips is about gone. I would love to stay home around the holidays but my wife's Dad died 4 years ago, around October, her Mom, 2 years ago between Thanksgiving and Christmas ( it wasn't quick) and my Mom just a month before this last Christmas. That leaves my Grandmother of 94 years young in Florida by her self, her sister just past maybe 2 months ago as well. We were going Hell or highwater not withstanding, and plenty of water there was.
That said, we were supposed to do the New Year's thing at our future son's in-laws but we begged off and stayed home, made some tall drinks and watched a couple movies and enjoyed the quiet, just the two of us. So sweet.
All I can say is: I survived. WOW. Were this a private forum, I'd go into greater detail. I'm tired. My ears are ringing. I need a two week vacation from a three day family visit.
Hope this year is kind to us all. :)
First snow to shovel this season. Got to get it done before the torrential rain and then freeze.
Looks like Wed. may be bad too. Bummer, if it affects my monthly trip to the tavern.
Bummer Deep. It's hot here again. 80s during the day. Got the a/c cranked up. (I'm not bragging btw, I'm complaining lol.) Hubby had to cut his work in the garage short yesterday due to heat and mosquito attack.
Okay, Deep, you need to reign in that cold crap, it's wandered down south again...I think it got above freezing today, can't really tell.
Yeah, was in the 60's Sunday. Almost zero tonight.
The high here today is zero! I love this weather its great for walking. :) I get so bundled up I can walk by people without having to greet them with my award winning smile, its tough being so charming all the time.
Lol Free! When I hear people complain about the cold, I say "yeah well my friend from Wisconsin isn't complaining so it can't be that bad where you live." ;)
You going out bundled up must be the equivilant of me going out with sunglasses on: I can pretend I'm looking elsewhere and avoid the waves and smiles of my neighbors.
So this one neighbor had a Christmas party and the whole street was invited...except us. I'm not sure, but I think maybe we are the neighborhood assholes. I'm so proud! :D
That's alot of responsibility Kit, represent!
Okay, wasn't zero last night, was like 26 when I got up, but "they" say it will continue to drop through the day.
Who are "they" anyway?
3 inches of snow in Northern VA yesterday. Temps in the 20's today with winds 20+ and gusts over 40. Think I will stay inside.
Yes, schools are closing early around here, cold and wind chill main factors, some threat of snow but not like north of here. Going straight home from work and hibernating.