Xbox One Still Broke After Warranty "Repair"

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#1 Fri, 02/06/2015 - 23:14
Nightfall's picture
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Xbox One Still Broke After Warranty "Repair"

So I'm having issues with the bluray drive on my XB1.  I setup the warranty repair process online, drove an hour and a half to the closest applicable FedEx (I live in the mountains), and have been without my Xbox One for some time now.  I just got it back today along with a letter that basically says "We found nothing wrong with your Xbox One so we didn't make any repairs".  How could they have not noticed this:


So I just got done chatting with "Jake M." on the Xbox support website and have now started a second warranty process.  If it comes back again with the same letter...  I'll have no idea what to do, really, but I won't be very happy.


Sat, 02/07/2015 - 08:33
Wheels's picture
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Sorry to hear you are being bamboozled by mentally incompetent and non-existent auditory range people....Post the video on You Tube....With something like....Microsoft's Response..."NUTTINS' WONG"!!surprise

P.(arcell)S...This will be added to the "LONG LIST" of Microsoft's Arrogant Black-Eyed Gaffes..yesangry

Sun, 02/08/2015 - 11:09
MrGuster's picture
Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
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I have this issue as well and after looking at vaious site on the web, it is quite common, as is the response you received from MS. What I do is as the drive grabs the disc, I hold it for a few seconds before it goes in and this works once in a while. 

I haven't sent mine in as I doubt they wil find "anything wrong" with it. It's still usable but I am wwaiting for the drive to die (or get close to my warranty expiration at Best Buy) and then do a warranty swap at Best Buy since I bought it there with the extended warranty.

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