King of the Track March vs Juan Pablo

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Wed, 03/14/2012 - 15:11
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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BTW, the FB app is already innacurrate.  It says my time was 1:30.349 ranked 818 when the Xbox leaderboards says I did a 1:30.339 ranked 866(and falling).
In fact if you look up Juan's time on the app it says he ran a 1:32.165 when we know he really ran a 1:32.117.
So do you think JPM's done? IMO if T10's announced the time to beat the chances of Juan hopping back on to lower his time are greatly reduced.
Once they posted CJ's time that was it and he wasn't going to try and lower it.
With Rampage they insinuated he might try again but I think that was because he had set a dirty lap.  BTW, did he ever set a clean lap?
Wed, 03/14/2012 - 17:35 (Reply to #62)
M3Rocket's picture
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Shaggy_SoCal wrote:


BTW, the FB app is already innacurrate.  It says my time was 1:30.349 ranked 818 when the Xbox leaderboards says I did a 1:30.339 ranked 866(and falling).
In fact if you look up Juan's time on the app it says he ran a 1:32.165 when we know he really ran a 1:32.117.
So do you think JPM's done? IMO if T10's announced the time to beat the chances of Juan hopping back on to lower his time are greatly reduced.
Once they posted CJ's time that was it and he wasn't going to try and lower it.
With Rampage they insinuated he might try again but I think that was because he had set a dirty lap.  BTW, did he ever set a clean lap?

The tendency is that once they "advertise" the time to beat in that FB app, that's it. I'm sure T10 will get a lot of flack and create a lot of ill-will if the time got better--and especially at the last minute. I don't know why people think that the celebraties will keep trying for a whole month to improve their times. Besides, they don't really have anything to prove. And they probably already got paid handsomely for participating.

I think T10 was late in posting JPM's time because after what happened with the dirty lap in last month's KOTT, they probably relayed the info to JPM and requested he post a clean time to make it a little more challenging. Could be why JPM posted the current time in the 2nd lap. And that's why T10 delayed posting the time to beat and also the delay in getting the Rampage reward car out. Just speculating here...

For the rabib or hardcore Forza fans who want more of a challenge, there's the weekly Community Bounty Hunters. But you don't normally "win" Unicorns there except for the last one that involved a T10 employee.

Wed, 03/14/2012 - 15:21
MrStabby1981's picture
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man just need .800 and ive got him

Wed, 03/14/2012 - 19:33
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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More speculation...

Even though he dropped almost a half second between his dirty and clean laps I'm beginning to wonder if T10 gave Juan a "Target" lap time to achieve.
Post a time fast enough to provide a challenge without being so fast as to discourage people from trying to beat it.  The end result is more people playing Forza.

Thu, 03/15/2012 - 21:15
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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For those still trying to find speed skip to 3:16 for some sage advice from Sir Jackie Stewart.
Keep watching from there. Some good tips that hopefully should help you tame the Vette.


Wed, 03/14/2012 - 19:45
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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He ran a Mustang in the Regatta challenge....quite slow.....

Fri, 03/16/2012 - 16:42
Kabar's picture
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Bloody good move by T10 Novice to medium drivers don't stand a chance getting near this time and it will scare a lot of players of trying other challenges 1:34.499 that's your lot the fat lady sang and fuck you T10 for another impossible task !!!

Sat, 03/17/2012 - 00:40
FungulousRex's picture
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God damn ZR1 I can't seem to make the transition to the oval part of the track cleanly maintaining speed without hitting the wall and spinning out. I nail it about once every 3 laps and when I do get it I seem to lock up the brakes coming into turn one and miss the smooth transition into turn two. It's pissing me off cause I get ahead of JPM then I screw up some place and his lap is beatable, not some alien shit. Fuck.

thats my rant for today.

Sat, 03/17/2012 - 11:41
Troysloth's picture
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Don't be afraid of TCS.  It is your friend on the Corvette.  Still doesn't mean you can mash the throttle though.  Need a smooth application of power even with TCS, especially if you are turning.


For turns 1 and 2, do not follow the braking line if you have it on.  Go to the right of the line by aiming just left of the end of the barrier wall on the right, shift all the way down to 1st, barely touch your right tires on the grass in turn 1 and then roll smoothly through turn 2.  Avoid the curbs because it upsets the car.  Don't start applying much power until you are coming out of turn 2.  Getting those 2 corners right will make a lot of time.


For the final section coming onto the oval and front straight, shift before you think you need to because the car has a lot of torque.  Don't try to hold full throttle around the corners unless you have very good steering control.  Always keep some throttle on though because if you let off completely the car will get loose.  Just try to smoothly apply 3/4 to full throttle shifting early.  Should be in 5th before you make the final corner, then to 6th as you straighten out on the final straightaway.

Sat, 03/17/2012 - 12:12 (Reply to #70)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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solid advice

Sat, 03/17/2012 - 20:10
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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Video cap I made of Juan's lap.  Replay cam first followed by hood view with general telemetry so you can see his steering/accel/braking inputs.

I'm working on a similar video of my lap.  What's a good site that will allow me to run them side by side?

Sun, 03/18/2012 - 05:22 (Reply to #72)
NakedRescue's picture
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Thanks for that Shaggy! I didn't know you could view another driver's lap with all that info. blush


I'm just a 1.5 off JPM's time but I'm clearly overdriving the car looking for speed.

Tue, 03/20/2012 - 04:44 (Reply to #73)
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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NakedRescue wrote:

Thanks for that Shaggy! I didn't know you could view another driver's lap with all that info. blush


I'm just a 1.5 off JPM's time but I'm clearly overdriving the car looking for speed.

Watched your lap and raced against your ghost with the controller.

There's a couple of turns where I think you're trying to carry too much speed into the corner.

T4 is the first major right hand turn that you brake for after T1.  You seem to brake and turn in too late which caused you to miss the apex.
Try braking and turning in a touch earlier.  You're giving up a little more speed on entry but the payoff is you'll hit the apex and be able to get back on the power sooner and give you more speed heading to the T6 hairpin.

T8 off the back straight.  You turned in too early and put yourself out of position for T9.
Stay all the way to the right and get your braking done before turning in.  The ideal apex is a touch later than you hit it on your lap.  If you get T8 right you should be pointed right to the apex of T9 which should also set up nicely for T10.
I find that when I get T8 perfect, I can almost coast the car through T9 and T10 with very little if any throttle or braking.

T12, the turn leading onto the oval.  There are three markers on your left that you'll pass as you mae the run to T12.  You'll want to start your turn in between the second and third marker but not later than the thrid marker.  Aim for the white line at the bottom of the race track as it transitions from the infield to the oval.  Hit it right and you should be able to get up on the oval at or near full power with minimal wheel spin. Juan got this right on his lap.

I was able to get down to a 1:32.6xx but my left thumb isn't trained for subtle steering adjustments. Too much Call of Duty.  I think you've got a better steering thumb than I.

Hope this helps.


Tue, 03/20/2012 - 14:37 (Reply to #74)
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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Don Ente posted some good tips on

A couple tips for anyone still having trouble beating JPM's time...
This is a very high-powered car, on a track with lots of straights. It's not a "momentum" track, where you string smooth, fast turns together.
The key to a quick lap is getting up to a high speed on the straights.
The key to speed on the straights is the EXIT from the preceding turn.
If you're having trouble getting on the throttle coming out of turns - back end slides around or you have to wait to avoid understeer pushing you off the track - try slowing down a bit more before you enter the turn, and wait until you are *fully* past the apex before getting back on the throttle. It takes patience.
Unless you've mapped it to a button, the throttle is not an ON/OFF switch. For several spots with this car/track combination, you will get better results if you can hold the throttle at less than 100%. Even if you're using TCS, *smooth* throttle input is important. For the sections where a turn is followed by just a short straight before the next turn, you may find the car remains much more stable if you just feather the throttle instead of the usual "hard-brake / full-throttle / hard-brake" sequence.
For the final couple turns, feathering the throttle is really needed. At the section putting you back up onto the bank, get to 4th gear *before* you get to the cones. Try to hold about 80% throttle until the car is settled up on the bank, and you see that you can drive straight. At that point, squeeze to full-throttle. Shift up to 5th gear *before* the turn-in for the final turn. Again, try to hold the throttle at 80% - 90% until you are at the apex, or even just past it. Then quickly - but smoothly - go full throttle exiting the turn onto the final straight.
Einstein said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results. It's *very* difficult to self-correct, because you may not even be aware of what you're doing wrong.
If you're chasing JPM's ghost (or someone else), and you're going around and around without seeing any improvement, you're insane 
Try setting *yourself* as your rival, so you can chase your own ghost. You should be able to stay with it, at least to the first turn. Try taking slightly different lines, brake a little more before the turn, go easier on the throttle coming out of the turn, take a later (or sometimes earlier) apex. All of the sudden, you'll probably see yourself shoot past and pull away from your ghost coming out of a turn.
Taking that approach lets you see where you can improve, and lets you *really* know if a change had any effect.
- Don Ente
To that, I'd also add...
Look ahead.
When you're reaching your turn in point your eyes should be looking for the turn's apex.  As you reach the apex your eyes should be looking for the exit.  As you exit, you should be looking for the next turn in point, etc...
I find that while the suggested line helps guide you around the track it also can bring your focus down to what's 10 feet in front of the car when you should be looking 50 feet or more ahead of the car.
As one of my instructors, Scott Acthison, at the Fast Lane Racing school drilled into my brain, "If you're not looking, you're guessing."
Sun, 03/18/2012 - 14:00
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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Here's a similar video of my lap.

Juan and I are pretty even but I got through T1 & T2 a lot quicker than he did.

He also missed the turn in coming off the backstretch.

In watching my lap I'm apexing just a touch early on the turns onto and off of the back straight.

We're alos using different setups.  He's using the controller, I'm using an MS wheel.  Big differences on the controller inputs.


Hopefully in watching what Juan and I do right and wrong, you'll be able to improve your lap time and get yourself a Lambo.

Tue, 03/20/2012 - 15:08
demonhellcat's picture
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I even watched the top time (DaveySkillz at the time) and honestly just watching the replay it LOOKS like he's going slow.  The only place it's obvious that he's driving like a mad man is entering the oval section where he's hauling ass and doesn't appear to be even considering lifting.  I wasn't that brave, but I did manage a 1.31.3 which should hold up.  I did cheat and use TCS.

Wed, 03/21/2012 - 18:18 (Reply to #77)
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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demonhellcat wrote:

I did cheat and use TCS.

If TCS helps you tame the Vette and beat JPM for a Lambo then more power to you. If it ain't against the rules than it ain't cheatin'.

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