[FM4] PROAM Superlights - Thursdays 9:00pm-11:00om EST
Mon, 03/26/2012 - 09:11
[FM4] PROAM Superlights - Thursdays 9:00pm-11:00om EST
Get ready for Aprils PROAM Car, the 2010 Mazda MX-5 Superlight. A fun open cockpit car. This month we are going to slow down just a bit going to c class. Should be some good side by side racing. If your in the Ultra Fast range (Trackassassin....) I've built a special car that will hopefully bring a better race for you. So you may want to pick up both cars just in case
Alright get the builds and start painting and I'll see you on the track.
Builds are on my storefront, MyForzaGarage or let me know and I'll send it to you
Sign ups are getting a bit slim lately, whitch I understand some have trouble signing up over on MyForzaGarage. BUT. We need to get started on time. Race starts at 10:30pm EST. If you don't sign up it makes it hard to determin how many rooms we need. SO, If you sign up your spot is secure, we will make sure we have enough rooms for you. If you don't sign up but come before 10:00pm EST (preferably 9:00pm EST) your in. At 10:00pm EST we will split the practice room if we need. No spots are guaranted after 10:00pm EST, if you've signed up and will come after 10:00pm EST you need to let us know or your spot will not be saved, we will let anyone in till rooms are full. Sorry if it seems harsh but we need to start on time.
Handicap Car:
April 5 - Maple Valley Raceway Short Circuit Reverse - Laps 38 (competiton caution lap 21)
April 12 - Sebring International Raceway Short - Laps 20
April 19 - Hockenheimring Short Circuit - Laps 23
April 26 - Sedona Club Circuit Reverse - Laps 21
Wednesdays - 9:00pm EST Practice
Thursdays - 9:00pm-10:00pm EST Practice
- 10:00-11:00pm EST Race
Sign up for races at [url=http://myforzagarage.com/2o4f/viewEvent.php]MyForzaGarage[/url]
Sebring Short Reverse Sign Ups
1 x2O4FxPROAM (Host)
2 Oldrustybelly55 (Host)
3 emceechild (Co-Host)
4 x2O4FxSurf
5 motoGP74
6 Dai Bongo
7 El Kochino
9 Tagano73
10 imjimeez44
11 Ringmastre
13 Anubis
14 SoapyNuts
15 SkiwiNV
16 Snappy Dee
17 Randy H (Maybe)
18 unsub073 (Maybe)
19 DBrown01
20 oldschool (Maybe)
Room Assignments Sebring Short
20 Laps
5 caution Laps
Manditory caution Lap 13
We may run 1 room depends on how many show up.
Remember we sort rooms at 10:00pm EST so even if you signed up you need to let me know if your going to be late or we may only run 1 room.
9:00pm EST Practice room opens
10:00pm ESt Rooms sorted and handicaps determind
10:30pm EST Race starts
Room 1
1. X2O4FxPROAM (Host)
2. Trackaassassin
3. imjimeez44
4. emceechild
6. soapynuts
7. DBrown01
8. anubis
9. snappy dee
10. x2O4FxSurf (maybe)
Room 2
1. oldrustybelly55
2. El Kochino
3. skiwiNV
4. Ringmastre
5. motoGP74
6. Tagano73
7. Dai Bongo
8. SLIM V3n0m
9. unsub012 (maybe)
10. oldschool (maybe)
11. Randy H (maybe)
Yes nothings been changed.
only the names are changed to protect the slow
My entry for the Superlight series...
[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/51394620@N04/7036211749/]MX5light[/url] by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/51394620@N04/]generalchiang[/url], on Flickr
I love that paint Carver, and I'll tell you why. I hate that body style, and that paint totally ignores it and looks good doing it.
Nice, Carver good to see ya again
So is it just me or is the handi-capped car bone stock?
If it's not, I wouldn't mind it gifted to me... because I'm not so gifted. ;-)
The Handicap car has the same adjustments as the regular car just that its heavier. It was built for Trackassassin. So if your not in his ultra league you may want the regular car. Soon as I get on today I'll gift it to you.
Seed time is still mandatory?
I will be missing the race this Thursday. Going to see Shinedown at House of Blues. I will catch you guys next week.
Even if your gonna miss the race catch us tomorrow for practice if you want.
Thanks oldschool :)
please include me in the Thursday night racing
here is my entry
I clicked the sign up link, logged in, and I saw 4 people signed up, and I don't think I could add my name. At least I haven't successfully yet.
BTW, two people had #47 listed?
I clicked the sign up link, logged in, and I saw 4 people signed up, and I don't think I could add my name. At least I haven't successfully yet.
BTW, two people had #47 listed?
If you are logged in then go here http://myforzagarage.com/2o4f/viewEvent.ph, then click on the + to add yourself to the event.
Not sure why I have a 47, maybe psybertech could answer this
If you are logged in then go here http://myforzagarage.com/2o4f/viewEvent.ph, then click on the + to add yourself to the event.
Not sure why I have a 47, maybe psybertech could answer this
LOL, that worked, and now I am #47 as well! Guess that means we're teamates? haha!
I'm in tho will miss tomorrow's practice as I'm going to the movies. :-) but also :-(
holler if you see me online to throw these around.
Count me in
Have a running list of who's signed up on 2nd post
Can I get tune sent? Will be running tight tonight, have another opportunity to add to my retirement fund...
Apologies for the last minute entrance, walked in the door from "honeydews: and bought a car, begged a tune ( Thank you Anubis!) and painted a car while the tune was sent.
BUT, I ran a damn good race while the paint was drying! I surprised me, and maybe Ringmaster, except the last two laps, sigh.....
Thank you everyone for putting up with me, I had a lot of fun trying to hang on to it. Great tune BTW.
Would it help to have a couple of "Arrive and Drive" cars in the club garages?
Oldschool I wouldn't have caught you. I was pulling up on you from the hairpin through the "esses" but you had a lot more speed from the kink and sweeper up to the front straight. I kept trying to copy your line but couldn't get it right. I kinda felt bad seeing the tail slide out at the kink and thought about slowing down. Then here comes Kochina and and I got over it. Great race and am looking forward to next week. I wasn't in love with the scions so I sat out, but the Miatas are quite fun.
I was running two different lines, sometimes I'd downshift, others not, makes it harder for someone to analyze your line when they watch you for 30 laps...
Those last two laps were a 
2O4F Event Calendar has the event set for Fridays ?! Has it changed or is it a typo ?
[FM4] - PROAM - Superlights Race 2 Sebring Short
If you click on EVENTS you'll see the dates are correct. Have no idea why the are showing up on friday on the google calander.