Guild Wars 2 Preorder

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#1 Tue, 04/10/2012 - 14:23
MrGuster's picture
Last seen: 7 years 8 months ago
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Guild Wars 2 Preorder

I have no interest in this game but had an experience with it and it isn't even out.


Poor girl at the local EB (the one I try to deal with all the time) was phoning people who had it preordered to inform them that the price of the collectors edition has doubled and the developer/publisher wants full payment up front (note below).  From this you can imagine the reaction of some people.  She was almost in tears.  A co-worker of hers happened by and took over the phone calling.


As for the full payment option, I asked if she was serious saying it was the developer/publisher or the head office.  She said she was and showed me the email she printed off to show customers when they came in. She managed to talk to about a dozen people by the time I came through and only 1 was keeping the preorder.

I hope this doesn't become common practice.  Only game preordered at the moment for me is Skylanders Giants.

Tue, 04/10/2012 - 14:48
badmin's picture
Last seen: 8 months 1 week ago
Joined: 02/24/2005 - 23:00
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I generally think collectors editions are a waste of money, but I will say I can't wait for this game.  I got the regular preorder (same price as listed) and love that they are giving a head start and beta invites with the order.  

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